Contemptor dreadnought butcher cannon. Butcher Cannon for Mk LIV body thingiverse.
Contemptor dreadnought butcher cannon It does get a funky leadership penalty though. Perhaps the most advanced Dreadnought engine in the arsenal of the Great Crusade, the Contemptor Dreadnought fuses traditional technologies with arcane cybernetic lore. . Space Marine Dreadnought head, Dreadnought close combat weapon and an Assault Cannon. i thought maybe the vindicator havoc launcher would fit on there, but it was to big, and it would actually deflect from the main attraction of the night lords contemptor. The Blood Angels è variant is optimized for close combat and thus replaces the standard Contemptor weapons loading with two Blood Fists (Blood Angels variants of the à Power Fist) with Storm Bolters and Smoke Launchers integrated. So what do people do? Proxy and call it a day? Or by the right weapon and male it Feb 25, 2019 · In my first game, I played Thousand Sons, and despite fielding a Leviathan Dreadnought with grav-flux bombard and siege drill, and 2 Contemptor Dreadnoughts with butcher cannons (only one had 2 butcher cannons, the other had a chainclaw and soulburner paired with his butcher cannon), I got tabled. Join us by filling out a tiny 3 field form and you will get your own, free, dakka user account which gives a good range of benefits to you: Unable to maintain the Contemptor's original arcane armaments in exile, the Dark Magos replaced them with occult weapons of diabolical design, forged in blood and suffused by daemonic force, such as the Soul Burner which unleashes explosive blasts of daemonic force that devours the souls of its victims, and the Butcher Cannon, a heavy calibre Is it smarter to go all ranged or do a mix? Maybe, a butcher cannon and a Deathclaw. that are all connected in the 40k universe. Then I took some pvc tube and drilled little holes down the length and stuck the barrels back on. I was thinking 3 contemptor has wood butchers and change this from my world eaters. As such, the options available to it are related to that. Customize your Dreadnought's appearance with a range of accessories and achieve dynamic poses that suit your strategic needs on the battlefield. Reply reply Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought – Butcher Cannon X 2, Havoc Launcher, Mark of Tzeentch – 144pts. 1D 4chan says get the kheres assault Cannon but with the reduction of points to butcher cannons I am going with those str 8 D2 shots that affect leadership. but this dreadnought is just so easy to convert to a 40k night lords army :D Dec 2, 2012 · Okay, I finally got my first Contemptor dread in today, and I'm trying to decide how I want to equip it (knowing that I'll have 2). The thing punches way above it's weight. Deredeo is 200. Supercharged Assault Blaster Overhaul for Garin's Colossal Tank, amplified by 100% to Unprecedented Levels of Destruction. Khorne Berzerkers X 8, Chainsword/Chainaxe X 8 – 128pts Hellforged contemptor dreadnought butcher cannon. Another example is the Leviathan. Feb 28, 2012 · As with most Forge World kits then, the Contemptor Dreadnought's construction relies on a large amount of dry-fitting and a little bit of flash-trimming and mold-line removal to be successful. Conversion Beam Cannon - Among the largest known surviving examples of the rare and delicate conversion beam technology, Conversion Beam Cannons are mounted on Knight Asterius vehicles. However there's still alot of merit to sitting a butcher contemptor on an objective and making the infantry's life miserable. • Instead of 2 Combi-bolters and 2 Hellforged Deathclaws, this unit can be equipped with two of the following in any combination: 1 Butcher Cannon; 1 C-beam Cannon; 1 Ectoplasma Lol, just found the Relic option in the list, I feel like a dunce. Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought Instructions Both flyers, Bjorn and Dreadnoughts are/can be equipped with these. Any Contemptor Dreadnought may replace an in-built combi-bolter on either a Gravis power fist or Gravis chainfist with one of the following: - In-built heavy flamer Hello! I have two questions on these beautiful units. Right Arm: Butcher cannon Heavy Support + Havocs [7 PL, 105pts]: Mark of Slaanesh . 2743 "contemptor dreadnought" printable 3D Models. Most of the time, a quad las dreadnought will do twice as much damage as a C-beam cannon - even outside of 24". 1 Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with built-in Combi-Bolter Is a venerable contemptor dreadnought worth taking or would it be better to take one of the forge world versions? In addition, which weapon would be better to take? I assume that I can use what I'm lacking, melta if needing AT and assault cannon if needing anti horde shooting. Download your favorite STL files and make them with your 3D printer. The butcher cannon costs a whopping 60% more than a stormcannon and in exchange gets increased range, +1S, 2 less shots, and half the AP. And you don't have to pay cp for it. Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 153pts]: Butcher cannon, Combi-bolter, Hellforged chainclaw, Mark of Slaanesh + Heavy Support + Hellforged Deredeo Dreadnought [14 PL, 198pts] : Butcher cannon array, Greater havoc launcher, Mark of Slaanesh, Twin heavy bolter. Conversion Beamers are an ancient relic-weapon of incredible and poorly-understood power. Originally from Contemptor Dreadnought box of Warhammer The Horus Heresy miniature game. Sicarian battle tank 1 time did well and mutalith vortex beasts work well for me, but in general i would go for a hades auto cannon forgefiend if you rly want a bigger model and otherwise stick to all is dust. 1 conversion beam cannon; 1 kheres-pattern assault cannon; 1 multi-melta; 1 twin autocannon; 1 twin heavy bolter; 1 twin lascannon; 1 twin volkite culverin; 1 Dreadnought chainfist and 1 combi-bolter; 1 Dreadnought combat weapon and 1 combi-bolter; Each of this model’s combi-bolters can be replaced with one of the following: 1 graviton 1 conversion beam cannon; 1 kheres-pattern assault cannon; 1 multi-melta; 1 twin autocannon; 1 twin heavy bolter; 1 twin lascannon; 1 twin volkite culverin; 1 Dreadnought chainfist and 1 combi-bolter; 1 Dreadnought combat weapon and 1 combi-bolter; Each of this model’s combi-bolters can be replaced with one of the following: 1 graviton Nov 17, 2013 · Hey guys, I was looking over some lists for Chaos Marines and noticed a few had a Chaos Contemptor pattern Dreadnought in them, and that the weapons they equipped them with were really effective (the Butcher Cannon being most frequently used), and after looking over Google for their rules I could't turn up anything for the Chaos version. Also includes a spare fist, in-built weapons, and cosmetic options. They can take the Dreadnought Inferno Cannon which is basically what Ashmantle has on both of his arms built into his CCWS. This upgrade kit customises a Contemptor Dreadnought with an alternative resin head and torso, themed around the World Eaters Legion. 2 Kheres cannons are cheap but there close range and then you don't have alot of melee options, 2 Twin Autocannons are strong enough to deal with light armor, which you really don't face if your mostly playing Space Marines but they are dmg 2, 2 Twin Volkite won't really do anything against armor and they don't have any ap but I'm very curious to see what they do with it in the upcoming Chaos IA book. To me, that makes it pretty clear which one you want to have on your dreadnought. Left Arm: Butcher cannon . in all seriousness that is sick and you've given my too many ideas for dreadnoughts now, utterly amazing work Yea I figured as much. The single butcher cannon array is strong enough to seriously hurt pretty much anything, and having a longer range gun to project power is useful. Sep 10, 2013 · The Contemptor dreadnought was once a key asset of the space marine legions before the Horus Heresy, but after millennia of constant war they are now a very rare sight. The standard Contemptor Dreadnought is on page 117 of the Space Marines index. You are allowed to take it as a Death Guard unit (see the question above). The one thing I think it has going for it is the Twin-linked rule, which allows you to re-roll failed to-hit rolls. Right Arm: Butcher cannon + Heavy Support + Defiler [9 PL, 149pts]: Defiler scourge, Mark of Slaanesh, Twin heavy bolter Maulerfiend [7 PL, 132pts]: Lasher tendrils, No Chaos Mark ++ Total: [70 PL, 9CP, 1245pts] ++ The Contemptor Dreadnought is a fusion of traditional technologies and arcane cybernetic lore, its impressive speed and strength fuelled by the powerful atomantic reactor that also supplies the defensive energy fields which further increase its durability. It is the only variant to still be held in reverence by Chaos Space Marines and occupancy is usually reserved for powerful Chaos Lords. The place to discuss all things Night Lords, VIII Legiones Astartes, Sons of Nostramo, Scions of Konrad… Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 138pts]: Tzeentch . Space Wolves Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought (Forgeworld) - It's a Contemptor. Right Arm: Butcher cannon Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 144pts]: Havoc launcher . I run my contemptor dual hellforged chainclaws with soulburners, and a havoc launcher. Heavy Conversion Beamer (C-beam Cannon) Venerable Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought. W l contemptor dreadnought assault cannon 3d models . They are, as jimtheclowned stated, available to chaos in Imperial Armor 13. When used by Chaos walkers, the Butcher Cannon usually Depends on your list amd what you need. This guy is based on the Custodes Contemptor Galatus Dreadnought from Forgeworld. This isn't 40k with a 'best' loadout meta. Forgeworld doesn't sell weapons anymore and from what I've gathered will be relying on the standalone plastic dreadnought kit that's about to release as