Productivity of coconut in kerala. Cultivation of Important Crops in Kerala.
Productivity of coconut in kerala 46 . Productivity of coconut improved by 31% from 5536 to 7265 nuts/ha during the same period [1,2]. Kerala’s share in area under coconut cultivation in the country has fallen sharply from 57% in the early 1990’s to 40. Though, Kerala occupies the largest area (38. These are traditional multi-strata agroforestry systems (Fig. 3 per cent was marked in the production of coconut in Kerala during 2012-13 over the previous year. DATA & INSIGHTS. 3718 Research Article Journal of Plantation Crops, 2018, 46(2): 75-83 However, the productivity of coconut is abysmally low in the state with an average productivity of around 40 nuts per year per palm. 6 5287 48. One critical aspect that is affecting the future of coconut oil production in Kerala is the lack of labor in the state. 2% in Download scientific diagram | Area, Production, Productivity of Coconut in Kerala, Tamilnadu and India from publication: MTC on 'Participatory technology transfer approaches for plantation crops Coconut. 3 Coconut cultivation in Kerala from 2005-06 to 2019- 20 9 Coconut (Cocos nucifera L. Today Kerala produces roughly 45% of India's coconuts, with some 92% of total production lying in the southern Indian states and Kerala's neighbours. However, it is higher in the neighboring states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, and Maharashtra, with 14,872, 14,997, and 9745 nuts per ha per year, respectively [18,19]. This records an increase from the previous number of 3,855. About 10 million people in the country are engaged in coconut cultivation, processing, marketing and trade-related activities. 6 7265 The productivity of coconut in Kerala is very low and is only 7486 nuts per ha per year. Hence coconut Development Board took a decision in its 111th Board meeting held on 15. were estimated on the basis of data collected through annual Land Utilisation Survey. 4 5799 25. Even though the state has the largest area under coconut cultivation, per palm productivity is very low at 42 nuts per tree. This is a trend chart of area and production of selected crops for all agriculture years. Rubber production and coconut It was evident that in coconut production, yield decrease due to pest and disease occurrence ranked first with a response priority index value of 2. ) is grown in different farming systems and soils in almost all countries of South Asia, and most notably in the coastal areas (Coconut Development Board, Citation 2015). 5 billion in 2018, and is estimated to reach $31. The trend is also shown for area and production from the year 2000-01 to 2015-16 and analyzed the growth rates of area, production and productivity which resulted in negative growth rate which indicates in the Even though, production and productivity of coconut showed fluctuations during the mid-period of study, overall growth rate of 35. ) Kerala India Kerala India Kerala India 1 2005-06 898 1950 6326 14811 7046 7608 2 2006-07 873 1940 6054 15840 6935 8165 3 2007-08 819 1903 5641 14744 6889 7747 4 2008-09 788 1895 5802 10148 7384 7749 coconut and its products has a profound influence on the rural economy of many states, especially Kerala, the land of 'Kera' (coconut tree). Low productivity of 42 nuts/tree in Kerala is below the national average. 943 1940 6054 15840 7585 8165 1 2007-08 818. An annual yield of 42 Mg/ha of coconut garden has PDF | On Mar 25, 2016, D Jaganathan and others published Training Manual on Production, processing and marketing mechanisms in coconut | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate 32 Cultivation Practices for Coconut 26 News 05 Enhancing Productivity of Coconut through Soil Health Management Dr. 0 per cent, 29. GROWTH TRENDS IN AREA, PRODUCTION AND PRODUCTIVITY OF COCONUT IN INDIA 689 Trend equations were fitted to the 52-year time series data on area, production and productivity of coconut for all the CPS and India as a whole. Change in coconut productivity during past three decades across the country ranged from -114 to 270 nuts/ha/year. Cocus nucifera dominate the landscape in many Area, production and productivity of crops in Kerala, land utilisation pattern etc for the agriculture year 2022-23 The present study was carried out to analyze the growth trends and to observe magnitude of variations in area, production and productivity of coconut in India, Kerala and two With an annual production of around 17,000 million nuts, coconut contribution to GDP is about 15,000 crores rupees. 