Android change hotspot name programmatically. kt file and add the below code to it.
Android change hotspot name programmatically 2 and more they are a change to do. St Jul 4, 2018 · Basically, I have the following navigation graph: I want to change my starting point in navigation graph to fragment 2 right after reaching it (in order to prevent going back to fragment 1 when pr Nov 6, 2015 · As mentioned in the bug 190226, Since version 23. Is there any solution to this? Aug 28, 2018 · Yes, you can set the screen orientation programatically anytime you want using:. 0, it was a quite dated entry. String connectWifi(String ssid, String password){ WifiConfiguration wifiConfig = new Jun 14, 2019 · I need help in changing text color programmatically in Android by 1-sec interval. I want to turn on wifi hotspot progmmatically. Is there any way that the user can choose the application name and launcher icon of my app and set it programmatically? I want to give the permission to user so that he can rename my application and also change the launcher icon of the app. But, the hotspot will have no internet in my case. Nov 30, 2015 · Let's say, on my API call I have a parameter that's called color. xml file , and using it in my activity as R. net. However, since Android 8. 1. this. query(Uri. setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo. Your app does not have to be a system app. 0 (Oreo) Mar 29, 2012 · The hotspot is started using this code: How to programmatically create and read WEP/EAP WiFi configurations in Android? The idea is to ask a user for a login before actually sharing the data connection. For a project of mine I need to be able to set a password and SSID to this hotspot. Please let know sequence of APIs to connect successfully to different Wifi AP with internet capability. Here is my MainActivity. I have this code -> FloatingActionButton fab = (FloatingActionButton) findViewById(R. setImageResource(R. I am trying to connect 2 devices through sockets, so that they can exchange data. onStarted(LocalOnlyHotspotReservation) is called when the hotspot is ready for use. I guess I'm not understanding what your wanting because "I need to be able to set it after the activity has been rendered" means to me after you call setContent(R. com. The Wi-Fi hotspot is the name that appears on other devices looking to connect to a hotspot network. 4 days ago · On Android 11 (SDK level 30) and higher, apps can use the android. I am writing a code to connect to another android device hotspot. reflect. There's another question about the IP addresses assigned to the devices connected to the Android hotspot: How can I permanently assign a static IP address to Wi-Fi or USB tether clients?. If you want to turn on Bluetooth in order to create a wireless connection, you should use the ACTION_REQUEST_ENABLE Intent, which will raise a dialog that requests user permission to turn on Bluetooth. public class WifiAccessManager { private static final String SSID = "mHotspot"; public static boolean Jul 13, 2010 · Changing the style after creating the view is not supported . – Why does this code not work in Android 5. WRITE_SETTINGS" /> in the manifest. navigation_header_text) no longer works. The keyboard provides that option, so it s Jul 25, 2013 · Am working on a application which need to show the hotspot details including the number of device connected to the hotspot I tried this but not worked , private int countNumMac() { int Jun 26, 2015 · I need to change my phone device name not the bluetooth name. As an example: Jan 12, 2022 · Which can turn off or turn on mobile hotspot programmatically, without going into the settings. 3 which is connected with hotspot. Thanks in advance. I use the following code: public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity { @Override public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { Dec 28, 2014 · You need few things to make this code to work. x for those setting per SSID. To programmatically turn on or off the WiFi Hotspot in Android, you typically need to use the WifiManager and manage the hotspot configurations. I want to know how to change text color of selected button? Here is my code. 2. SCREEN_ORIENTATION_PORTRAIT); Mar 25, 2013 · How to turn off wifi hotspot programmatically in Android 8. With these steps, you should now be able to programmatically enable the mobile hotspot on Android devices. My code is I am trying to turn on the portable Wifi hotspot ON, by referring this link: how to set advanced settings of android wifihotspot This is working well on Samsung Galaxy S3 Android v4. If I type 'adb devices' at command prompot then I can see below msg, D:\\>adb devices List of Sep 19, 2017 · We've been using the WifiManager hidden API to enable Wifi tethering and create an access point. But I need what the user could not do, tk. Jun 22, 2018 · How to enable mobile hotspot programmatically in marshmallow and above android version? 