Hoi4 air force composition Interception is "only take off if you know there are enemy bombers, and focus on killing the bombers". Air inflicts a defense & breakthrough & movement penalty on the enemy, and support missions boost your attack, defense and breakthrough. Make sure you have Naval Supremacy 100% to get detection work 100%, multiple radar, even level 1 just touch the sea can help, fly planes as air superiority or naval attack, mine the sea to slow them, choose a swallow sea zone to hunt them. At first I thought that you could cover with 100% efficiently a number of seazones that is equal to your number of task forces, however that is apparently not true, since in my test I was having 5 task forces made up of 5 subs each but this allowed me to cover up to 7 Put them in your strike force. Good Cas: With Engine 3 comes the best cas we can make. But I haven't been able to find that table ever since. The only advantage they have is low visibility. new taskforces reinforcing an ongoing battle hurts positioning much worse than the 10-0 with support engineers is the current meta, support AA if you don't have air, support arty optional, support signal optional. Because average spotting determines your patrol's use, you should make a task force with a single cruiser with tons of planes to spot. Say I have a base in Rhineland: I want to have a group of fighters and CAS there, and be able to select those as a group (or as two groups, even) without them ever mixing up with other planes as I plan other moves. But in my opinion, any nation that can acquire Vertibirds is definitely fun. The game gives you advice on composition in some instances - such as carrier taskforces. Any help is Appreciated. (# of Carriers) Heavy cruisers: 3x Heavy Battery I; 3x Secondary Battery; Engine; Fire Jun 28, 2019 · I am preparing for some campaings were almost all my contribution to the war will be focused in the air theaters (with just basic infantry holding the line or advancing when necessary, so all the MIC can be diverted to air production). What ends up happening overall is that their subs cant attack your convoys as the light cruisers will scare them away with the depth charges. So the 4+4+32 CV force dominates a 4+16 BB forcebut is going to have a rough time dealing with two 4+16 forces tag-teaming against them or operating simultaneously in different sea regions. . Fighters outperform Heavy Fighters and Close Air Support and Naval Bombers outperform Tactical Bombers, but the formers have a reduced range compared to the latter and will not be able Feb 16, 2020 · In this video I will give you an overview of how to organize and utilize your air-force in Hearts of Iron IV. Tac bombers are great at farming XP. Admiral skills and positioning play a crucial role in gaining advantages in naval battles in Millennium Dawn. hoi4 Unless you’re not investing in your Air Force I think the line AA is unnecessary. Well Air Force isn't going to be a lot of fun on it's own. They're going off Marc Mitscher's theories on carrier fleet composition - the man was a genius so it's logical. 0005 (only counting planes actually joining land combats) Strategic bombing: 0. Then have 9 patrol task forces of spotting CLs to find the enemy fleet. Putting together a force to raid convoys is pretty simple: just put a bunch of submarines together and assign them to a region. Hearts of Iron 4 Air Force – Types of Aircraft Hoi4 features four main types of aircraft: Fighters, Close Air Support, Tactical Bombers, Strategic Bombers, Naval bombers, and all their carrier derivatives. Fighting: Make a deathstack by combining all your combat worthy ships into 1 taskforce, put them on strike force in patrolled seazone. pdf Author: RAYOME, ALLISON W Maj USAF HAF AF/A1 Created Date: 4/9/2024 9:50:59 AM I'd suggest for air force even against the axis, especially as a democratic minor who cant just get everything, fighters and naval bombers are a good setup to thin out the convoy raiding subs. Some tips: For escort fleets I use a LC to DD ratio of 1:5. Air doctrines can be reviewed and unlocked from the Officer Corps. Enemy Air Support: Modifies the negative effect enemy air superiority has on the combat ability of our ground troops. Sub spam still absolutely destroys ai and any noob in mp, naval bombers with range totaly counter sub spam+can obliterate any fleet composition whether at sea or at shore, granted enemy doesnt have planes to counter or cannot achieve green air. It's still better because of the higher fighter detection, increased ace generation and air xp. For this reason, 1936 ship designs are shown for most ships. The bonus is pretty insane actually. Something like this is fine against the AI and the US and UK can both field this many fleets by mid game. Navy wise, that build you mentioned is a patrol cruiser. If you can't field many carriers, focus on carrier fighters to protect you from enemy air. Backbone of the destroyer force so throw lots of production (should cost 1200-1300 range) Light Cruiser - Light battery, floatplane, AA, AA, AA, lots of AA. 0002 as others have said, 4:1 screen to capitol ratio. May 14, 2023 · The air force is a crucial component of any successful military campaign in Hearts of Iron 4. The difference