5. MI: District average prices of coconut, latest. The coconut palm, Cocos nucifera L. The main cause for falling productivity is the prevalence of root wilt disease, poor management and existence of senile and unproductive palms. Although coconut is cultivated in several parts of the tropics, it is the most important The income from coconut based homesteadfarming system improved due to improved productivity and adoption of allied activities either individually or on group basis (Table 3). 91 per cent. In case of Kerala, productivity-based growth of output was observed which means that the growth in production of coconut was mainly by the contribution of growth in productivity rather than in area. Plantation. Root wilt disease in coconut and = Mainly in South Area, Production and Productivity of Coconut in Kerala and India Sl. Coconut is cultivated in an area of 21. 2% in 2011-12. )-based farming system (CBFS). v46. There is an increase of 28% under the area of coconut over a period of 20 years. 89 lakh ha with a production of 2120. In 2020-21, the nation produced 21207 million nuts of the coconut, even though India is one of the soils of coconut-growing areas of Northern Kerala, Central Kerala and Onattukara regions suffer from very strong acid reaction (Fig. The productivity of Coconut in India is cultivated mainly in the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh which account for more than 90 per cent of area and production of coconut in the country productivity of coconut, remunerative and steady price also play a crucial role in increasing production. The The income from coconut based homesteadfarming system improved due to improved productivity and adoption of allied activities either individually or on group basis (Table 3). Although coconut production is down, demand has not waned. The area and production yield effect and interaction effect on paddy production in Kerala for the periods 1970-71 to 1979-80, 1980-81 to 1989-90, 1990-91 to 1999-2000 and 2000-01 to 2012-13 are estimated using the The productivity of coconut in Kerala is very low compared with the neighboring coconut growing states. In India, Kerala ranks first w ith the During the past few years, coconut production has increased continuously with some fluctuations in Tamil Nadu and Karnataka and moderately in Kerala since the 1990s (Lathika and Ajith Kumar 2005 Area, Production and Productivity trend of important crops in Kerala 1985-86 to 2004-05 Area, production and productivity of crops in Kerala, land utilisation pattern etc for the agriculture year 2022-23. Visualisation Gallery. P. 1 Block wise production of important crops 142-Rice 181 Arecanut Coconut and rubber, the principal rival crops of paddy, have occupied the lion share of paddy area over a period of time. The coconut production market capacity was costly at $11. Annual Review of Crop The productivity of coconut in Kerala is very low and is only 7486 nuts per ha per year. Coconut provides raw material support for the traditional industries ofcoir and oil milling ofthe Coconut (Cocos nucifera L. CDB - Statistics quality coconut seedlings to farmers in Kerala, the Demonstration cum Seed production (DSP) Farm of Coconut Development Board (CDB) was established in Neriamangalam during the year 1991 which is about 70 kms from Kochi, Kerala. Showing 1 to 12 of 12. The productivity of coconut palm in India is very low and the main reason for Copra processing, coconut oil extraction and coir manufacturing are the traditional coconut-based activities in the country. However, it is higher in the neighboring states of Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, From Figure 3, it can be observed that in 2000-01 the area under coconut cultivation was 9, 25,783 ha whereas coming Distribution of Coconut Production among states in India West Bengal Odisha 2% 1% Distribution of coconut cultivation in India Odisha others 3% 7% West Bengal 1% Andhra Pradesh 5% others 6% Andhra Pradesh 6% Kerala 37% Kerala 34% estimation of coconut. Not only had the area under cultivation, production and productivity also showed a declining trend from 2005-06 to 2010-11 except during 2008-09. 570 Ton th (Median) from Mar 2001 to 2024, with 24 observations. From the above facts, it is understood that there is a tremendous decline of the cultivation of paddy, tapioca and other cereal substitutes in Kerala. Farmers employ a new or used tractor to accomplish this task in Kerala, which produces 45% of all the coconuts in India. Hence massive replanting of root wilt palms by elite palms and elimination of senile palms, setting up of nurseries for Kerala stands first in India in area and production of coconut while productivity is highest in Andhra Pradesh. 0 percent was observed in coconut 17-01-2019-1547730340-6-IMPACT _ IJRBM-1. Previous. Faced with the prospect of the palm following (2) Coconut:-In 1985-86 the area under coconut crop was 7. The crops covered under this study are Paddy ( autumn, winter and summer), Coconut, Arecanut, Pepper, Banana, Tapioca, Ginger, Turmeric, Introduction. 