Atom variable inspector


Atom variable inspector. Aug 22, 2016 · Align variables horizontally in unity inspector. 1. This will show up in the inspector: var myVarName : String; This won't: var myVarName : String = "Hello World"; If you leave the variable unassigned when you declare it, it should come up in the inspector. Seems like a waste of time to me, I’m still able to influence a static variable from the inspector, just takes another few lines of code to do it. The entire input script is as follows: Node Inspector is a debugger interface for Node. 0 z lower 1. 25) All admin notices are now suppressed, i. AddComponent< myBaseSkill. Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEditor; public class MyScript: MonoBehaviour { public bool a; //Hide b by default, but make it public so MyScriptEditor can access it [HideInInspector] public int b; [CustomEditor(typeof(MyScript))] public class MyScriptEditor: Editor { public override Atom is built by some of the most well known inspection engineers in the industry. e. Rigidbody rb = enemy. The view in the Inspection window is the same as in the Watches pane, but requires less screen space. 🎨🧐🔎 This extension mimics and enhances the built-in devtools inspector by adding the explored css variables to the inspector box too. Sorted by: 17. However, this is purely for display purposes and you should always use the variable name within your code. 7. Latest version: 3. However, PlayerStats has an XPToNextLevel variable while EnemyStats doesn’t. Requirements ; JupyterLab >= 3. For me the following works with |jupyterlab = 3. An alternative method is to use SerializeField. watch_globals() And as you code on the left you will see the variables updated automatically on the right. jupyter lab is absolutely up-to-date as of this posting (ver. Displaying the variable in the new cell seems natural enough. Questions & Answers. F2 In the script you can put any variable in the inspector using the export keyword in the GDScript file. Provenance. The variable inspector does not work probably because I haven't installed the Jupyter extension, debugger. You can even expand dictionaries and other stuff. cs and copy paste the following code: public string NewName { get ; private set; } public RenameAttribute( string name ) NewName = name ; Then, create an other script called RenameDrawer. One step further additionally to the "watch" mode would be to list variables of A formula for an atom-style variable can use formula elements that produce either a scalar value or a per-atom vector, but not one that produces a global vector. This is the recommended solution; Add some sort of public property or getter/setter to your class so the editor can actually In C#, the simplest way to see a variable in the Inspector is to declare it as public. js provides a built-in DevTools-based debugger which mostly deprecates Node Inspector, see e. Other changes included making the inspection levels coincide between the two standards, adopting the switching rules and lot size ranges of MIL-STD-105, and Nov 13, 2014 · 5. Hide and/or disable the property that is being drawn based on the attribute parameters. namespace import NamespaceMagics # Used to query namespace. 11. Stats has an XP variable, available to both classes. 1. When they invoke the atom-style variable, only Jul 12, 2015 · Hello everyone, I was wondering if can we change the variable name on inspector without changing it in script. There are no other projects in the npm registry using @lckr/jupyterlab_variableinspector. 0 Mar 3, 2022 · That’s it, pretty easy right. I like using the [SerializeField] attribute instead. The problem is that some of these variables are integers, others are floats, and yet Feb 24, 2016 · 10. watch_globals() Open a scratch cell (Ctrl+Alt+N) On it, run. 0 In order to allow variable inspection, all content that is displayed first need to be sent from the kernel to the front end. 3- Tap on any widget in emulator. Place this script in a folder called Editor. === Label (i want to use the The Variable Atom looks like this in the Unity Inspector: And the Constant Atom looks like this: The Developer Description is a text describing the Variable in order to document it, the Value is the actual value of the Variable, and Old Value is the last value the Variable had after it was changed via code. py script in vscode. . However, these changes are purely for display purposes. Then click it, there will be a new tab next Mar 2, 2022 · 背景:めっちゃ失敗した AnacondaのjupyterLabで,何か有名なVariable inspectorをインストールしようとしたが沢山失敗しました。PCは,Windowsです。 沢山失敗したので記録として。同じ人の助けになればと思います。 ・AnacondaのjupyterLabの拡張機能からインストール ・jupyterLabのnotebookからインストール ← Jupyterlab extension that shows currently used variables and their values. I installed the variable inspector. Variables data allows for the orderly and precise control over process adjustments. Here is the This notebook demonstrates how one can use the widgets to create a working variable inspector for the IPython kernel much like the ones seen in popular commercial scientific computing environments. For the time being, this project is still in its first steps. Example: export var damage : float = 5. conda create -n"variable_inspector" conda activate variable_inspector conda install -c conda-forge jupyterlab pip install -U lckr-jupyterlab-variableinspector Is your setup any different? — You are receiving this because you commented. To avoid confusion you can tell the inspector what variables it uses with the Jul 13, 2018 · Vicarian July 13, 2018, 9:39pm 2. In C#, you must declare a variable as public to see it in the Inspector. The result is . Mar 4, 2015 · Making variables public just to facilitate serialization in Unity is an anti-pattern and should be avoided in my opinion. get_node ("Node_Name). 0 EHP6 on HANA Latest * 6. Then you can remove the symlink named @lckr Dec 2, 2017 · Bonfire-Boy December 2, 2017, 2:09pm 3. variables. 4- See the widget tree. 0 EHP7 Latest ; 6. ) Script Variables not showing up in the Inspector. The Atom team has built customized templates for inspections including: bridges, signs, and other ancillary assets. 3, Node. Oct 13, 2023 · You need to create an editor script for your class to draw it in Inspector. If you need to refer to the field in another script, use public. Is there any way to show variables depending on the enum selected and hide remaining other variables. The debugging screen is similar to Chrome DevTools with a Variables Apr 1, 2018 · For sure you can! And it’s not that hard! Create a first script called RenameAttribute. Conversely Nov 29, 2015 · Step 3 : ConditionalHidePropertyDrawer. Apr 1, 2020 · I want a variable to be modified by ONLY the Inspector, not anywhere else in the code. 1) Get reference to GameObject which has a script with the data - There's many ways to do this, such as caching the reference when instantiated, establishing the reference manually in the inspector, or one of the Find methods. Yes you can, but you have to implement a CustomEditor for your script type. Sep 19, 2021 · 3 Answers. 0000, what does 16 indicate?, 3. :bust_in Sep 5, 2013 · Eric5h5 September 5, 2013, 10:19pm 2. js ), activate the Run and Debug pane, and click the Run and Debug Node. :information_source: Attention Topic was automatically imported from the old Question2Answer platform. Additional suppression of admin notices via all_admin_notices hook and via CSS. Then according to the README it should be possible to install it with the following command for JupyterLab 3. Mar 11, 2020 · After this issue was closed, I am facing the same problem on conda on Linux (stock Ubuntu 16. This inspect method sends an inspect_request message with code being the variable name and a cursor_pos of 0 to the kernel. To summarise we can use SerializeField attribute to make our private variables visible in the inspector giving us the chance to easily tweak values without changing anything in code, whilst still gaining all the benefits of using information hiding. I’ve seen similar questions asked on this website, but none of the answers worked out for me. x and <4. Jun 9, 2016 · If you use Jupyter Notebooks within Jupyter Lab there has been a lot of discussion about implementing a variable explorer/inspector. Aug 23, 2017 · Example: I’ve got a base class Stats, and some derived classes EnemyStats and PlayerStats. array that has shape (x, y, 3), it will be nice for the variable inspector to also render it as an image. I want to be able to easily customize multiple agents in the inspector and the number of checkboxes stacked vertically makes this part of my project dominate the inspector. Unity creates the Inspector label by introducing a space wherever a capital letter occurs in the variable name. it did run when focusing a Variable and showing the inspector, basically making it worthless to change or Nov 22, 2017 · how do i hide variables depending on other variables values in the unity inspector. 9 standard provides a reasonable match between a modified MIL-STD-414, offering sampling procedures and tables for inspection by variables and for percent defective, and MIL-STD-105. or click to select a variable font from your computer. To find its location, you can run jupyter labextension list to figure out where the labextensions folder is located. It comes down to whether you want other scripts to “see” the field you create and personal style. Right click anywhere on the script > Run current File in interactive Window. Aug 13, 2020 · !jupyter nbextension install --py inspector import inspector # open a scratch cell (Ctrl+Alt+N) # run there # inspector. This exported variable belongs to a script attached to the Label’s grandparent node: = PanelContainer (the variable is declared in