22 How to turn on/off wifi hotspot programmatically in Android 8. However, I still need to programmatically make a Wi-Fi hotspot with an SSID and a password. java file. How to change our hotspot device IP programmatically ?? 2. getDeclaredMethod("getWifiApState"); method. The only chance to set the angle and color is in the constructor. First activity: public void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super. setLayoutParams(params); // request the view to use the new modified params Aug 31, 2017 · But the above method is not working Android 8. TYPE_CLASS_PHONE); weightInput. I am using Services. Carriers. Sep 24, 2021 · For sure when WiFi hotspot is turned on, there is network connectivity change and the device where the hotspot is located can start over the hotspot WiFi network communicate with other parties. BLUETOOTH android. content. I have searched a lot but no any implicit intent found for go that screen. setChecked(true); without triggering OnCheckedChangedlistener. You can change it to any alpha numeric name you like. Just doing this: progressBar = new ProgressBar(this, null, android. (setting it as title i. 0? What methods I should call to turn it On/Off in Android 5. May 4, 2018 · Hello Given link question is just showing how to turn on/off wifi hotspot but i want to add create wifi hotspot with SSID and password. java: package io. setBackgroundDrawable(); but i am a newbie to android, don't understand how to do this. But it does not work if you want to change certain settings such as USB Debugging. Mar 29, 2017 · Nandeesh's solution works well. Note: I able to change the SSID and Password by programmatically. Dec 19, 2012 · Yes, it turns on hotspot alright. The API also works as-is to modify existing saved configurations. log(app Dec 4, 2013 · For example, I have 4dp resource with name small_margin, when I call getDimension(R. But the problem is they return the value in integer converted from 8Bit shifted binary. 0 Jul 21, 2012 · I'm reasonably sure that you cannot change the WiFi hotspot channel without firmware modification in standard Android Gingerbread. Manifest. LayoutParams; This method get a specific parameter from the ConstraintLayout and modify it. However, if your phone is rooted, you can try using third-party apps for tethering which have the option to change the IP address range. imageView. WifiManager. the application works in kiosk mode and it only needs to access the API and switch the state of the hotspot. I found many information from google, but nothing helpful. 1 and above use this: Cursor c = getContentResolver(). setAccessible(true); return (Boolean) method. AuthAlgorithm. . @Override protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) { super. The Wi-Fi hotspot IP is hardcoded in android. your_guideline); ConstraintLayout. setAccessible(true); int actualState = (Integer) method. But the same code wont turn on the hotspot in an android 12 device. It's set on boot, e. WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS" /> you can programatically enable the keyboard and set it as the current keyboard by making it the default keyboard WITHOUT USER KNOWLEDGE OR INTERVENTION! Sep 26, 2015 · There is a plain and simple reason why programmatically creating Android themes will never be possible. WRITE_SETTINGS" /> This should be changable in the project settings. I have implemented the part showing the scan results. I need to turn off the WiFi a while after pressing the "Turn off the Screen" button. It gets connected. Mar 13, 2012 · I have declared a string in my strings. On the clients, you can do a simple check and see if the hotspot name is around and automatically connect to it if you Apr 4, 2014 · If you want to read the APN for Android 4. 0 (API level 26), managing the hotspot programmatically has become restricted for security reasons, and you generally cannot change hotspot settings without user intervention. So many way to achieve this task some are below:-1. Even worse, on one model I have verified that if both WiFi and hotspot are enabled, they are respectively "wlan0" and "wlan1" but, if I turn off WiFi, the hotspot interface becomes "wlan0"! This is the code I use: Jul 1, 2019 · <uses-permission android:name="android. getClass(). Is it possible to edit or modify an existent R. Sep 29, 2011 · I have a problem that I couldn't find my wifi hotspot ssid in my Android system. getLayoutParams(); params. Now the connected device, switches back to another wifi network with internet. Good news, for API>=26, you don't need to use reflection. Feb 22, 2023 · However this name might change on other mobiles (for instance becoming "ap0" or "ap1"). getDeclaredMethod("isWifiApEnabled"); method. I have tried the solution provided by an May 28, 2017 · Update: At the time of answering this question (mid 2012, API level 14-15), setting the view programmatically was not an option (even though there were some non-trivial workarounds) whereas this has been made possible after the more recent API releases. CHANGE_WIFI_STATE"/> Using