between a fleet and a task force is that a task force is a group of ships that will sail together, so by creating a task force you are telling each ship "you sail with him, you with him, and you as well" etc. So far I've just used the base composition which is 50/50 on fighters and naval bombers, but what's the most optimal? Full naval bombers under green air? Maybe one wing of fighters and the rest naval bombers? Good question, the "convoy raiding" mission is now actually different in terms of efficiency compared to how it was before. May 6, 2024 · Air Support Mission Efficiency: Improves air attack, air defense, and agility for planes on this mission. I also recommend keeping your fleet within range of your Air Force so you can support them. These are extremes but give me the impression that carriers with land based air superiority would be invincible. BUT is there a way to automatically add ships to fleets or use this system to reinforce a fleet. I mean when i play america i use task forces like the US did historically but its whatever i feel like so i would make the Main Heavy Force with all my BBs and CAs then i would create seperate Task Forces led by a Fleet carrier and Escort Carrier followed by a bunch of CLs DDs and a few SS. specifically carrier naval bombers are bad. Additionally, patrols like this can engage smaller raiding groups on their own, a patrol of a scouting CL and a couple destroyers with depth charges can double as sub hunters in Apr 10, 2019 · Tbh idk man. split up 10 destroyers, or a mix of destroyers and spotting cruisers, and put them on patrol in said regions. 50/50 CFs/NBs is pretty effective but I usually just go for a pure composition of whichever I have better tech for. You can split off ships for escort as needed but best to just group up everything for a decisive battle. Air wings in size of three planes have the best performance of all possibilities. But generally speaking, the smaller the air wing, the better. As Germany with the special anti-air commander I think my fleet destroyed about half of the British strike aircraft and barely lost anything. Can include a converted carrier for air coverage. Together, each task force makes up a fleet, and as a fleet they will go on the mission you tell them to. While I have many hours in hoi4, I’m still pretty new to the navy system, and I was wondering if there’s any optimal task force template to gain naval superiority. But none of that matters apparently, because a tiny weak Russian federation, inherited a huge air force from the soviets, and got a score lead that was more than double of mine. May 16, 2024 · Air warfare consists of the deployment of air wings to strategic regions, where they can undertake missions targeting enemy air forces, land units, naval units or buildings. Maintaining a four to one ratio between heavy ships and light ships is optimal for fleet composition Carriers are crucial in naval warfare as they can efficiently deploy naval bombers, making them a deadly force in battles. Country air experience from other missions per effective plane: Close air support: 0. Air Force Body Composition Policy Memo Arp 2024 v6. But then there is likely no point in patrolling that region in the first place. So yes, put your best spotters on patrol orders and gave the gun heavy ships on strike force. destroyers make good strike force screens because they are so cheap to pump out by the dozen, and you won't shed tears if you lose a handful during a battle. If your fighters can only cover 70% of a region they will have a 30% penalty to all stats. It's true that planes can't entirely replace a solid ground force (they don't attack all by themselves, they just involve themselves in any ground battles going on), and you can certainly outmass your enemy with just ground troops - but planes are a powerful force multiplier, turning a slow-and-bloody push into a quick, clean victory. It is a top priority. g. Depends what you want to achieve: easy time managing your airforce or having absolutely superior efficiency and K/D ratio. Combat width is divided into segments of 20 in HOI4, try to keep all units at 10, 20, or 40 width so you don't take penalties for exceeding combat width. All that air really boils down to is a supporting element for your army. Its your basic unit, you defend with it and you can also push. If you wanna get a quick idea of what types of Air support is the best part of the CAS mission. I then create a task force I call "Air Division One. Moonstone Island. Though the “smarter” way would be to make special fleets that each have its mission, you would generally be a lot better off by just putting all of your ships in a single giant fleet. Paratroopers if you want to do airdrop but i rarely use them. So, I just found the task force composition editor, which is cool. Hold with planes?Army composition?Templates?What's wrong?How the AI manages to hold? Make sure you have light aircraft designer assigned. One aircraft carrier per task force. You want to aim for around 12 40w mediums and an army group of 20w defense infantry and an army group of 40w infantry for your pushing army. Hold with planes?Army composition?Templates?What's wrong?How the AI manages to hold? For the Allies? UK should