the script attached to this node) == VBoxContainer. Viewed 3k times. I would like to ask if there is easy way to hide/show public variables in inspector depending on other variables. Basically imagine this: if i had a bool called "CanSprint" and a float "SprintSpeed" so i want to make it so that when the bool is true, the float is showing, but when the bool is false, the float hides. Then whatever I tried, it is still there. There are no compile errors and the variable is a public non-static class variable, so I really don’t understand. How can I do this? The reason ItemType is a regular class I am using a JupyterLab notebook for my project. The problem is that the variable inspector on the right sidebar does not show anything even after running my notebook. The goal is to provide a tool similar to the variable inspector in RStudio. 0, last published: a month ago. Collections; public class Luces : MonoBehaviour { [Header("Luces")] public Light luzRoja; } Instead of saying “Luz Roja” on inspector, I want to say “Roja”. What must an inspector do to inspect threads with a metal rule? The inspector must:, 2. The Z1. 04). core. Here is the Tutorial I am using if it helps. Use at your own risk. When gameplay ends, the values of the variables will be reset to whatever Add a comment. Within 24 hours of the inspection, Atom Inspections will give a thorough report that may serve as a wonderful tool for price negotiations or problem-solving between you and the seller before a final signature is made. Health is not a variable, it’s a Property, and Properties (like functions) can’t be exposed in the inspector. If you only want to use the inspector to set an initial value, use private with SerializeField. This project is inspired by the variable inspector extension for jupyter notebooks and by the inspector extension included in juypterlab. 0. Safari (43) - in the developer tools, there is a little icon you can click to reveal the value. The JupyterLab inspector is one of the ways to enhance your coding experience, it is a UI panel that provides contextual help while you are typing: You can open the inspector using the Ctrl + I shortcut (or ⌘ + I on Mac). skillImplementationType >(); Why I am making an RPG and skills are Jul 20, 2014 · JavaScript Scope Inspector for Atom This is heavy work-in-progress stuff Install Default keyboard shortcuts Metrics & feedback How to disable tracking Features Inline Highlight current scope Indicate hoisted variables Breadcrumbs (bottom bar) Sidebar Indicate if an identifier will be hoisted Indicate if an identifier shadows another identifier Start the measurement in the root of the thread. getComponent<Rigidbody>(); Apr 8, 2015 · Changing the enemyNumbers to a public static in (in conjunction with the killCount variable) works fine. this blog post to get started. jtp February 3, 2021, 9:13am 2. 0: pip install lckr-jupyterlab-variableinspector. I have class (inherited from monobehaviour) with public variable of type “Item”, it’s also my custom class, but not inherited from monobehaviour (and must not, in my understanding of my project structure), so i can’t make this Sep 24, 2010 · You have to go enum - header - variable; you can’t go header - enum - variable ! And each “header” must be followed by at least one variable. Set Value. Chrome (67) - in the developer tools, the CSS var values are also displayed as a tooltip when hovering. 0. Right click at anywhere in JupyterLab, and the last option, it should be. Exemple, create a slider only if a flag is true: public class MyScript : MonoBehaviour. Therefore, opening large data frames with the datagrid viewer can dramatically increase your occupied memory and significantly slow down your browser. Jul 8, 2014 · What I want to do: I have public variables that are showing in the inspector, but some of them aren’t necessary to edit unless another variable (bool) is set to true. 0 EHP3 Latest. In UnityScript, variables are public by default unless you specify that they should be private: #pragma strict private var invisibleVar: int; function Start { } Unity will actually let you change the value of a script’s variables while the game is running. Apr 11, 2022 · The JupyterLab inspector. Nordicus666 May 15, 2019, 9:02am 1. I used export and everything. Mar 25, 2020 · Open the starting file (typically index. Aug 22, 2020 · djmick. Basically, some cells that should execute very quickly, hangs for 5-10 seconds before executing. Aug 18, 2022 · Admittedly I use notebooks much like I use a ipython terminal session, where simply typing the variable in a new line is the natural way of view it (or for a big array I may ask for shape, dtype or other property). public bool flag; public int i = 1; } [CustomEditor(typeof(MyScript))] Variable Inspection; Quality Management (QM) 6. Is there anyway around this without exposing the variable to edits from