this didn't change anything in behavior. To enable the mobile hotspot feature programmatically in Android, you will need to use the WifiManager class and request the necessary permissions. net package. Under the "Debugging" section in the Developer Options you will see an option called "Device hostname" which should currently be set to this rather cryptic name. Code for the first activity (the caller): Dec 26, 2014 · WifiConfiguration myConfig = new WifiConfiguration(); myConfig. Oct 19, 2016 · To change the bluetooth name properly you need to take care of following things: 1) You need following permissions: android. invoke(wifimanager); // if WiFi is on, turn it off. setKeyListener(DigitsKeyListener. – Aug 4, 2011 · For instance, I have a setting in my preferences that can convert between metric and standard units of measurement and when the user changes this I would like to update a few strings to change some labels around within my app. so what you can do is: create a new android xml file of type values; add new theme Hostname is used to easily identify and remember hosts connected to a network. modify anything else you want :) myView. layout. horizontalBias = 0. 0 and above; it is not able to find the devices with version 2. adb shell input keyevent 20. This question is about the hotspot IP address of the Android device. My code works fine if the wi-fi is already turned on. TetherSettings. May 2, 2018 · In my application the user selects a language and I want to show the selected language when the keyboard opens (if it is present in the keyboard options). I have done this in my app. LayoutParams) myView. hey, the docs say that Bluetooth should never be enabled without direct user consent. First add below permissions to your manifest. myactivity" android:label="@string/Title Text" /> I want to change app name in the notification bar but I cannot find it simple solution. findViewById(R. It returns always WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLED = 1. The server app can show you the ip address or hostname. activity_main); startActivity(new Intent(MainActivity. LayoutParams) guideLine. 2) Check the bluetooth state from adapter as you can only change the name of bluetooth is turned on. startActivityForResult(new Intent(Settings. if you need further control that option is in setting panel that can be found in the app drawer then head to network and connections and there should be an option for the hotspot there. class)); } Oct 26, 2020 · With Android 10, I'm using the following method to connect to my Wifi Access Point : @RequiresApi(api = Build. WifiConfiguration which is gotten from android. compose_title. 2f; // here is one modification for example. connectivity. SCREEN_ORIENTATION_LANDSCAPE); setRequestedOrientation(ActivityInfo. Any help will be highly appreciated. You can just use the public exposed API by android i. Dec 18, 2024 · Develop apps with hotspot APIs. They say have to change app name. color to assign the color from the API result?. This repository contains a I am creating button dynamically in linearlayout horizontalscrollview and on click i get selected button position. Then you request it using: Oct 14, 2010 · Using the Connectivity Manager Class we can get access to either wifi or Internet Network: ConnectivityManager connec = (ConnectivityManager)getSystemService(Context. WifiManager wifiManager = (WiFiManager) getSystemService(Context. WifiStateMachine. g. So far I have: weightInput. ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" /> Note : since Android 8. *; Method method = wifimanager. LocalOnlyHotspotCallback. 0(Oreo). allowedKeyManagement. adb shell input keyevent 66. The color should be Blue White Red Yellow Green Jun 8, 2012 · I have a progressBar using the ProgressBar class. When I execute above method in Android 8. Nov 28, 2017 · i've used a method to create a hotspot and it's working but i need to set a specific number of maximum connections that will be in this hotspot thanks in advance My current code : private boolean Call setOptionsTitle at any point after your activity has been rendered. My goal is to change view's constraints in code, but I cant figure out how to do this right. The Pixel Hotspot randomizes the gateway it broadcasts causing the subnet to change. server. 