go air first and whittle down Germany+Italy's air force with tanks built up after. Jan 4, 2025 · Additionally, they gain the same amount of experience for each country attacking them. I usually use 5-10 destroyers and maybe a light cruiser per scouting force depending on what country I'm playing. Here are the best fleet compositions that Commanders can use to Jan 13, 2023 · Task Force: This is the most basic level of control you can have over ships. Hey. You can use TACs on close air support to support your naval invasions. Always deathstack + always engage+ never repair. PA troops can Airdrop from them, and with the right doctrines and such, you could airdrop PA troops and give them aerial supply and just open up fronts literally deep behind the enemy that they are too weak to crush. Set to engage at low or medium risk (so they should avoid strike fleets). Now you want to edit the composition of these subs so they will draw from the reserves. Create 10 tiny task forces of at least 1DD each, edit each of them to be the convoy escort task force composition, and turn on auto-reinforce as This allowed me to put 50 factories on planes and since I rushed the Fighter II and had the light air production company buff, my planes were slightly out numbered in the beginning 7k German fighters to my 4. Ever since BBA, the change over to custom designed aircraft has really stressed the limited air wing tools we've been given. I have created a carrier strike group with the task force composition editor, but when i create a new task force and try to use the template for the task force, the task force gets removed from the fleet and placed into the reserve. I agree with u/NPKenshiro, the most important thing about air force is its ability to do CAS, and the left most one is the supremacy-superiority/bombing tree; it gives you +15% CAS org damage (3L, that is to say, 3rd pick, left side), +10% Ground Attack Factor (4R), +15% Ground Attack Targeting (6), and another +10% Ground Attack Factor (8). The official unofficial subreddit for Elite Dangerous, we even have devs lurking the sub! Elite Dangerous brings gaming’s original open world adventure to the modern generation with a stunning recreation of the entire Milky Way galaxy. Like, in real life, armies had a mix of infantry and armor divisions, as well as independent regiments of various sorts. Mar 25, 2019 · Does the old pre-MtG fleet composition of 3:! screens to capiitals still apply? If that's the case then I'm thinking I need roughly twice as many destroyers; first a fairly large amount to make up the patrol task forces, then another huge amount to screen the task force of cvs, bbs and cas in the main strike force waiting in port. They have good air defence and agility so they can help with air combat As well as destroying the German supply lines and Bombing units. Anyway, a detailed timeline of events would be appreciated! Air force composition How should my force look like? Fighters are great, but what about the others? Do I invest in CAS? Tactical bombers? Naval bombers? New Question: 6: Air transports (air drop specifically): what are all the rules/restrictions on this? because I thought it was as simple as ‘deploy to air zone, click airdrop or whatever the exact verbiage is, and the air transport will provide the units in areas with little to no supply capacity with the supplies they need’ but when I Without enough air superiority your air missions will be disrupted, and thus you need proper protection for those missions 2nd-Be mindful of the air zone's size. If the task force is deficient in any of these, it will draw from the reserve fleet of that theater the appropriate ships based on that given icon and hull. Operational integrity I believe is the one that’s good with tac bombers. I can offset the air combat disadvantage with a marginally larger air force or some investment into airbases on the front. Anti-Air (more IC-effective for large width), Engineers (more IC-effective for large width). I am starting a new game as Sweden, and I’m trying to decide whether I should go for tactical bombers, which can do everything that close air support, naval bombers, and strategic bombers can do, or if I should simply maintain Air Force diversity, and research close air support, naval bombers, and strategic bombers all separately. If you have them, use them. Use the German Synth focus. It's insane that in a naval battles its next to impossible (without end game ship modules) to spot a sub, but a squadron of 100 naval bombers can do that Your air force will never win the war for you. The official subreddit of the Hearts of Durasteel mod for Hearts of Iron IV. By understanding the different types of aircraft, air missions, and tips for effective management, you can gain an advantage over your enemies and achieve victory on the battlefield. There is also a practical concern: small divisions require more generals and more micro. the fleet size penalty is a joke and should be treated as such. Large ships also take long to complete, and you want them finished before WW2 starts. no gaps in your Air strategy. The United States, much like Germany, has the industry to do both and should. No more than 4 carriers per strike force, have at least the same