the only viable way to get them outside of eBay orders. CONTEMPTOR-ACHILLUS DREADNOUGHT KEYWORDS: Vehicle, Walker, Imperium, Contemptor-Achillus Dreadnought RANGED WEAPONS RANGE A BS S AP D Achillus dreadspear 12" 1 2+ 9 -2 3 Infernus incinerator [TORRENT, IGNORES COVER] 12" D6 N/A 6 -1 1 Lastrum storm bolter [RAPID FIRE 2] 24" 2 2+ 5 -1 1 Twin adrathic destructor [TWIN-LINKED] 18" 1 2+ 6 -2 3 Equipping a relic contemptor with mm/ccw makes him the same points price as the normal contemptor, with his better stats and 6+++ he is still superior, but you have to remember that he costs a CP too trough martial legacy Night Lord Contemptor Dreadnought with a Decimator Butcher Cannon - really happy with how well it fits on! Perhaps the most advanced Dreadnought engine in the arsenal of the Great Crusade, the Contemptor Dreadnought fuses traditional technologies with arcane cybernetic lore. Guest Poster, March 15, 2019 4 Jan 13, 2018 · Chainclaw is my favorite (either with a butcher cannon, or go big with double claws and soulburners). Thanks for your input! Jun 12, 2018 · Forum adverts like this one are shown to any user who is not logged in. Two Twin Las Cannons - Excellent weapons The Contemptor has BS 2+ and a 5+ invul, and benefits 1 conversion beam cannon; 1 kheres-pattern assault cannon; 1 multi-melta; 1 twin autocannon; 1 twin heavy bolter; 1 twin lascannon; 1 twin volkite culverin; 1 Dreadnought chainfist and 1 combi-bolter; 1 Dreadnought combat weapon and 1 combi-bolter; Each of this model’s combi-bolters can be replaced with one of the following: 1 graviton The kit provides eight different ranged weapons to choose from – a conversion beam cannon, Gravis autocannon, Gravis bolt cannon, Gravis lascannon, Gravis melta cannon, Gravis plasma cannon, Kheres assault cannon, and volkite dual-culverin – each of which can be mounted on either of the Contemptor's arms. Can't give him relics, gives friendly chapter models around him +1 Strength, and one of those big dreadnought sized rosary for a 4+ invuln. You may be thinking of the Decimator and its Butcher Cannon, which is a 40k model. I started with a Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought and startedodifying the kit to be heavily warped and corrupted to fit in with the rest of my Word Bearers Host. They are very rare and deadly antimatter-based pre-Heresy archeotech weapons most likely developed during the Dark Age of Technology. Parts taken from Sebtheis high res guardian armor, Lord Chamon & Craftos 9th season contempt weapons I want to get a contemptor Dreadnought for my Thousand Sons, but i like the look of the Osiron pattern one from the Horus Heresy a lot more than the standard 40k thousand sons dreadnought. Armoured with slabs of tainted ceramite and adamantium, a low-set ‘head’ gives the Decimator a characteristic hunched posture which exudes brooding and vicious menace. The Decimator can also be turned into a mighty fire support and anti-armour platform by being armed with a single Heavy Conversion Beamer, allowing it to make quick work of all but the most resilient vehicles; fortunately the machine must stop moving in order to wield the weapon with any real accuracy. The Butcher Cannon, Kheres Assault Cannon or Twin Autocannon are probably all better point for point though, depending on what you are targeting. The shells fired by the Butcher Cannon are bound with sorcerous Chaos runes of anathema and bloodletting. A Butcher Cannon is a heavy calibre, rapid-firing rotary gun used by the Forces of Chaos. Putting things in the right place in the right order is also vital and I hope this guide will help you do that. Don’t get me wrong it’s definitely doable but with the way the contemptor is designed it’s much harder than just clippers and a knife, the fact that the whole body is just two halves is the worst part. Throw a prescience for +1 to hit and a reroll from a hero and you'll shred apart and two wound elites. I think Dark Pact with Undivided Mark or Nurgle makes the soulburners great against things like terminators, and their melee profile is basically still fine vs vehicles. There is a butcher cannon designed for the Chaos Decimator but it is huge and obviously wasn't designed with the Contemptor's body in mind. A powerful atomantic reactor fuels the Dreadnought's impressive speed and strength, while also supplying the defensive energy fields that further increase its battlefield For the butcher cannon (and soulburner), you have to remember that the FW contemptor is not a 40k model, but a 30k model. Chaos Contemptors have slightly different weapon options, most notably being the Butcher Cannon. Reply reply Those bearing the Butcher's Nails often exhibit unpredictable reactions between their implants and the Dreadnought's control systems, rampaging through the battlefield with an undying fury. Despite the Predator's Autocannon being amazing, the Butcher Cannon is not a bad alternative. Strictly speaking, you only need one claw to