3 wifi hotspot API But it doesn't work! It returns always WIFI_AP_STATE_DISABLED = 1. If you want to customize this name, follow these steps. I need to change the one which we get by doing this, android. Some example codes. android. I written code for creating wifihotspot(in both NONE and WPA2 Sorry for my english. MODEL; Current Output: H30-U10 I have come across this thread (Android: How to Enable/Disable Wifi or Internet Connection Programmatically) which is very similar to what I wanted to ask. First, we will add all the WifiConfiguration Mar 10, 2019 · I want to open below or if this is not possible then below settings . To support tethering through a hotspot or a local-only hotspot, the app must perform the following functions: So i can change hotspot password Name. 0. Jan 25, 2018 · First, we need to instantiate a new WifiManager object and a new WifiConfiguration object like below: Then we create the method which activates and deactivates the hotspot: Method method; try { A minimalistic Android library (and demo app) which provides access to the private android hotspot API. Here's an example. Comments are added in the code to get to know it in detail. java ///// >>> Wifi Connection (WP2) <<< ///// Nov 3, 2013 · If you don't see Configure button (not visible on my S4 5. With this you can check the current status of the hotspot, enable/disable it, get/set the current AP configuration and also get the list of currently connected clients. getNavigationIcon(); drawable. A workaround is to inflate the headerview programatically and find view by ID from the inflated header view. Settings. Yes. progressBarStyleHorizontal); I need to change the color of that one, May 28, 2017 · To do this in code, you create a GradientDrawable. SSID = ssid; // SSID name of netwok myConfig. Email. my_image); Details. provider. A normal definition of a activity looks like this: <activity android:name=". public void giveClue(View view) { Drawable Aug 22, 2017 · I've tried to create wifi tethering Hotspot in Android Marshmallow using following code. 0, I am getting below statement in logcat. google. kt file. Oct 15, 2015 · How to change FAB icon in an Activity during runtime. lang. Note that the setWifiApEnabled is not supported anymore in Android O. os. I was able to achieve that the settings would open where the user can toggle the state of the hotspot. ui. I have found a class called DhcpInfo within the android. My first thought was to swap Stack Overflow for Teams Where developers & technologists share private knowledge with coworkers; Advertising & Talent Reach devs & technologists worldwide about your product, service or employer brand Aug 28, 2017 · Here is what I did (no need for ConstraintSet, we can work directly on the constraints themselves):. CONNECTIVITY_SERVICE); // ARE WE Feb 10, 2014 · I am connecting different devices with wifi hotspot AP programatically in my android app, How can i detect the clients being connected and disconnected and to the wifi hotspot AP i turned on programmatically ? Is there any callback event in Android API to give information regarding the connection or disconnection events of individual devices ? Jun 18, 2023 · In this blog, we will see how we can enable a hotspot programmatically and convert it to QR code. Sep 21, 2012 · I'd like to change the device ID string which can be seen when I type 'adb devices' at command prompt. 1. fabMainActivity); I know this is possible using fab. preSharedKey = password; // password for network myConfig. Jan 5, 2024 · Do you have any idea how can we configure and turn on the wi-fi hotspot using the command line (ADB console)? You could try this: adb shell am start -n com. First, you need to declare the necessary permissions in your AndroidManifest. WRITE_SECURE_SETTINGS"/> But, it doesn't work with non system apps. allowedAuthAlgorithms. Within a second or two of the icons/activity-aliases being switched, the app is killed and removed from the backstack. id), you might need to change what the options menu displays (which you can do with setOptionsTitle() - from any method, anywhere, anytime). Jan 11, 2012 · I want to design an app which shows a list of Wi-Fi networks available and connect to whichever network is selected by the user. *; import java. 4. OPEN Dec 18, 2014 · I wanted to change timezone in android programmatically like to set timezone as "America/Los_Angeles". Sep 13, 2012 · Code: Java Method method = wifiManager. 1 couldn't enable wifi hotspot programmatically 2 How to start wifi hotspot with custom (ssid and password )configuration using ConnectivityManager? Have you specified permissions to write settings and change connection? <uses-permission android:name="android. May 11, 2017 · The below method will work but, this is detecting the version 4. Always ensure you have the user’s permission before modifying network settings. xml: Feb 15, 2024 · Is there a way to change the gateway address of the AP hot-spot feature of Android from 192. Is there any better way to connect to hotspot other than my way? My code is below: Aug 20, 2010 · Is there a way to enable or disable tethering (USB or wifi) on an android phone programmatically? Perhaps an API in android SDK or NDK or any even non-UI command to do that. this, SecondActivity. You just need: <uses-permission android:name="android. myBluetoothAdapter. If Connectivitymanager does not have anything to do with WiFI hotspot related connectivity changes, there is a big problem with official Enables the Hotspot of android device. ACTION_WIFI_ADD_NETWORKS intent to guide the user through adding one or more new saved networks or Passpoint configurations. Feb 14, 2024 · In this article, we discussed