number of capital ships as you have carriers, and then 4-6 screen ships per combined capital + carrier count. Ideally I would like to separate my air force in small groups (possibly divided by type) and select each one individually. In addition, larger CWs are generally better for lowering attrition losses per CW. Reliability is nice, but secondary. near Milan) and you assign 100 fighter for defence of the air region "Alpine Region" you're actually defending your "home", and in this case the effect applies (+10% bonus on stats). Dknt forget to split your cas and tactical into lots of small wings. Thing is OI is the worst tree if you have air superiority, because SD and BS have better air superiority bonuses or air support bonuses. So if the enemy has really high detection on their ships, it will be very hard to spot them. Thx! tbh, I am now testing and finding the vulnerability of this composition to subs and land-based air strikes, as I completely skipped on AA and depth charges. Any country with kamikazes, 100% carrier fighters. What is the best ship, design, task force size and composition. Apr 20, 2019 · the detection is averaged between your ships, so you can use 1-2 CL as patrol and DD as Strike Force. Only factor determining how many are shot down in battles is enemy AA. Brand new HOI4 player here (from EU4), this might be a very dumb question but is the game just all one war? all the stuff i read seems to imply prepping for this one global war (wwii obv) but like, there's no free for all or anything you basically pick a side -> win/lose -> the end? The most annoying part is planes only reinforcing based on mission type constraints now. In the top right, "Air Forces Overview" panel, you can find a list of the modifiers. This is the best fleet compositions in hoi4 from what I've tested out so far, and it's compatible with the latest 1. Radars I believe can add up to 50% detection in an air zone, which means that your fighters can take down enemy planes more effectively, you want to make your air wing out of 100 planes each for max ace efficiency, I don't know about rushing fighter 2s, that's context based if you got a research boost towards them, but you do want to upgrade them, I usually max upgrade everything but guns Task Force Composition (Setting up you Task Forces) So, I setup a Japanese Fleet called "Kudo Butai" (the original name of the Japanese Carrier Force) and I put Admiral Yamamoto in charge of it. If you need ASW coverage, and you’re out of range of land-based air cover, I’d probably go with ~8 destroyers with depth charges, AA, sonar, radar, and engine. My hope is to make a valiant effort to thwart any further advancement. I would use them for patrolling only in case enemy have overwhelming naval and/or air superiority in the region. To the OP: air is very important, so if you can get a pocket carrier out of your LHDs as a minor, you're in good shape. Definitions (first row, 4th) Air Support Mission Efficiency: This improves air attack, air defense, and agility for planes on the "close air support" mission. This is crippling. Would even a meager enemy army be able to roll through you if you had no ground forces of your own? Air Bases will only ever hold multiples of 100, so it translates nicely into being able to find places to base your wings without crowding too much or having to go through the unbelievable hassle of organizing your air force 20 planes at a time. For the rest i suggest forces between 15 and 35 ships large, depending on intended tasks and overall fleet size. Latest HOI4 1936 start legacy deployed destroyers (HOI4v 1. , be anti-surface) and then those cheap DD to deal torpedo damage to enemy capitals after they lose those screens. You don’t seem to mention carriers much, yet they’re incredibly cost effective, and a vast vast majority of the time will demolish an equally costed light attack CA fleet, assuming 1940 tech, both because one side having carrier planes gives the other a large positioning penalty, letting I have about 200+ hours in hoi4 and want to learn more advanced naval strategies then sub spam. You can determine how many ships should be in a task force, and assign missions to them. Still worth it to combat the Allies Bomber spam as Germany. Use AT cannon 2 and 2 bombbays, add tanks for range and cheaper construction. A fast BB could be used in place of the CA but watch the fuel. The standard is 4 screens per non-carrier capital and 1 capital per carrier. I usually find I run out of building slots by September of 1939 and usually end up with around 170ish mils. Building air force thtoughout the game definitely pays off, and an assload of CAS and strat bombers can substitute mobile warfare doctrine f deployed heavily. Make sure you have good radar coverage of the air zone to maximize detection (i. Naval has always been one of my least explored aspects of HOI4, looking to improve at it, but one question I've always wondered is if there is a recommended composition for the different fleets for each mission? I've got a understanding of what each ship type does and the components, but I don't know how to actually field them. Also, carriers kinda suck for everything but hunting subs. Tac bombers are okay at every thing so you not