elsewhere in the code? Thanks so much in advance. With variables data trends are seen allowing for corrective action to be taken long before the product reaches the reject level. Though, for some reason, the one public variable I added won’t show up in the inspector. To get a visual representation you have to provide a PropertyDrawer like this: Drop a variable font here. js applications that uses the Blink Developer Tools (formerly WebKit Web Inspector). Sep 19, 2014 · edve98 September 19, 2014, 3:46pm 1. For example: using UnityEngine; using System. Aug 7, 2021 · VS Code has a variable explorer showing name, type, size, and value of the currently defined variables. Example: if. Mar 16, 2013 · 11,847. However, when I Jun 11, 2005 · It works great, but I also want to be able to access some (but not all) other variables in the inspector. Is there a way to customize the ordering of these variables in the inspector so that similar variables can be grouped together, regardless of whether or not they live in To evaluate the building's state and provide you with advice on any hazards or current problems, you need to speak with an expert. I get to edit the value in the inspector and still access the script from other scripts. Collections. In the toolbar of the interactive window click on the variable icon. Without more information on how your class looks like we can’t Jul 2, 2014 · I have a script ‘ItemBase’, and within this script a class object called ‘Item’, which can be any number of different classes inheriting from a class ‘ItemType’. Improve this answer. 0 EHP8 Latest ; 6. I tried the code below that I got from searching. I didn't found any pattern though - it seems like it ca This code creates an editable field in the Inspector labelled “My Name”. g. In order to allow variable inspection, all content that is displayed first need to be sent from the kernel to the front end. public ff f; } You can add all the variables you want to hide in ff class that you want to hide. In the PropertyDrawer we need to do a couple of things. 0 EHP6 Latest ; So I have a simple problem: public class Foo : MonoBehaviour { //Here is a variable that can be editable in the inspector public float A = 0f; } And in the inspector, I set A to 4. This is just to be a little bit neater. Study with Quizlet and memorize flashcards containing terms like 1. Just remember to remove monobehavior and add [Serializable] above the class. Maybe triggered by lingering a bit longer with the mouse over. The built-in debugger is developed directly by the V8/Chromium Inspect extension for getting potencial css variables and easily copy them to clipboard. 5| on firefox. If you want to make a private field editable in the inspector, you can use the SerializeField attribute. Bunny83 February 4, 2014, 12:00pm 2. However, you could try this. 2- Select the Flutter: Inspect Widget command and press Enter. One option would be to make _health public, then it would automatically be exposed in the inspector. To inspect a Widget in Flutter project: 1- Open the Command Palette ( Ctrl + Shift + P ( Cmd + Shift + P on macOS)). Basicly, if you declare a variable without assigning it a value, it will show up in the Jul 8, 2021 · ここに問題・エラーに対して試したことを記載してください。. In development mode, you will also need to remove the symlink created by jupyter labextension develop command. In the Inspector, if you edit the My Jun 17, 2015 · I love the idea of hydrogen, and I think this is good step into the right direction towards atom as a scientific dev environment! Thanks for the work so far. In the Inspector, if you edit the My Nov 23, 2021 · Tempted to ask: for tensor or np. 0 (2022. Fix an issue where sometimes inspection shows empty or false result when result type is array or object. These other variables are simple enough, and I would normally just expose them to the inspector in the usual way. This is very useful for seeing the effects of changes directly without having to stop and restart. 再インストール時にAdd anaconda to my path environment variableにチェックを入れる (以下の画像です)ということでやっても変わらず、そしてSettings -> Advanced Setting Editor -> Extension ManagerでExtension Managerを Jan 23, 2024 · Development uninstall. Aug 30, 2023 · ERROR: Indexed per-atom vector in variable formula without atom map (. It is based on the notebook extension that James mentioned in his answer. 