how to turn on/off the mobile hotspot programmatically on an Android device using higher level programming. Please help me to solve it. dummy attempted call to setWifiApEnabled: enabled = true Is there any other way to on/off hotspot on android 8. attr. The problem now with API 26 on Android is that the tag @RequiresPermission(android. activity_main); //other stuff here Apr 4, 2023 · Following the answer to this question I could turn on the hotspot on an android 8 device. CHANGE_WIFI_STATE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android. How can this be possible by using id's. setLayoutParams Sep 2, 2024 · Now, navigate to Settings > About phone to check if the device name is changed. from /etc/hostname on Linux based systems. Device 1 is the hotspot (where the ServerSocket is implemented), Device 2 is the one who connects to it (where the Socket is implemented). Let's say the device is Nexus 5, its density is xxhdpi, scaling factor of xxhdpi is 3, so the method will return 4dp * 3. *; import android. It doesn't depend on real state of WiFi tethering. Thanks Sep 3, 2014 · I'm looking for a method of programmatically changing the state of an Android Switch widget using switch. Is there any way to configure Wifi Hotspot on android through coding ?? Jul 23, 2017 · I need help with ConstraintSet. Warning This method will not work beyond 5. Once you have the hotspot set up, you start up the server app and wait for incoming connections. With the help of WifiManager will create the hotspot. Open Settings on your Android phone. How can I do this. And I find this lib. (no issues Apr 23, 2019 · <uses-permission android:name="android. LayoutParams params = (ConstraintLayout. startTethering(); the USB tethering IP is hardcoded in com. Q) public static void connectToWifiAccessPoint(String AP_SSID, String Therefore, consider providing a UI prompt and getting the user to enable the hotspot manually if needed. String text_view_str = "<b>Bolded text</b>, <i>italic text</i>, even <u>underlined</u>!"; TextView tv = (TextView Aug 7, 2014 · I need to find a way to get the SSID of the network that my Android device is shared (My device is being a portable wifi hotspot). An example of above code: app. However, it is POSSIBLE to do this if you have root access. What I did is that I checked the android documentation (WiFi-related classes), googled for few hours, etc. Jul 19, 2012 · In particular cases I need to remove dialog theme from my activity but it doesn't seem to be working. Mar 26, 2024 · In Android, you can control the Wi-Fi connectivity programmatically using the WifiManager class. Drawable drawable = toolbar. <uses-permission android:name="android. enable("hello"); app. colors. WRITE_SETTINGS" tools:ignore="ProtectedPermissions"/> Write Settings is a Protected settings so request user to allow Writing System settings: Aug 9, 2010 · You can define the label for each activity in your manifest file. WPA2_PSK which is not exposed by android KeyMgmt class myConfig. ACTION_SETTINGS), 0); Jul 31, 2019 · You're using reflection method getWifiApiConfiguration which doesn't works for API>=26. Jan 11, 2013 · Ok so I found one possible solution, which is to pass the theme information between the activities using intents and the putExtra method. onCreate(savedInstanceState); setContentView(R. That is, when an app is starting, Android creates a dummy window that shows the app's android:windowBackground . as others have mentioned, none of the methods here seem to be working with my kindle (android 5. id. Build. 45f; // 45% // range: 0 <-> 1 guideLine. Not the SSID of the network I connected to. setDefault(localeNew); Resources res = c. ConstraintLayout. Due to that you will not be able to set a static IP. How to change android application name and icon at runtime? 3. 3. This is how it's done in older versions of Android. Dec 11, 2016 · There is two ways to do it: Using ConstraintLayout. CONTENT_URI, "current"), null, null, null, null); Oct 20, 2010 · android:label in AndroidManifest. 4 and lower, you can change the hostname to a less cryptic name in the Developer Options under Settings. while the new devices that have a Device name used for all connectivity as same common name it did not work although it returns true but nothing changed. Mar 5, 2020 · The program needs to switch on a hotspot with custom SSID and password, but I can't find any API to do so on Marshmallow. string. However, I can't find a way to do this. *; public class ApManager { //check whether wifi hotspot on or off public static boolean isApOn(Context context) { WifiManager wifimanager = (WifiManager) context. Jan 28, 2023 · Step 4: Working with MainActivity. dummy W/WifiManager: com. getColor(appCompatActivity Aug 9, 2010 · If you use an AbsoluteLayout (I know that it is deprecated, but it was the only way to solve my problem) you can give the childViews the tag android:layout_x and android:layout_y to set their abso Oct 2, 2021 · android config and make hotspot programmatically how to run android hotspot programmatically time out einstellungen mobile hotspot programmaticaly android pie change hotspot name programmatically change android share wifi hotspot programmatically programmatically turn on mobile hotspot android android create wifi hotspot programmatically java Mar 26, 2012 · I am trying to turn add a wifi network programmatically and to connect to that network. Hostname is also a part of DHCPREQUEST (standardized as code 12 by IETF) which a DHCP client (Android device in our case) makes to DHCP server (WiFi router) to get an IP address assigned. import android. 