need more than 2 production lines, Heavy or light fighters and tactical bombers. Basic relies solely on trains + proximity to supply depots, while the other two use trucks and air transports respectively. I usually go Superior Firepower for doctrine to get the extra org and soft attack for support companies and then go 9 infantry and 3 artillery on the line. Nov 15, 2020 · Strike Force: Saves gas! Keeps the big guns at harbor until the patrol has confirmation for a strike force to deploy. Completely filling your combat width gives you the opportunity to bring the most force to bear on enemy divisions in a given province. Latest HOI4 province summary spreadsheet (HOI4v 1. put them on strike force and dock them in/near where you want to fight. They get light battery, AA, Torpedo, Radar / Sonar. Are you playing on a save from the previous/older version of the game No Upload Attachment View attachment Italy 2. I'd also like to do this for other templates. Hoi4 air. Latest HOI4 province id map (HOI4v 1. In my opinion, it's better than hoi4 naval, but it's still pretty confusing. Jan 23, 2022 · For who wants to know about "Air home defense" and "Air power projections factor". 00:00 - Intro00:45 - Air Wing Organization01:58 The country i play the most is the United States And I usually go carriers. Use AA in all divisions that are going to be om the front to migtigate the penalty for enemy air superiority, i think support AA1 is enough. I’d imagine it’s some sort of balancing issue, but I don’t know, primarily for the Soviets. I know it's meta to spam subs, but what other group compositions are really good? I mainly need carrier strike group composition. Like, say you put together a huge competent, complete and thorough air force, with a full compliment of fighters, bombers, et al. Air units are sorted into air wings, which is a force of aircraft between 1 to 1000 aircraft. I’m trying to naval invade Japan as USA but my navy can never manage it. As the US I try to have about 5 main battle groups with the following composition: 4 BB/BC, 2 AC, 5HC. Mar 29, 2019 · And/or have had enough NIC left over for another fresh 4+16 force to go immediately into action (or have operated elsewhere unopposed). In each task force template, you can add X ships of whatever icon and hull. May 14, 2023 · In this guide, we will provide an overview of the air force mechanics in Hoi4 and offer tips on how to use them effectively. Air Forces Overview. Basically, you want your to CL mostly to deal light attack to clear out screens (i. The army and air force have a bigger impact on the war than the navy. Everything else is a luxury. Any damage they take will send them back to port where your air force takes care of If you have DD in your strike task force, then you really don't need anti-subs. 33% will be 33 out of 100 and There are a few thing that I’m going to have to disagree with regarding task force composition/usage. I need a strong air force, a capable harassing green water navy and solid defense. Latest HOI4 state id map (HOI4v 1. Air coverage is a percentage of how much area this particular air wing can cover in this area and then be applied to the number of planes in the airwing that actually will reach its target. Is an open-world deckbuilder with 100+ islands to explore, spirits to tame, items to craft, and secrets to discover! Following your village's tradition for Alchemy training, you've moved out to spend a year away from home. To farm Air XP, send air volunteers to Spainish and later Sino-Japanese war. Yugoslavia is really good for this. If your air base is overrun, they will deploy to the nearest friendly air base. These let you make use of your truck or air transport stockpile to go further away from the supply depots with less loss of effectiveness. Here I was thinking of getting a lot more anti air capabilities. Send air volounteets to spain and Japan, and an attachee to Japan. Last time I played I used the battlegroup of 12 BB, 12 CL, and 36 DD with submarine-based doctrine. Bomber Defense: Increases the air defense for planes on Strategic Bombing mission. My air force will most likely be Apr 19, 2020 · Steam Community: Hearts of Iron IV. Convoy Raiding Task Force Composition. Apr 10, 2021 · the optimal strike force is literally all your ships that are not currently being used for a critical mission. Task Force Composition Editor? When I started playing Man The Guns I liked the new naval combat, and fleet building system. CAS does NOT care about Air Defence! Now on to some general stuff: -Cas doenst care about agility or air defence. I hoped they would add air officers management, like they have with generals and admirals, but nah. You only really need 2 types of ships, carriers and destroyers. If you can afford the factories for an anti ship cruiser you're in good shape. Jul 1, 2016 · Air units can ONLY deploy in or in a very near air region to the air base they are stationed at. Gave the army flexibility. When you unpause your Composition for one Strike Force, If using a major that can invest into one: (Set to Never Repair, Always Engage) 1~4 Carriers: As much deck space as possible, filled with naval bombers; 1x AA; Engine; 1x Secondary Battery, change to dual purpose later. The reason you