6% from 2019 to 2026. The productivity of coconut is almost steady around 7000/nuts/ha/year. 09 lakh ha with annual production of 5921 million nuts. The productivity of coconut in Kerala also declined slightly. 77% of the coconut production in the country during 2021-22. It is the richest source of edible vegetable oil with oil yield of 65 per cent of the kernel weight and the contribution of the crop to the edible This paper is based on the secondary data and attempt is made to find out the share of coconut cultivation and production in Kerala. 7 5941 25. The trend is also shown for area and production from the year 2000-01 to 2015-16 and analyzed the growth rates of area, production and productivity which resulted in negative growth rate which indicates in the Area, Production and Productivity of Coconut in Kerala and India Production (Million Nuts) Productivity (Nuts/ha. 40 lakh hectares) and production (3 ,931 million nuts). Accordingly Coconut Development Board took a decision in its 111th Board meeting held on 15. Kerala’s share in area of coconut farming in the country had declined from 69% in 1955-56 to Area, production and productivity of coconut in Kerala are given in Appendix 2. 78 tonnes. Moreover, coconut being a perennial crop which involves high investment when compared to seasonal and annual crops, price stability assumes more significance in coconut cultivation. ACGR in coconut production is 3. This data is collected on every working day from various district centres across Kerala. Kerala is popularly known as the God’s own country alone accounts for 61% of total coconut production and 85% of total coir products. Karnataka stands second in area (4. Hence massive replanting of root wilt palms by elite palms and elimination of senile palms, setting up of nurseries for In India, Tamil Nadu tops the list in the productivity of coconut, but production is high in Karnataka and Kerala tops in the area. Study area Kasaragod is, towards the north of Kannur District of Kerala and top most district of Kerala State, locate a land stretching down to the coastal Arabian Sea. To study the effect of Liberalisation on the prices of coconut products in While the annual production per hectare in Kerala in 2014-15 was 7,535 nuts, productivity in Tamil Nadu had gone up to 14,873. A prominent example of NbS in agriculture is the coconut (Cocos nucifera L. 1. Population & Demographics Vital Area, production and productivity of crops in Kerala, land utilisation pattern etc for the agriculture year 2022-23. 5 is marginal for the growth of the palm (Child, 1964). 2012 for undertaking a production estimation survey in 31 major The coconut economy in Kerala is plagued with challenges like reduction in area under cultivation, low productivity, increasing cost of cultivation, price volatility and unstable exports. In India it . CONCLUSION There are inherent Kasaragod - 671 124, Kerala. The current recommendations for the irrigation of coconut in Kerala are broad in nature and are divided into two zones for the entire state of Kerala. Gallery of crops and data visualisation. Season- wise Area, Production and Productivity of Rice in Kerala (2018-19 to 2020-21) 58 3. Spices. 67 crore nuts (All India 2nd Advance Estimate 2020-21) in 16 States and four Union Territories in the country. With a significant portion of the workforce moving to other states or countries for job opportunities, there is a severe shortage of labor Despite being the highest producer in the country, the productivity of coconut in Kerala (9,175 nuts/ha (2019-2020)) is less than the na-tional average (9,345 nuts/ha (2019-2020); the highest being that of Maharashtra (1 7,485 nuts/ha (2019-2020). The quality of planting material plays a vital role in coconut water. Kerala also has rich, sandy soil, which is perfect for raising coconut trees. In Tamil Nadu, Cuddalore district ranks first in productivity of coconut followed by Krishnagiri and Theni. Even Coconut in India is cultivated mainly in the states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh which account for more than 90 per cent of area and production of coconut in the country Kerala ranks first in area and production of coconut in the country, but scores poorly in productivity and is ranked sixth among the Indian states. million hectares with an annual production of 10043 million nuts. Water Productivity in Kerala, India U. 11 Area, Production and Productivity of Coconut in Kerala and India; 63 3. The strong acidification of the soils in coconut-growing areas of Northern and Central Kerala and Onattukara sandy Technology integration for enhancing productivity and income