get the +1A, since every model comes with a generic close combat weapon as well. 50 Butcher Cannon for Mk LIV body thingiverse. Frame from a hellbrute, cut of by the legs to increase standing height. The Heavy Conversion Beamer fires a directed energy Finished my Contemptor dread for my Horus Heresy army. A powerful atomantic reactor fuels the Dreadnought's impressive speed and strength, while also supplying the defensive energy fields that further increase its battlefield Wahapedia: Warhammer 40,000 10th edition, Adeptus Custodes — Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought (unit characteristics, wargear options, wargear profiles, abilities Aug 7, 2023 · Currently, yes. Any help would be appreciated. That's just the normal Dreadnought body. I felt the point of the Decimator was to be a Dreadnought that is also a Daemon Engine. I've seen some people use the Decimator ones, but personally I used the gatling cannons from the Forgefiend kit which you can either pick up on eBay or if you buy the whole kit you'll still The Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought is a Space Marine Dreadnought developed prior to the Horus Heresy. Double fists with grav is good for melee support (and excellent vs other dreads and chipping at spartans). In the 24-48" bracket even a single lascannon is about as good as a C-beam cannon (better strength, but 3. Jan 1, 2025 · The Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought is a Space Marine Dreadnought developed prior to the Horus Heresy. If you use it as a butcher cannon, you would be using a legal option as something else (ie: proxying). Venerable Chaplain Dread is a pain in the ass for the enemy because he is a venerable dread that can't be shot at because he is a Nov 25, 2015 · While the Contemptor embraced a bulbous, round look, the Leviathan maintains a lot more of the harder edges that are so characteristic of the traditional Dreadnought. To this day, its name inspires both awe and fear across the galaxy RT Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought cults3d. 20 more points for a 6+++ Fnp and 2's for both melee and shooting. Contemptor Dreadnought bitz feature. the following: 1 Butcher Cannon; 1 C-beam Cannon; 1 Ectoplasma Cannon; 1 Kheres Assault Cannon; 1 Multi-melta; 1 Twin Autocannon; 1 Twin Heavy Bolter; 1 Twin Lascannon. The Contemptor is larger and more powerful than standard Dreadnought patterns, featuring systems similar to those used by the automatons of the Mechanicum's Legio Cybernetica branch, including Atomantic Shielding field generator technology that would be implemented into the Storm Shields of My Death Guard Contemptor Dreadnaught What I did was take the meltas and chop off the barrel. The kit provides eight different ranged weapons to choose from – a conversion beam cannon, Gravis autocannon, Gravis bolt cannon, Gravis lascannon, Gravis melta cannon, Gravis plasma cannon, Kheres assault cannon, and volkite dual-culverin – each of which can be mounted Bought the Salamander specific contemptor dreadnought from forgeworld. Every Day new 3D Models from all over the World. You’d need more than that for the plastic contemptor, you’d need green stuff, a handsaw, maybe some plasticard, and a good file. Chaos […] I run double C-Beam for shits and giggles but double butcher cannon is amazing. How to build a contemptor dreadnought. That means, inside just one box, you get: One ultra-posable Contemptor Dreadnought chassis Feb 5, 2019 · Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 144pts] Havoc launcher, x2 Butcher Cannon, Mark of Slaanesh Heavy Support Hellforged Deredeo Dreadnought [14 PL, 198pts] Butcher cannon array, Greater havoc launcher, Mark of Slaanesh, Twin heavy bolter Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. In addition to what its boxed-set cousin gets, this Contemptor packs four new main guns – a conversion beam cannon, a Kheres assault cannon, a volkite dual-culverin, and a gravis plasma cannon – and plenty of extra decorative options. Builds an extra conversion beam cannon, plasma cannon, kheres assault cannon, and volkite dual-culverin. Finally, the Brutal (2) rule on the talons of perdition makes this monster powerful - especially with shred. I think of this as the best Shooting Platform in the army. Sadly there are no 40k rules for the Forgeworld model yet and so I equipped him with a Kheres Assault Cannon and will play him as a normal Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought in my next pretty much jeah :D plus the spike on top of the contemptor. The Contemptor is larger and more powerful than standard Dreadnought patterns, featuring systems similar to those used by the automatons of the Mechanicum's Legio Cybernetica branch, including Atomantic Shielding field generator technology that would be implemented into the Storm Shields of Lotara awakens Lhorke and he has some interesting opinions on the Legion, his Primarch, and the Butcher's Nails. It honestly