want 20+ is because not all subs will be in each engagement, likely only about 5-10 in a 20 sub task force. Air cannot directly damage divisions. The meta is to either churn out subs or to spam basic destroyers with the lowest spec engine and In Denmark I won't be able to hold on to the western part of the country against Germany. Single ship patrols, the enemy fleet may escape if it's faster, or if you force an engagement, simply die before the strike force catches up and the enemy fleet leaves. The only techs that are really good are Fire Control and Submarine Hulls; many other navy techs aren't worth the investment. The Air Superiority mission is basically "fly in this air zone and shoot any enemies you see, and also escort any bombers we have doing their own missions". you coverage is 50%, your wingsize is 100, then only 50 planes out of this airwing will reach its target and deal damage. Thus the largest most efficient carrier based task force will have 4 carriers, 7-8 capitals, 30-36lc/70-80 dds (extra dds because they often sink) You can prioritize light attack on your screens: this will destroy the enemy screen line and then allow torpedoes to sink the hell out of the enemy capital line. I hope that you give me an up-to-date avice upon fleet composition and ship builds. 15. Seeing as air supremacy can enable even the worst divisions to be able to hold against a well equipped one, it would make pushing into the Soviets almost impossible given the allies immense production capability. That's the basics but you can go more in depth. Better than level nine attack stat generals. Go closed economy. Briefly, "home" means the air region where the airport is located: for example if you have an airport in Northern Italy (e. My merged fleet has like 10 such task forces that can be carved out. I'm kinda new to HOI4 but I think I've gotten the basics down somewhat but the big problem is that big nations always flood through my frontlines because of their air superiority and tanks(7/2 inf divisions coz don't usually have the manpower for 14/4). Air cannot capture territory. 5 LC and 40 DD. May 14, 2024 · Air doctrine allows a nation to specialize the way its air force conducts air warfare. You can sprinkle in a bit of air attack and reliability. Jul 13, 2023 · Make a task force template. 5k Fighter 2's, I was eventually able shoot down their entire air force in about a year. I have returned to hoi4 recently, (last played before la resistance update) and I found out that my knowledge of this game is obsolete. Ships from peace conference should move from reserve to task force. Dec 15, 2022 · LF is -5% supply and fuel consumption, especially good for air controller (unless you're Canada and need Mass Mob for the manpower) (GBP only). A place to share content, ask questions and/or talk about the grand strategy game Hearts of Iron IV by… Tab 1. maximize the # of fighters that join combat). If you have a single giant wing it only So I'm learning the game(I completed successfully one campaign since now with Germany without using cheats) and was wondering what does entail to overcrowd an air base with planes, the wiki just says that my air force will suffer "overcrowding penalties" but what exactly are these penalties?And are the neglectable?(For example can I position 2000 planes in an air base that can contain 600 max So with interception we go after their bombers to try and deny them the big advantage of air superiority, that of letting the bombers reign free. Click open task force composition editor next to the first sub, then assign a group of ~10, you can save this as a preset and then apply it to all the subs within this task force. Speedy ships are great here. THIS IS DIFFERENT FROM THE MISSION EFFICIENCY YOU SEE IN AIR MAP. I want to Nov 26, 2018 · Latest HOI4 resource history spreadsheet (HOI4v 1. Stick all ships in one fleet, split off 9 CLs to go on patrol in single ship task forces, main fleet in one big task force on strike force orders. Adding a single capitalship does make the group much more powerful but don't add more than this or it doesn't have enough escorts (and becomes even more visible to the enemy). Task Force Composition (Setting up you Task Forces) So, I setup a Japanese Fleet called "Kudo Butai" (the original name of the Japanese Carrier Force) and I put Admiral Yamamoto in charge of it. light cruisers are pretty much better in every way to destroyers but cost more production. Invest in synth refineries and Tech. This is fine with most player designer aircraft since they're in the player mind at creation, but all the starting planes each country gets and the free designs Italy gets from its air tree means things get messy quickly with trying to remember the mission types of all these plane types. Don’t harbor strike groups too far away, they may not make the encounter in time. 4 largest carriers, all your capital ships, all the screens you can spare from escorting. France? Tanks first to blunt Germany advances and counterattack at opportune times, while the AI UK does air. spend some Air XP on increasing your engines. Navy group 2 (convoy raiding) : the majority of your subs (like 80%), rest goes to strike force group. And if you’re playing as Germany you have more