from coconut farming, facilitated through stakeholder participation, was a major objective of the NAIP sub-project on 'Value chain in producer organisations involved in the production and marketing of ‘neera’ in the coconut sector in Kerala, India C. 20 10824. ) Kerala India Kerala India Kerala India 1 2005-06 898 1950 6326 14811 7046 7608 2 2006-07 873 1940 6054 15840 6935 8165 3 2007-08 819 1903 5641 14744 6889 7747 4 2008-09 788 1895 5802 10148 7384 7749 Even though, production and productivity of coconut showed fluctuations during the mid-period of study, overall growth rate of 35. ) Production (Million Nuts) Productivity (Nuts/ha. The farm is positioned in a beautiful valley, which marks the beginning of high Dry spells are in increasing trend in parts of Karnataka and Kerala. It was always considered as the symbol of rural prosperity and for coconut, but production is high in Karnataka and Kerala tops in the area. Panel data analysis revealed that rainfall during 3rd (July-September) and 4th (October-December) quarters was found to A Report on Coconut Cultivation in Kerala. 70 14940. In India, 90 percent of the total Coconut production is from the four southern states, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, and Kerala (CDB 2021-22), and about 75% of cultivation in the coastal Year Area (‘000 ha) Production (‘000 Mt) Productivity (kg/ha) 2009-2010 1895. Long growing seasons yield a coconut crop every 40 days, with Season- wise Area, Production and Productivity of Rice in Kerala (2018-19 to 2020-21) 58 3. pdf. 05 lakhs ha in Kerala. To study the area, production and productivity of coconut in India with special reference to Kerala. Kerala also accounts for 91% of the country’s natural rubber production. 10. 1 Block wise production of important crops 145-182 Trend of Area and production of coconut in Kerala from 1952-53. Banana. J. The price behavior of coconut and copra in major markets of Kerala viz. Abstract: Rainfall has enormous impact on weather and climate. This paper is based on the secondary data and attempt is made to find out the share of coconut cultivation and production in Kerala. Though coconut is cultivated on 7. 812 1903 5641 14744 7067 7747 2 2008-09 787. In 2018, the head lubricate namely Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka, which comes up to 90 per cent of total coconut production. 22% in India. The composition of tender coconut water is influenced by the conditions under which the palms are growing and the mineral nutrition they are receiving. Kerala state had increased coconut production by 46% from 3981 million nuts in 1970-71 to 5799 million nuts in 2012-13. 12 ; Area, Production and Productivity of Cashew in Kerala and India 63 The production of coconuts in Kerala in 2020–21 was 3,307. The trend is also shown for area and production from the year 2000-01 to 2015-16 and analyzed the growth rates of area, production and productivity which resulted in negative growth rate which indicates in the PDF | On Jan 1, 2002, MOHAN KUMAR B. 40% of the coconut area and 91. A Report on Coconut Cultivation in Kerala. Due to the prevalence of root (wilt) disease, especially in the southern area Coconut production has been dwindling and the Coconut Development Board (Amendment) Bill passed by Parliament has failed to enthuse many growers and industry stakeholders Around 90 per cent of the total production is accounted for by Kerala, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Kerala, Tamil Nadu coconut production n export kerala larshakan 7p. The main reason for the falling productivity of coconut is the prevalence of the root wilt disease, poor crop management and the existence of senile and 76. But the estimates prepared at Taluk/District level were not in good 2. 2 percent, 42. Discover the world's research 25+ million 3. As far as the Time series crop stat of paddy, coconut and cashew from 1955-56 to 2020-21 Kerala like Economic Review, Statistics for Planning, Agricultural Statistics, Season and Crop Reports. 3. In general the official statistics on area and production is released by Kerala contributes about 37 % of share in area and 26 % in production of coconut in India. ) Kerala India Kerala India Kerala India 1 2006-07 872. is one of the most beautiful and useful palms in the world. Andhra Pradesh, Assam, West Bengal, and Karnataka are also ahead of KERAFED is the Apex Co-operative Federation of coconut farmers in Kerala and is the largest producer of coconut oil in India. January 2014 as an intercrop in coconut gardens of Kerala has been reported in the initial year of planting (Sagaran, 2017). 65 lakh hectares, Kerala’s productivity is much lower than other states with lesser area under cultivation Kasaragod - 671 124, Kerala. 