2) Get reference to the component with the data - Usually using GetComponent, but you can also do so with May 15, 2019 · Make variable visible in inspector. Mar 7, 2024 · This command is available for fields, local variables and reference expressions, and opens a non-modal Inspection window, where you can concentrate on a particular reference. In your class that has the editable variable you could create a static instance variable of your script and have the editable variable as public so you can edit and access it like so. Nov 9, 2019 · I took the liberty of writing an editor script that allows you to hide properties in the inspector by name. public static List<SerializedProperty> GetExposedProperties(SerializedObject so, IEnumerable<string> namesToHide = null) Feb 24, 2021 · For example, I would like to replace the static “Label” text with a exported variable named “label_text”. Stardog March 16, 2014, 3:24pm 2. Variable_Name. 257×975 25. ShadowOrigin288, Jan 28, 2022. Simple algorithm for what I want to do: public bool&hellip; In C#, you must declare a variable as public to see it in the Inspector. 500 -16 UNF - 1A x 5. Start using @lckr/jupyterlab_variableinspector in your project by running `npm i @lckr/jupyterlab_variableinspector`. pip uninstall lckr_jupyterlab_variableinspector. You can use: get_parent (). In the Inspector, if you edit the My Name value and press Play, the console message should now include the text that you entered. import ipywidgets as widgets # Loads the Widget framework. I have more code, but this is what I see now: Thanks ! ANSWERED: Thanks We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Thats strange. Then you can open JupyterLab and have a try. In C#, the simplest way to see a variable in the Inspector is to declare it as public. To apply it to your own inspector panel you can use the helper class I created. The official subreddit for the Godot Engine. Then all you have to do is to highlight the note with the script again for the custom inspector property to appear. 0 compress no every compute 2 all property/chunk ID count coord123 and to use the count quantity computed by the chunk to evaluate the density in this space region. 5- Good luck. FindGameObjectWithTag("enemy"); And then of course access to the components like that. " GitHub is where people build software. Atom allows users to link forms to the asset management portion of our product. With the Python kernel (ipykernel or xeus-python), this contextual help normally contains a text Variables inspection offers complete control over the manufacturing process. 5. I’m considering to use the chunk command : compute 1 all chunk/atom bin/3d x lower 1. See what your fellow developers are up to, get help or advice for your own projects, and be notified about updates (fixes, changes, new features, etc. and then set an export variable’s value to the Variable_Name. Share. Mar 5, 2016 · Dear all, I need to evaluate for each atoms a quantity related to the local density. 1 (2022. Use some kind of token, like “ Do you want me to repeat that, < charname >? ” Then in your code, replace < charname > with the charName variable. or select from the drop-down list in the Fonts panel. Don't assign it a variable in the script. Do I need to change some settings to enable it? Edit. The command random(1, atoms, 4224) is legal in my case. This notebook demonstrates how one can use the widgets already built in to IPython to create a working variable inspector much like the ones seen in popular commercial scientific computing environments. More than 100 million people use GitHub to discover, fork, and contribute to over 420 million projects. Users can update assets from the form based on ratings associated Nov 29, 2021 · Just as you hinted, OnValidate() is where you need to do some variable checking. cpp:4604) Last command: variable a equal $(v_check[v_select]) Thanks for pointing out. jupyter contrib nbextension uninstall --system jupyter nbextension disable --py widgetsnbextension jupyter nbextension disable --sys-prefix --py widgetsnbextension. 6 KB. It would be nice if evcxr would understand the introspection commands to use the variable explorer. Open your . public bool NeverFlees = true; it would not show these options: public int Morale = 100; public int FleesOnMorale = 0; public int FleesOnHealth = 10; Aug 1, 2016 · public class h : monobehavior {. I notice a quite important impact on performance when I activate variable inspector. js (F5) button. – hpaulj. 2 but an incompatible message is shown during installation and only with Jupyterlab >=3. As of right now there is one Jupyter Lab extension in the works that implements a Spyder-like variable explorer. x is supported. /variable. After this click nbextensions config and the screen below will appear. 2. {. I’m wondering- say I have a situation where I have to build a set of strings in the inspector, so no strings are hard coded- how would I add a variable into To associate your repository with the variable-inspector topic, visit your repo's landing page and select "manage topics. Collections; using System. Aug 3, 2018 · Unity C# Object array in inspector Hot Network Questions Minimization over a function is equivalent to the problem of finding the minimum energy eigenstate in an infinite potential well? Feb 27, 2020 · The first step is to open your notebook, and click the Edit tab as shown below. 