than enough industry to pump out loads of fighters and CAS. Your newly built ships should automatically deploy into a reserve fleet, for disposition to attendant fleets as A tall game turned disaster: Right,yesterday i posted a question on the USSR and that's how turned out:Defeated the allies,got a massive army,air force and navy,now fighting Germany for a last achievement,a disaster. While tanks are definitely something you should get, no-air builds really don’t work anymore. The mountainous terrain is also very forgiving if you have bad infantry and need to defend Short answer: average detection with modifiers. Air force. From my games as Japan I realized that Carriers are extremely op, I usually rush the 1940s so I get them out before attacking the allies. Upgrade AA gun, get secondary multi use guns, and targeting computers, and bam, planes go down. I am wondering why my Air force Operational Cost is so high, when I have no planes in storage. From there you want FCS and Radar for surface and air detection. The Air Force can be very useful. Destroyers are upgraded 1936, 1940, 1942/43. Of course not just one of those, but dozens of them. And with how expensive aircraft are, you may find it is more effective to use divisional AA and tanks instead of planes. I place it at 14. Because the way how air superiority works, you can build as many cheap fighters as possible in order to achieve green air thanks to overwhelming numbers vs enemy expansive heavy fighters for army buffs (good for blitzkrieg) however you will be slowly losing the air war. Back it up with a good task force consisting of a couple of SAM equipped destroyers and 6 sub hunter frigates. carriers are not that good any more. Battleships are also very powerful, carriers will you give you more bang for your buck. With air superiority a 400 ship doomstack with the same composition as the 592 ship one took no damage, and all carriers were sunk. Detection is calculated as your detection - 80% of enemy detection. In my air force maximum level was expert, no geniuses. A tall game turned disaster: Right,yesterday i posted a question on the USSR and that's how turned out:Defeated the allies,got a massive army,air force and navy,now fighting Germany for a last achievement,a disaster. " I want this task force to consist of: 4 large fleet carriers; 2 fast battleships; 3 anti-air cruisers Yeah, army composition is one of those things that doesn't really work in HoI4. " I want this task force to consist of: 4 large fleet carriers; 2 fast battleships; 3 anti-air cruisers 407K subscribers in the hoi4 community. Build more fighters. Everything you said about AA benefits not mattering is dependent on the fact that you insist that one doesn't use infantry offensively. Use air XP for doctrines and upgrade the fighters with range, engine, agility. America), 100% NBs is effective too. Nov 7, 2019 · But if you upgrade them and their screens right, you can turn the tables on the air force. I usually run into the problem that before invading France in full force I'll be playing whack-a-mole with the French+RAF fighters and bombers popping up on a region, leaving inmediatly after I send fighters while not losing a single plane and bombing several factories and then re-appear at the next region. Otherwise, I go Battlefield Support, for the better CAS efficiency and survivability, since CAS damage is much more valuable than the air superiority debuff. Special force on the same model: my favorite marine to cross river but mountain are very good too. Multiple strike force squads can move to the same conflict and engage it simultaneously. This means an air force getting attacked by multiple countries gets a multiple of experience. I remember finding a page on Wikipedia or some other website that listed a table very similar to the US one above that listed the composition and organization of the Luftwaffe's air wings during WW2. Until you get the very high dmg torpedo and the tech, you want to maximise amount of subs in first contact. It’s imperative to have an air force that can at least mow down enemy CAS, and optimally it’s a good idea to have a fleet of your own close air support to slaughter the enemy. 0). lanchesters square law and all that. You also need a scouting force for each tile you want the strike force to be active in. Iirc correctly the way support works at the moment each wing gets to attack per flight. In my road to 56 Qing Empire playthrough, i became the largest nation, with the biggest army, most factories, and strongest navy. Ideal fleet composition: 4 CVs loaded with carrier naval bomber, 4+ heavy cruiser with as many secondaries, as many light cruisers (all light cruiser battery) as you can afford, and DDs to fill up the screen ratio I can't rly help you with air force because I don't know myself, but this is the way i organize my navy : Navy group 1 (Strike force) : all cruisers, battleships, heavy cruisers, and some of your light cruisers, destroyers and submarines. with air support and/or radar just basic destroyers are plenty for spotting btw. Air will not hold your line. Put them in one trade force on strike force orders. Apr 22, 2024 · There is only one correct way to set up your fleet in HOI4, and that is to stack all of your ships into one single, huge task force. Apply said template to some task forces. bringing more ships kills enemy ships quicker. Your entire sub force should then look like this. With only 4 choices for how to outfit air wings, and no control over foreign designs being eligible for use or not, it's nearly impossible to meaningfully control the composition of your air force, beyond designating a small handful of wings of each type as "elite" and You can set task force compositions in the task force composition editor window. It is the most important part of having air superiority. E. The mod begins not long before the start of Star Wars Episode II: Attack of the Clones and covers the whole of the Clone Wars and the immediate aftermath. 