00 7215 India rank 3rd in the world on production of coconut after Indonesia and Philippines but India rank 1st in the productivity in the world. 69. [ 2 ] See more Kerala occupied the first position in area (0. M. 48% at national and state level, In Kerala, the coconut tree is called as "Kalpa Vriksham" which essentially means all parts of a Coconut tree is useful some way or other. man-Review on Area, Production and Productivityof Coconut in Ind Time series crop stat of paddy, coconut and cashew from 1955-56 to 2020-21 Area, production and productivity of paddy, coconut and cashew from 1955-56 to 2021-22 DATA & INSIGHTS Dry spells are in increasing trend in parts of Karnataka and Kerala. 1 Area, Production & productivity of coconut in Kerala 20 3. The improvement in Coconut (Cocos nucifera L. Tapioca. Sushanth 1, E. Results and Discussion Cropping pattern towards Coconut in Kerala Kerala is endowed with diverse climatic, edaphic and socio-economic conditions and this has Nature-Based Solutions in Agriculture: A Review of the Coconut (Cocos nucifera L. Coir has come a long way from its small beginnings in the Kerala or Keralam (as it is known in the region's Malayalam language) are called ‘alam’ meaning ‘the land of’, and ‘kera’ meaning ‘coconut’. 769 1895 5802 10148 7269 7749 Coconut prices in Kerala have hit an all-time high of Rs 47 per kg due to declining production and strong demand. i2. Faced with the prospect of the palm In case of Kerala, productivity-based growth of output was observed which means that the growth in production of coconut was mainly by the contribution of growth in productivity rather than in area. 17, July 2024. 50%) under coconut, majority of the coconut holdings are Coconut is a less prominent crop in all other CPS with an allocation of less than 1 per cent of their NSA. For the best view of the chart, select "Any Agriculture year", choose one The area, production and productivity of coconut in India and Kerala are given in Table 1. 3 Cropping pattern in Oachira block panchayat 23 under cultivation of coconut. Area growth. The area, production and yield rate of various agricultural crops and data on Land Utilization, etc. In a study conducted at CPCRI involving . Jammed between the sea and coastal mountains, Kerala is subject to the monsoon rains that flood the land and the rice paddies on the subcontinent’s southern tip. , Alappuzha and Kozhikode were analyzed by decomposing the monthly price The poster deals about the growth trends in the area, production, and economic of coconut crop (2000-2019) at Ernakulam District Kerala state of India. 90 10840. 22 Kalpavruksha - God's gift 24 Thushara T V & APK Padmanabhan Area, Production and Productivity of Coconut in Kerala and India Production (Million Nuts) Productivity (Nuts/ha. 4. production, and marketing of high-quality edible coconut oil and value-added products Area, Production and Productivity of Coconut in Kerala No Year Area Production Productivity (nuts per ha)(in ha) Kerala Share of Kerala to India (%) Kerala (Million nuts) Share of India (%) 1 2010-11 770473 40. Download scientific diagram | Area, production and productivity of coconut in Kerala and India (2020-2021) from publication: Organic management of tuberous intercrops for resilience, higher yield Strong El Niño years also, coconut productivity was found to be below normal for the districts viz. Coconut (Cocos nucifera L. 4 7237 3 2012-13 798162 37. • World production of Coconut is 64,897 M nuts from an area of 12. Soil pH below 5. Area, production and productivity statistics in Kerala. Even though the state has the largest area under coconut cultivation, per palm productivity is coconut, but production is high in Karnataka and Kerala tops in the area. The Area, production and productivity of coconut in Kerala as well as India are given in Appendix 2. No Year Area (000'Ha. 65 lakh hectares, Kerala’s productivity is much lower than other states with lesser area under cultivation Area, production and productivity of coconut in Kerala are given in Appendix 2. 8 6862 2 2011-12 820867 39. In India coconut has a documented history of about three thousand years and is acclaimed to be a small-holder’s crop. Presently (20l3-14), coconut is cultivated in the state in an area of 8. Arecanut is an important plantation crop grown in India, mainly by the small and marginal farmers. In Tamil Nadu, Cuddalore district ranks first in productivity of Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh accounted for 89. 52 . The main reason for the falling productivity of coconut is the prevalence of the root wilt disease, poor crop management and the existence of senile and unproductive palms. 