makes a good midline distraction unit, as even if the opponent puts dedicated anti-tank into it the 2+chance it has to stand back up on death makes it into a major resource sink. Click to find the best Results for contemptor dreadnought Models for your 3D Printer. My Contemptor absolutely destroyed some Primaries Helblasters last game and it turned the game in my favor. The contemptor can legally take a twin autocannon already. The Contemptor has a couple different patterns, the basic Contemptor, the Relic Contemptor, and the Contemptor-Mortis. Every single time a Dreadnought comes onscreen/on page its almost guaranteed to be a delight to read. Dreadnought Harpoon Cannon US$3. Do it do it. The relic Contemptor is the most customizable. The rules for it are in the "Imperial Armour Index: Forces of Chaos" book. The only model, which you can see on the left model above (I think), was from the decimator and was kitbashed to fit on a contemptor. Hellfyre Missile rack, 3x Scarab Terminators, Scarab terminator w/ soulreaper cannon - 212pts Jan 1, 2025 · The Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought is a Space Marine Dreadnought developed prior to the Horus Heresy. When you add librarian with 5++ aura, the Redemptor looks better than the contemptor. but this dreadnought is just so easy to convert to a 40k night lords army :D This multipart plastic kit builds one Contemptor Dreadnought, an impressive combat walker with multiple weapon options. So you can bring a heavy gun too. 0 Cyclone Launcher** All the weapons are pre-supported Amazon. That cannon does not fit a Contemptor without modification. Sep 23, 2024 · The Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought is the rarest and most powerful Chaos Dreadnought. There isn't an offical bit for the Contemptor however. And somewhere on the weapon had blades or the barrel tips have bayonets. -4ap and flat 4 damage is just ridiculously good. Any Contemptor body can be used to represent any of these options, provided the weapons are correct. I just tend to think that a quad-las contemptor works better most of the time. Please learn from my mistakes! A contemptor gets 8 butcher cannon shots - the deredeo gets 8 butcher cannon shots. Heya! I'm planning on starting a thousand sons army, and absolutely love the thousand sons contemptor dreadnought design! So regardless of how good they are in the meta I want to field one, and I was wondering what some of the better weapons for this dreadnought were! I'm not made of money so I was planning on only getting 2 or 3. 36-inch Range, Strength 5, AP 4, Heavy 6 and Twin-Linked. Predating even the Horus Heresy, this battlefield titan exemplifies the ingenuity and martial prowess of the Mechanicum’s Legio Cybernetica. A contemptor gets 12 heavy bolter shots - the deredeo gets 6 heavy bolter shots and then 6 better-than-heavy-bolter-shots. Jan 11, 2019 · Helforged Contemptor Dreadnought, Butcher Cannon X 2, Havok Missile Launcher – [10pl, 144pts] -Fast Attack- Foetid Bloat-drone, Plague spitters X 2, Plague Probe – [8pl, 158pts] pretty much jeah :D plus the spike on top of the contemptor. Equip your Contemptor with paired ranged weapons – one for each arm. Warhammer 40k is a franchise created by Games Workshop, detailing the far future and the grim darkness it holds. It packs a phenomenal amount of firepower at BS5 and attracts a small amount of griping due how resilient it is. Apr 27, 2022 · Decided to split out my Iron hands part and give you all a generic Contempt robot builder, The iron hands parts are still available just separate. I was considering a Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought for my CSM detachment. I think this kills the possibility of getting a weapons sprue though which means you have to buy a whole Dreadnought plus the FW one if you want to buy a legion specific model. Right Arm: Butcher cannon Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 138pts]: Tzeentch . The Regular dreadnought should be passed up for the Venerable Dreadnought pretty much every time. The kit provides eight different ranged weapons to choose from – a conversion beam cannon, Gravis autocannon, Gravis bolt cannon, Gravis lascannon, Gravis melta cannon, Gravis plasma cannon, Kheres assault cannon, and volkite dual-culverin – each of which can be mounted on either of the Contemptor's arms. Contemptor. I was reading up on the best load outs and heard good things about dual Butcher Cannons, and a Havoc Launcher on top, great! Oct 31, 2020 · A WS/BS 2+ contemptor dread, he’s a 9 wound character, has a 4+ invulnerable save, and can do a few mortal wounds when he completes a charge. Oct 17, 2023 · Elevate your Legiones Astartes army with the Contemptor Dreadnought, an adaptable Elites choice that boasts a vast selection of formidable weaponry and a robust chassis, allowing it to withstand the harshest battles. 