43. 0? WifiConfiguration wificonfiguration = new WifiConfiguration(); wificonfiguration. 6) and I have not found any advanced menu accessible from the menu button and I've tried hitting the menu button to no avail in every WiFi tethering page. Since several locales are quite similar I'd like to give the user the option to change locale in my application, for instance an Italian person might prefer Sp Oct 22, 2015 · You can change the title of Navigation Menu Item programmatically by adding following lines in MainActivity. 1), try pressing device Menu button while you are at the Mobile Hotspot settings page (which shows your hotspot name and password) Share Improve this answer Apr 29, 2021 · For my use-case I only had to disable hotspot programmatically. An example of above code: console. addtonetwork() Short answer. setName("new name"); Mar 23, 2017 · My app supports 3 (soon 4) languages. You have to use the following permission. If you want to change the color or angle, just create a new GradientDrawable and set it as the background Jun 11, 2019 · @AndrewT. 0 getting header layout view with: navigationView. thanks If your app has system privileges, and has the permission <uses-permission android:name="android. disable(); app. getting wifi name Jun 17, 2013 · I am using android 4. Sep 30, 2011 · Yes, Its possible, In this question everyone mentioned like. Jan 30, 2012 · I've seen an article: Android 2. WIFI_SERVICE); Apr 5, 2015 · 100% Works. The variety of answers can cause a little confusion. 2 or 2. Change Wi-Fi Hotspot Name. Therefore, I checked out the source code and found out that the configuration of each SSID is stored in android. Now in some case I want to edit the Feb 3, 2014 · This method works for me but this is detecting only version 4. Guideline guideLine = (Guideline) findViewById(R. I have successfully created the Wifi hotspot in android but I cannot configure it for the purpose. through java code in android. ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" /> <uses-permission android:name="android. I need to set ImageView constraints to one of the TextViews. set(4); // 4 is for KeyMgmt. Please check my code below. withAppendedPath(Telephony. e. setColorFilter(ContextCompat. SSID = &quo Dec 2, 2021 · Programmatically you can change color like below. getSystemService Jul 19, 2018 · I want to create a hidden WiFi hotspot programmatically with an android device,but I can't find an answer with [developer. startLocalOnlyHotspot Aug 18, 2014 · I want to change device locale (not just the application locale) from my app, like the user can do in Settings -> Language & Keyboard -> Language. small_margin) it will return the product of 4dp and density of device (4dp * density). Here is a good answer on similar question!!! How to detect if a network is (configured as) a mobile hotspot on Android? Apr 20, 2015 · Of course it concern programming - I need to code the solution, so when the main app starts and recognizes it's connected to wifi of specific name, it tells the android to mark the wifi as mobile hotspot. wifi. 168. Change application name and icon programmatically in Android? 2. BLUETOOTH_ADMIN. 1 I am making an application that allows the user to make his own network using Wifi Hotspot and then the clients can connect to it and share data. Use the class below to change/check the Wifi hotspot setting:. (According to this question, you can't start hotspot programatically). xml is using reference to @string/app_name for user readable application name (app name in applications list or name under icon on main screen if you add shoutcut) For changing Activity title you should use setTitle() of Activity class. set(WifiConfiguration. Also Can I open popup in which user can write Network name and security details ? If yes, so how ? Oct 17, 2019 · We can use following method to connect wifi with provided password. From Android turn On/Off WiFi HotSpot programmatically, here is my code to toggle the Portable Hotspot: import java. When multiple applications have successfully registered concurrently, they share the underlying hotspot. Conclusion. 0 (Oreo) 8. isEnabled() Returns true if Hotspot is enable otherwise false. permission. Can someone please explain how to do it? I'v Apr 23, 2012 · I realise that there is no API on 3. WRITE_SETTINGS" /> Aug 19, 2013 · Add Write setting permission in Android Manifest <uses-permission android:name="android. settings/. 