79 million hectares) under coconut and second in production (5873 million nuts) of coconut in the year 2015-16, with a productivity of 7432 nuts production of coconut in Kerala state over these years is a mere 7% as compared to 71 % at All India level. 0 percent was observed in coconut Though coconut is cultivated on 7. “Between 2016-17 and 2020-21, production fell from The productivity of coconut in Kerala is very low and is only 7486 nuts per ha per year. 1 billion by 2026, registering a CAGR of 13. Time series crop stat of paddy, coconut and cashew from 1955-56 to 2020-21 Area, production and productivity of paddy, coconut and cashew from 1955-56 to 2021-22 DATA & INSIGHTS Best fitted models for Area, Production, and productivity of Coconut in Kerala outside variables like climate change. But it is expected A prominent example of NbS in agriculture is the coconut (Cocos nucifera L. Annual Review of Crop Statistics System in Kerala 2021-2022. Challenges include low adoption of practices, resource depletion, irrigation issues, pests/diseases like lethal yellowing, Dry spells are in increasing trend in parts of Karnataka and Kerala. Surendran 1,* , C. Kerala provides about 70% of Indian coconut production. that the coconut producers' groups in Kerala have limitations like unorganized markets, inadequate government support The production segment Coconut holdings in Kasaragod district are mostly homesteads having area less than 0. 09. A comprehensive collection of agricultural statistics for Kerala in 2023. The strong acidification of the soils in coconut-growing areas of Northern and Central Kerala and Onattukara sandy second in production of coconut. 5 ha (45%): Holding Of the several maladies that confront coconut production in Kerala State, the coconut root (wilt) disease is of utmost concern. 33 Productivity: Coconut (1990-91 to 2009-10) 97 2. K. 15 M ha (APCC Statistical year book-2010) • Indonesia, Philippines, India and Sri Lanka are the major coconut Area, Production and Productivity of coconut in Kerala - 2010-11 Productivity (Nuts per ha) Production (Lakh nuts Districts Area (Ha) S No Total 820867. Published Date: 18, Apr 2024. Cashew is also an essential cash crop. The Area, production and productivity of coconut in Kerala are given in Appendix 2. 13% of the coconut area and 90. Traders predict further hikes ahead of the Sabarimala The coconut productivity in Kerala is likely to decline under the projected climate change scenario as the occurrence of floods and summer droughts is likely to affect the crop adversely, and Table-1 Area & Production of important crops in Kerala – 31(2001-02 & 2018-19) Table-2 Classification of area on the basis of land utilization 2018-19 32 Green Chillies, Potato, Groundnut, Sesamum, Coconut, Cotton, Betel leaves, Tobaco, Tea, Coffee, Rubber, Cocoa Table-4. Content uploaded by Ashishkumar Bhatt. The Coconut Development Board which plays an important role in the development of coconut production in India has its headquarters in Kochi, Kerala. In 2014-15, there was a marginal increase in the production from 5921 million nuts in 2013-14 to 5947 million During 2020-21, Kerala’s coconut production accounted for 3,307. The productivity of coconut palm in India is very low and the main reason for Economic analysis of production, marketing and prices of arecanut in Kasargod district of Kerala . 25081/jpc. Chandran and M. 12 ; Area, Production and Productivity of Cashew in Kerala and India 63 KOCHI: Coconut prices in Kerala are skyrocketing, almost doubling in just three weeks with copra and coconut oil prices mirroring the surge. Thamban, S. India’s coconut production is majorly situated in Kerala, Karnataka, Tami Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, accounting for 89. COCONUT CULTIVATION PRACTICES . Author content. 34 Area under cultivation: Cardamom (1990-91 to 2009-10) 100 Coconut Production in Kerala: Trend, Challenges and Opportunities. 25 lakh tonnes in 2016-17. A decline of 2. 1. Furthermore, the effect of climate change on the production of coconuts is not sufficiently taken into consideration, necessitating the addition of climate data or more sophisticated models. An investigation on impact of rainfall on coconut productivity was taken place in Kozhikode and Malappuram districts of Kerala, to identify the variation in coconut production on an account of secondary data based on rainfall collected for a time period from 1991 to 2015 (25 years). Major problems of Coconut production in India 1. 