3412 "custodes contemptor dreadnought" printable 3D Models. So my question is, do the weapons for the 40k model also fit on the free right arm of the 30k model? Apr 26, 2021 · This week’s Hammer of Math answer a question from reader Jeremy regarding the myriad options available to a the Contemptor Dreadnought. Next I figured since it's a butcher cannon, it needs a blade and what do we stinky bois like more than a scythe? So I put one under each set. The only differences between these is the weaponry available, abilities, and the battlefield role it fills. Balanced, with bonus dakka. 1 conversion beam cannon; 1 kheres-pattern assault cannon; 1 multi-melta; 1 twin autocannon; 1 twin heavy bolter; 1 twin lascannon; 1 twin volkite culverin; 1 Dreadnought chainfist and 1 combi-bolter; 1 Dreadnought combat weapon and 1 combi-bolter; Each of this model’s combi-bolters can be replaced with one of the following: 1 graviton 12K subscribers in the NightLords community. He’s armed with a heavy plasma cannon and dreadnought close combat weapon, and only costs 20 points more than an equivalently armed relic contemptor. The Leviathan i run (granted its Hellforged) i run with 1 Butcher Cannon Array and one Siege Claw+Melta. The whole barrel length is vented. It had a "butcher cannon array" but clearly you are just supposed to use the storm cannon. Honestly I think the relic contemptor would be pretty balanced with redemptor without the cp penalty. Discover 3D models for 3D printing related to Contemptor. Hopefully it's not that much more expensive if at all compared the the old contemptor. How do you all run them? Just for some context my list is: - Chaos Lord (for re-rolls) - Two units of Chaos Cultists (for screening and/or background objective holding) - 5 Blightlord Terminators (you already know why) - Contemptor Dreadnought Apr 18, 2019 · Dreadnought with 1 talon of perdition and 1 dreadnought close combat weapon with in-built assault cannon (210 points). Wahapedia: Warhammer 40,000 10th edition, Space Marines — Relic Contemptor Dreadnought (unit characteristics, wargear options, wargear profiles, abilities, unit Personally, I like the stats of a contemptor more than the maulerfiend, better invuln in melee and actually has a chance to hit things, with the same amount of attacks per unit. The Kheres assault cannon x2 was one of my first choices, as it gives the dread a shit ton of anti-infantry firepower (6x S6 rending shots per arm) as well as, in a pinch, a good chance of taking some hull points off of medium to heavy armour. All the weapons are magnetized, even the ones in the fist. This can cause confusion to some players if you're not aware and upfront about doing so. No copyright intended. Two Kheres assault cannon and a cyclone missile launcher. Why dont you run the Redemptor as a Proxy for a Hellforged Contemptor with Butcher Cannon (if you use the Minigun) or Ectoplasma Cannon (if you use the Plasma Cannon), Havoc Launcher & Hellforged Chainclaw with Hellflamer? Builds an extra autocannon, bolt cannon, lascannon, and melta cannon Also includes an extra fist, in-built weapons, and two spare arms The Contemptor Dreadnought is a fusion of traditional technologies and arcane cybernetic lore, its impressive speed and strength fuelled by the powerful atomantic reactor that also supplies the defensive energy Feb 18, 2019 · With the left-over points from removing the soulburner and replacing my Osiron Contemptor Dreadnought with a more melee or shooting-focused Contemptor Dreadnought, as well as the discount I get by replacing the Leviathan Dreadnought's siege drill and grav-flux bombard with the much cheaper butcher cannon arrays, I can probably use them for a Dec 30, 2024 · It is sometimes found on Contemptor Pattern Dreadnoughts, Decimator Daemon Engines and Deimos pattern Predators Executioner. 2+ BS, 5++/4++, T7, and can pack the same level of firepower that a Predator can put out. This versatile war machine is a Firstly, is the Contemptor a reasonable proxy for the “dreadnought” datasheet? As far as I can tell, it’s roughly the same size as the Venerable Dread and shares the same base size and many of the loadouts. Let me know what you think. As for rules, no. I've seen them used in battle reports and quite like the aesthetics and data sheet for the model, but for someone new like myself trying to not buy the wrong thing, it's not made clear. But having more than one will probably be awkward to keep in aura, especially after charging. Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought [175pts] 2x Butcher cannon, Mark of Slaanesh Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought [175pts] 2x Butcher cannon, Mark of Slaanesh 10x Possessed [200pts] Mark of Slaanesh 10x Possessed [200pts] Mark of Slaanesh 10x Terminators [360pts] Mark of Slaanesh Terminator Champion w/ Chainfist, Combi-bolter I'm really curious to see how much this costs. The Contemptor is larger and more powerful than standard Dreadnought patterns, featuring systems similar to those used by the automatons of the Mechanicum's Legio Cybernetica branch, including Atomantic Shielding field generator technology that would be implemented into the Storm Shields of Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 138pts]: 2x Butcher cannon, Nurgle Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 154pts]: 2x C-beam cannon, Havoc launcher, Nurgle ++ Spearhead Detachment +1CP (Chaos - Chaos Space Marines) [51 PL, 754pts, 4CP] ++ Aug 25, 2017 · Here comes my second Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought for the Adeptus Custodes. Hi All! I know this has been asked a few time but I am looking for a Butcher Cannon for both my Forgeworld TS Contemptor Dreadnought and my Osiron… I see that C-beam contemptors can work. Mar 15, 2019 · Showcase: World Eaters Red Butchers Contemptor Dreadnought by Silvernome . Comes with no weapons/arms. After looking into the Model and possible arm options, i´m not sure which arms to buy :/ i want to play the Contemptor with this loadout: Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought - Dreadnought-Close Combat Weapon + Soulburner - Butcher Cannon - Dedicated However, you get two lascannons per arm, and only one C-beam cannon. A Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought is an ancient Imperial cybernetic combat walker used by the Space Marine Legions in the days of the Great Crusade and the Horus Heresy, 10,000 Terran years before the present day. Their butcher cannon is better than an autocannon contemptor at killing 2 wound marines The Heavy Conversion Beamer is a vehicle weapons system used by both the Imperium of Man and the Chaos Space Marines. If converting, the big difference between the butcher and autocannons are vented barrels and a blade/bayonet. May 24, 2013 · I use my contemptor-mortis with the Imperial Armour rules. 5 rather than 4 average damage). The main attraction of 40k is the miniatures, but there are also many video games, board games, books, ect. I decided to arm him with a Butcher Cannon, Soulburner, and Havoc Launcher. Chaplain Dreadnoughts, a few things about them. Otherwise similar size and height and who knows what’s a infernal cannon needs to look like or hellforged weapons? Dec 12, 2018 · So, post Chapter Approved this unit has gained a massive reduction in points and is now a contendor for one of the best anti armour units available to Marines. 168 points - Cheap! Lower than a Predator. There was not a model for the dreadnought butcher cannon. This is just a compilation of work from other fine makers with some small tweeks to make sure everything fits together. Case in point, the Leviathan has the broad armored panels that span its entire body and frame the sarcophagus at the core of the warmachine. Butcher cannons taken from a chaos decimator. A Relic Contemptor Dreadnought of the Minotaurs Chapter armed with a Kheres Pattern Assault Cannon and a Dreadnought Close Combat Weapon with built-in twin-linked Bolter. Hellbrute converted to contemptor dreadnought with 2x butcher cannon, and havoc launcher. Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 144pts]: Havoc launcher . Oct 16, 2024 · The Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought stands as a revered symbol of destruction and resilience, with a history rooted in the Great Crusade. Butcher Cannon for Mk LIV body thingiverse. So far I feel like Gravis Melta Cannon + Gravis Powerfist is the most efficient Loadout for a Contemptor as its cheap (only 180pts), but can dish out a lot damage both in Close Combat and Shooting. I don't know what it is with Dreadnoughts being some of the coolest, most interesting characters in the setting. Totally normal. Apr 14, 2023 · Gravis Bolt Cannon - The Weapon your Contemptor Dreadnought comes equipped with, it’s a meh kinda Weapon. I don't quite understand the title to be honest. Jan 21, 2025 · The Decimator is an unholy Daemon Engine, the essence of a creature of the Warp bound within the armoured bulk of a bipedal war machine. However, it is commonly used as a Hellforged Contemptor butcher cannon, which is perfectly fine and would fit nicely (rather than just using the twin-autocannon, which is awkward, considering there's already a twin-autocannon option). Keep in mind a butcher cannon costs half as much as a fully loaded dreadnought on it's own. The Contemptor Pattern Dreadnoughts of the Adeptus Custodes feature a different load-out than those used by the Adeptus Astartes. Whilst rare, they still exist in the ranks of the dark gods, and are very powerful relics only bolstered by thousands of years of corruption. Contemptor Pattern Dreadnought Kit: Heavy heavy bolter, 2 fists with weapon variants (Bolter, plasma, flame, Melta) (no claw fingers), las cannon,. Thus, they are actually more traditionally equivalent to the loyalist armaments, not the esoteric chaos armaments. I Got it from thingiverse the torso is called plague knight guardian armour, left arm is called butcher cannon, right arm is called toxic spewer for contemptor dreadnought, and the legs are called simple legs guardian armour i think. Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought – Butcher Cannon X 2, Havoc Launcher – 144pts -Troops- Plague Marines X 5 – Plague Knives X 2, Plague Flail X 2, Bolter/Balesword – 101pts Similarity the regular daemon prince has the same stat line as the legends contemptor but with 1 extra toughness and the same 4+ invul as before, to survive since the heresy he must be pretty tough, that’s be my reasoning. Nov 30, 2021 · The 9th season entire shooting weapons range (mounted in the arms) for the contemptous futuristic robot this is the combination of awesome work of LORDCHAMMON who compiled most of these weapons found within the universe for the Contemptor, i have just added a few extras that i have created to make the pack complete **Now with the HHv2. Do y’all think it ok to toss the multi-melta or plasma cannon on there with the flamer “dreadnought weapon” and call it cool? The Contemptor Dreadnought bits allows you to give life to your desires or improve your miniatures with Space Marine bits, Warhammer The Horus Heresy bits from the BitzStore are exclusively from new Games Workshop boxes. It's not a "custom" figure, it's a Forge World Contemptor Dreadnought. As someone new to both the game and this army, it feels a little off-putting to buy a box from a whole other game. But would give you an idea on how to modify a twin-autocannon to count as a butcher cannon. Click to find the best Results for custodes contemptor dreadnought Models for your 3D Printer. com: JOYTOY Warhammer 40,000 1/18 Action Figure Space Wolves Contemptor Dreadnought with Gravis Bolt Cannon Mecha Collection Model Birthday Gifts : Toys & Games Wahapedia: Horus Heresy 2nd edition, Legiones Astartes — Contemptor-Incaendius Dreadnought (unit characteristics, wargear options, wargear profiles, unit composition, unit type and special rules). Butcher cannon is good, but the -1ap makes it not the greatest anti-vehicle weapon. Apr 23, 2019 · Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought Nurgle 2x Butcher Cannon Array Hellforged Leviathan Dreadnought Nurgle Grav Bombard Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought Nurgle 2x Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought: 2x Butcher Cannon, Havoc Launcher - 181pts Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought: 2x Butcher Cannon, Havoc Launcher - 181pts Scarab Occult Terminators: Scarab Occult Sorcerer (Weaver of fates). Jul 7, 2012 · Hello, i want to add an Chaos Contemptor to my Models. Contemptor with butcher cannons + contemptor with heavy bolters is about 260. I was hoping we would get actual 40K rules for the Osiron Dreadnought, but I won't hold my breath. Butcher cannon is always good even if you move, and I'm skeptical of paying to take a singular short range assault weapon if you're intending to charge. Aspiring Champion: Bolt pistol, Boltgun . A Venerable Contemptor Dreadnought is armed and equipped with: 1 Multi-Melta. Credit: Jack Hunter Space Marines are rarely at a loss for choices, and the Relic Contemptor Dreadnought from Imperial Armour Compendium is a perfect example of that. They are pricey points wise, but they can do some work. Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 144pts]: 2x Butcher cannon, Havoc launcher, No Chaos Mark Hellforged Contemptor Dreadnought [10 PL, 178pts]: 2x Hellforged deathclaw, No Chaos Mark, 2x Soulburner The Contemptor Dreadnought is a fusion of traditional technologies and arcane cybernetic lore, its impressive speed and strength fuelled by the powerful atomantic reactor that also supplies the defensive energy fields which further increase its durability. The Butcher Cannon is commonly found on Chaos combat walkers such as the Decimator Daemon Engine and Chaos Contemptor Pattern Dreadnoughts. They also look cool. For Leviathans, the storm cannon array is the imperial version of the butcher cannon so use those. A remix of the Remixed Butcher Cannon by Cryptix123, to increase the size to match a mk LIV chassis using the joints from the Mk LIV quad gun Also includes a four-barrelled version made using parts from GarinC3D's MArk LIV dreadnought. They can also be dedicated to different gods for other bonuses. I think this is the build that most players will be taking. Oct 11, 2022 · Considering the cost of a dreadnought drop pod, the price paid for this contemptor is well worth it in my opinion. The reason for this is so you can swap that whole section for a different weapon, in the process you can still show the awesome pilot that has been entombed for the ruiness powers of Chaos The Body is heavily modular/posable Ball joint connections *A Contemptor Dreadnought with two Gravis power fists, two Gravis chainfists or a Gravis power fist and Gravis chainfist gains an additional Attack. A Chaos Decimator Daemon Engine armed with a Siege Claw and a Butcher Cannon. ckp eeaztln ysf yhb qjos hxp ozij huqx odxsgtk vdhbqri