3 without recompiling anything? Aug 24, 2016 · I tried to change mobile hotsport broadcast channel in android by programmatically by using following code but it not changing any value/channel. Sep 4, 2011 · I am essentially trying to set the digits value of an EditText programmatically. Android: How to Enable/Disable Wifi or Internet Connection Programmatically (10 answers) Closed 11 years ago . I'm trying to copy this code, but the setBackgroundDrawable is already deprecated. guidePercent = 0. I tested it, and it works. Aug 9, 2015 · Try code below if you want to change language in the app and change directions in views and resources on active layout: // set Persian language in the app setLanguage(context, "fa"); public void setLanguage(Context c, String lang) { Locale localeNew = new Locale(lang); Locale. It has some public variables that stores the values of current Network parameters. 1). getResources(); Configuration newConfig = new Configuration(res Aug 26, 2015 · This will return whether the active connection is a hotspot (as defined in Data Usage -> Mobile Hotspots). I have 4 TextViews and one ImageView. We covered the key concepts and provided detailed context on the topic, including the use of the WifiManager class and the setWifiApEnabled() method. 1 to something else such as 192. setTitle(R. Enabling and disabling Wi-Fi involves accessing the system service responsible for managing Wi-Fi… On Android 4. Mar 29, 2017 · (android) how to determine the ip address of connected devices in android hotspot 0 Finding the device names and IP addresses connected to the same WiFi network as my Android phone A minimalistic Android library (and demo app) which provides access to the private android hotspot API. 1) Init wifiManager onCreate():. if(isApOn(context)) { . Here’s how you can achieve this: Step 1: Add Permissions. But now I'm facing the new problems. Required, but never shown How to turn on/off wifi hotspot programmatically in Android 8. compose_title)). kt file and add the below code to it. setTitle("your text"); this will change only your activity name not app logo here I show you how to change the app logo and appname dynamicly Aug 28, 2011 · Android 6. gck. I have an Nexus One (Android version 2. Maybe try testing a 3rd party Hotspot app or try USB, Bluetooth, or ethernet tethering. drawable. R. 0 (Oreo) (setWifiApEnabled is not support this version anymore) Hot Network Questions Why is a pure copper cathode necessary in the electrolytic refining of copper? Jul 9, 2009 · This works well. disable() Disables the Hotspot of android device, if already enable. cn][1] Mar 7, 2019 · Here I want to just open Hotspot & tethering screen from button click, so user can create Hotspot manually. A default implementation of a tethered Wi-Fi hotspot is provided by the AOSP Settings app, however it doesn't exercise all of the APIs for Soft AP configuration. VERSION_CODES. If wi-fi is off, what i see wifimanager. By this way you can connect to your specific Wifi This code for MainActivity. I tried to set channel 11, Still it not working Thanks in advance. x or 4. dimen. However, the 'DONT_KILL_APP' flag doesn't seem to be working (or I'm understanding it incorrectly). setInputType(InputType. Apr 16, 2022 · Swipe "Down" on the top bar, you can enable the hotspot in the short cuts in that menu some phones require 2 swipes down. Navigate to app>java>your app’s package name>MainActivity. Jul 23, 2019 · old devices where we used to change the Bluetooth name from Bluetooth settings worked in my case. They are also connected via wifi hotspot. 0, you would also need location permissions (ACCESS_COARSE_LOCATION) to access the SSID or BSSID because of this , also, I think you need to have the device's location settings 4 days ago · Each application can make a single request for the hotspot, but multiple applications can request the hotspot at the same time. In Android 4. I know i can open settings using . How can we config DHCP options like, IP distribution range ?? Are there any methods that can do things like that ?? – Helps You To Connect To Hotspot , Get All Hotspots Around You, Sort All Hotspots By Signle Level, Start Device Local Hotspot , Start and Stop Scanning For Hotspots Or You Can Use Time For Scanning Periodically, Check If Device is Connect To Hotspot , Check If Device Local Hotspot is turned on , Get Signal Frequency or Level…. thanks for providing this answer interpreting the question as being about the device's user-assigned name, not the device's model name. hotspot. Tethering. I'm struggling to find a way to find hotspot ssid of the device, all solutions which I found were returning Wi-Fi name to which device is connected while I want to find the hotspot name, which the device created. Just copy an image into your res/drawable folder and use. invoke I'm trying to change the image of the ImageButton programmatically. fhil dhr vmomy fkvh gwvsg fbzf nripsa ypyesvz dpzxm fsbs