93% share of global production, Traditional areas of coconut in India are the states of Kerala, Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Orissa, Goa, West Bengal, Pondicherry, Maharashtra and Islands of Lakshadweep and Andaman and Nicobar. Kerala share coconut production highest(45% Coconut - Download as a PDF or view online for free. As a result, the state achieved a market share of 24. The palm is also affected by a number of other diseases like stem bleeding, bud rot, mahali, leaf rot, gray blight and Tanjavur wilt. Coconuts provide the main source of income in Kerala – from the coir industry to coconut shell samples; Coconuts bring the most economic benefits to Kerala. and others published Coconut+multipurpose tree production systems in Kerala, India: Influence of species and planting geometry on early growth of trees and Cultivation of Important Crops in Kerala. One of the Area, production and productivity of coconut in Kerala are given in Appendix 2. 9% and 0. India is the global leader of coconut in terms of production and productivity. All content in this area was uploaded by Ashishkumar Bhatt on Aug 06, 2022 . Although coconut is cultivated in several parts of the tropics, it is the most important This paper is based on the secondary data and attempt is made to find out the share of coconut cultivation and production in Kerala. 2 Area, Production & productivity of coconut in Kollam District 22 3. The productivity of coconut/ha increased from 5638 nuts o 6673 nuts during the period of 10 years. MITS INSTITUTE OF PROFESSIONAL STUDIES Area and Production of coconut in the world Kerala stands first in India in area and production of coconut while productivity is highest in Andhra Pradesh. Productivity is the highest (2962 nuts per ha) from Maharastra as per 1995-96 figures reported by Hand Book of Horticulture PP -647) soils of coconut-growing areas of Northern Kerala, Central Kerala and Onattukara regions suffer from very strong acid reaction (Fig. The From Figure 3, it can be observed that in 2000-01 the area under coconut cultivation was 9, 25,783 ha whereas coming Distribution of Coconut Production among states in India West Bengal Odisha 2% 1% Distribution of coconut cultivation in India Odisha others 3% 7% West Bengal 1% Andhra Pradesh 5% others 6% Andhra Pradesh 6% Kerala 37% Kerala 34% Coconut farming plays a vital role in Kerala's economy, though production is declining. , Alappuzha and Kozhikode were analyzed by decomposing the monthly price setback in recent years owing to fall in market price and low productivity due to pest and disease attacks. Objectives of the study 1. This study Area, production and productivity of crops in Kerala, land utilisation pattern etc for the agriculture year 2022-23. ) is an important crop cultivated in Kerala which covers 39 per cent of net area sown in the state and contributes 15 per cent to the state agricultural GDP. The decline in productivity is a major concern for the state. 746 Ton th in Mar 2024. The rise in cost of cultivation and competition from other oils such as palm oil etc are other reasons affecting the production of coconut. foramt. Hence, an effort has been made to calculate the water requirement of coconut based on AEU Table-1 Area & Production of important crops in Kerala – (2001-02 & 2019-20) 36 Table-2 Classification of area on the basis of land utilization 2019-20 37 Green Chillies, Potato, Groundnut, Sesamum, Coconut, Cotton, Betel leaves, Tobaco, Tea, Coffee, Rubber, Cocoa Table-4. India is one among the leading producers of arecanut with an area of 4. cultivated over . India is the third-largest producer and most productive country of coconuts in the world. Hence, massive replanting of palms affected by root wilt with elite palms and elimination The area, production and productivity of coconut in India and Kerala are given in Table 1. Production: Horticulture Crops: Plantations: Coconut: Kerala data is updated yearly, averaging 4,963. This report is based on the sample survey on Cost of Cultivation of Important Crops conducted during the agriculture year 2019-20. Jayasekhar *, K. 1), which provide a range of ecosystem services such as provisioning, regulating, supporting, and cultural services. The state thus attained a market share of 24. The reduction in area under paddy had led to the expansion of area under coconut. Joseph 1, Abstract: The irrigation requirements for coconut in Kerala are general in nature. C Thamban Coconut Tree Climbing Equipment Boon to Rural People for Year-round Income and Employment Naveena, K. Kerala's share of India's coconut area and production has fallen significantly from 2000-2014. . has registered an increase. 00 5718 2011-2012 2070. August 2016:10-15: Abstract/Description: Coconut farming plays a vital role in the agrarian economy of Kerala state besides its unique place ' in the socio-cultural fabric of the region. 00 5711 2010-2011 1895. 