14. But, pending further testing, I think adding a few specialist ships into the mix could solve a lot of that. 1 patch and the La resistance DLC. Brand new HOI4 player here (from EU4), this might be a very dumb question but is the game just all one war? all the stuff i read seems to imply prepping for this one global war (wwii obv) but like, there's no free for all or anything you basically pick a side -> win/lose -> the end? Jun 6, 2021 · deathstack every ship except for subs, convoy raiders/experts, and spotters. Create a small force of like 5 DDs and a spotting CL and that's your basic convoy escort or patrol template, save it. Start jumping back and forth. This is then modified by air cover in the sea region, radar coverage (having a radar station By making sure to always have destroyers in reserve and setting the fleet to auto-reinforce you can make sure that ratio sticks. - Your 1940 Fighter variant is insufficient You produce a 1940 fighter with +1 reliability, +1 Engine and +1 weapon. It doesn't stop being cost effective just because you have the industrial capacity to build a sufficiently strong air force. Put airfields in places where your wings can cover 100% of the air zone to maximize mission efficiency. you should use 80% fighters-20% naval bombers for carriers. Subs should be in packs of 10-15. Air force wise it depends on how much the allies build but you want around 5-10k fighter IIs by war. In prolonged warfare it really pays to have air supremacy but in short annexations its only CAS that matters. Your task force composition is solid if a bit more than needed. Basically 4 carriers per task force is ideal - fewer than that is less economical because you'll basically need the same number of screening vessels, but more than 4 means too many aircraft crowding the airspace above the fleet, complicating forming up for strikes as well as the Strat for cheesy warscore but not anythimg useful, cas for normal airsupport, tactical if the airzones are huge / you want to bomb ports. If I have air cover in the sea zone without kamis (i. Definitely air. 7 BOLIVAR base game) Aug 3, 2023 · This video is designed to teach you to understand and use Air properly in HOI4. In HoI4, though, it's best and easiest to do all of one type and just smash. May 9, 2023 · To bring out their maximum potential as admirals, it is important to understand fleet composition in Hearts of Iron 4. You already have a ton of aluminum so build some refineries and you can make an excellent air force. Air doesn't win wars—— although they can if the enemy has no AA, then you can CAS them to hell. they changed the way screens work so you need a lot WHY is no air a viable strategy? Because AA is extremely, EXTREMELY cost effective. Perhaps, through focuses, but you still can't upgrade them in any capacity. Since they wont have screens anymore they will usually return to port for repairs where your air force can mop them up. I found a good comp is 2 or 4 carriers, no more, 3-5 battleships, 3-5 heavy cruisers, and most importantly lots and lots of light cruisers like 20-30, they are very good in this update, 10-30 destroyers. Small advantage but an advantage none the less. Can I make a new task for based on that? Like, I have a template set up for 2CV/8DD. e. Second to only tanks, getting 15 priority. Yeah, army composition is one of those things that doesn't really work in HoI4. S&F is +5% breakthrough and additional chance for suppressive barrage tactic, helps make up for the lack of breakthrough in superior firepower doctrine (SF only). So that's the trade off you want to make. 8 BOLIVAR - Trial of Allegiance). There are three mutually exclusive doctrine trees. I'm currently playing as USA and trying to manage my fleet. Then click on brown button next to your light fighter plane icon. This is one of the most important parts of the game to understand and will us Strike forces won't get there in time and these things act like a light strike force on patrol. Its good every where. 9. all in all one task force for me is about 25-30 ships and i have like 10 Task Forces for 1 Jan 6, 2022 · - You have 270+ air experience, but no spirit of the air force/air force command Why? For example, "Veteran Air Instructors" would be helpful (in an air war of attrition). Current task force consist of 4 carriers 2 battleships 6 heavy cruisers 12 Light cruisers(are fitted for anti air) 34 Destroyers (fitted for submarine warfare. wize rofncip ualxhrb vqt qaasra bneqml hpkm vxwr pysk dloc