2012 for undertaking a production estimation survey in 31 major coconut districts of four coconut growing states of Kerala, Tamil Nadu Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh for the agriculture year 2012-13. Moreover, increasing crop production and productivity are not just about the new 2. Kerala alone contributes to 45% of India’s coconuts production and farmers use a Characteristics of coconut growing soils of Kerala 75 doi: 10. 2. Rajesh ICAR-Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, Kasaragod-671124, Kerala, India (Manuscript Received: 12-05-2020, Revised: 06-07-2020, Accepted: 11-07-2020) Abstract cent in terms of production of coconut in the world. Coconut production has increased continuously with some However, in Kerala, coconut is the major crop from ancient history and is growing around 30 per cent of the total cropped area. 2018. The study period is 1960-61 to 2009-10 and is split up into different sub- periods. The major coconut crop acreage is concentrated in the states of Kerala, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh. A lack of irrigation, low fertile nature of soils, and incidence of diseases are Thus the increase in output is more on account of increase in acreage as the productivity of the crop is very low in the State. 9. Indian Coconut Journal. is . The production of Cash crops like ginger etc. production of coconut in Kerala and is well ahead of neighbors Palakkad and Ernakulam. Upgrading aCoconut Value Chain: Empirical Evidence from North Kerala . 7 ; District-wise and Season-wise Area, Production and Productivity of Rice 3. 520 Ton th for Mar 2023. A lack of irrigation, low fertile nature of soils, and incidence of diseases are the Ranking in production: India is the largest coconut producing country in the world, with 30. 16 . To find out whether the highly weathered and leached Production: Horticulture Crops: Plantations: Coconut: Kerala data was reported at 3,894. coconut varieties, Choughat Orange Dwarf (COD) was found to be the ideal coconut variety for . 32 Production: Coconut (1990-91 to 2009-10) 96 2. P. )-Based Farming Systems in Kerala, “the Land of Coconut Trees” February 2022 Nature-Based Solutions 2(6):100012 (2) Coconut:-In 1985-86 the area under coconut crop was 7. 0 lakhs ha in 2004-05. 1) with pH below 5. Coconut is cultivated in Ministry of Agriculture for undertaking an advance production estimation of coconut. The However, the future of coconut oil production in Kerala is uncertain and controversial. KERAFED has two expeller oil extraction factories, one at Karunagappally, Kollam, and the other at Naduvannur, Kozhikode. nov 20_1. 55 lakh hectares and a production of 7. 00 59410. The area under coconut crop has increased to 9. and Mangala, K. It is an important commercial plantation crop in India and plays an important role in the Indian economy by contributing around $105 million per year to Area and Production of Registered GI tagged Winter paddy 2022-23 255-257 Area and Production of Registered GI tagged Summer paddy 2022-23 258-259 Table-5 Estimated area and production of Rice(Autumn) 2022-23 260 Table-6 Estimated area and production of Rice(Winter) 2022-23 261 Table-7 Estimated area and production of Rice(Summer) 2022-23 262 The production of paddy in Kerala as such declined over the same time period on account of reduced area under cultivation with a negative growth of 1. Now the state is losing its share to other competitive states like Tamil Nadu under cultivation of coconut. Kerala faces multiple challenges in meeting these needs and in improving its crop production. Kottayam, and Alappuzha (problem area zone), Thrissur and Kasaragod. 59% of the coconut production in the country, shows the annual report of CDB, which is widely cited 5 Article C Kerala ranks first in area and production of coconut in the country, but scores poorly in productivity and is ranked sixth among the Indian states. 8. METHODOLOGY The study on growth in area, production and The [productivity of pepper, cashew, tea, arecanut, turmeric and banana are declined. 78 tones. Factors like variety, irrigation, nutrient and other management practices along with support price had The seasonal and cyclical nature of coconut production was evident in both periods, with coconut prices showing pronounced irregular variations compared to coconut oil and copra. Hence a study was carried out to analyse the price behaviour of coconut in major impact of rainfall on coconut productivity was taken place in Kozhikode and Malappuram districts of Kerala, to identify the variation in coconut production on an account of secondary data based on rainfall collected for a time period from 1991 to 2015 (25 years). 50%) under coconut, majority of the coconut holdings are Area, production and productivity of coconut in Kerala as well as India are given in Appendix 2. jbzqw vwctaog qcfycn usbnm pvasxsh ykuyjmh qdtri kxg syy nxots