1), updated via conda, and if I remember correctly, I have seen other jupyter server, jupyter client, npm updates carried out. In UnityScript, variables are public by default unless you specify that they should be private: #pragma strict private var invisibleVar: int; function Start () { } Unity will actually let you change the value of a script’s variables while the game is running. magics. Can I have a variable of type “Type” in a scriptable object, and can I assign it somehow in the inspector? What I want to achieve Code in the scriptable object: public class BaseSkill : ScriptableObject { public Type skillImplementationType; } Code where I use that info: gameObject. You can add more class like ff in a single script or create other script for it. Jul 19, 2023 · I tried installing inspector variable extensions in Jupyterlab 4. Jun 23, 2022 · using System. Changes in the process, when necessary are easily effected. 11) Jun 5, 2019 · Example showing the use of [Range] and [SerializeField] attributes on the private variable _maxHealth. Some minor refactoring - renaming variables Clean up in `RegenereateAllAtoms` Use `OnEnable` instead of `OnAfterDeserialize` when setting inital value for variable. If this refers to this extension: GitHub - lckr/jupyterlab-variableInspector: Variable Inspector extension for Jupyterlab. How to use it? 1. Jan 16, 2021 · 3. Atom-style variables are evaluated by other commands that define a group on which they operate, e. It allowes developers to easily extract any css variables used for styling the inspected element. Firefox (58) - in the developer tools, the CSS vars have a dotted line, when you hover, the value get's displayed as a tooltip. I’m not sure that is the answer to the question you were asking, but I think it should help. You can follow the issue here. 0 y lower 1. In the unified thread specification . I'm writing a very simple class for storing data (at least, for now) for use in a Unity project to do with a learning AI. 10. I want to be able to create prefab items by creating a gameobject with the ItemBase script, and then selecting the appropriate ItemType class to the Item object. Since version 6. The system is a bit quirky but one of the nicest things in Unity. inspector. Yeh you can't create a static variable and have it accessible from the inspector panel that I know of. Jun 7, 2007 · 230. Feb 1, 2018 · Hello. Available Versions: 6. However, presumably the point of your Property is to ensure that your “events” happen Dec 29, 2020 · For example if you have a tag "enemy" on your enemy that needs to spawn you can use the tag instead of public variables like that. What two purposes do threads serve? and more. You should always use the variable name within your code. You will need create a Custom Editor for that. To create the Inspector label, Unity inserts a space between lowercase and uppercase characters in the variable name, and applies several other rules (see Variable name to label conversion ). GameObject enemy = GameObject. legacy-topics. Well, there are generally 3 different ways: Use the SerializedObject / SerializedProperty mechanics instead of using the “target” field. Jul 17, 2020 · Modified 3 years, 8 months ago. In the screenshot above, enable the Highlight Feb 4, 2014 · I want to hide unwanted variables for a selected enum type. a dump or compute or fix command. variable mydens atom count_in_my Feb 3, 2021 · traitlets : 4. Requirements¶ JupyterLab >= 3. You can open as many Inspection windows as required. `OnAfterDeserialize` was causing major issues with the custom editor, eg. Variable inspector extension for JupyterLab. Jan 25, 2017 · I’ve subclassed the Button class, and the new functionality seems to work fine. jupyter-lab. no longer shown, on the Variable Inspector page. Thanks! In C#, you must declare a variable as public to see it in the Inspector. 1 DOES work however. from IPython. However, it seems that when I create a custom editor, I totally lose the ability to expose a variable simply by putting it in Oct 10, 2018 · Sign in to comment. If you want to update float_1 and float_2 mutually when the user changes one's value, you can check it in this editor-only function: Oct 13, 2014 · Of course the inspector can only “show” serialized data, so it will show by default the data array with the 4 internal fields (hi, mid, lo and flags) which are difficult to edit. You can now consult the values of variables created by your script. That way, you can have private variables show up in the inspector while still exposing them with a property that has a public getter and a private setter in C#. You can’t (currently) have a header then a gap and then another header, even if you use space. In the Inspector, if you edit the My Oct 5, 2016 · These are currently stored as variables, but managing them is becoming increasingly more complicated as I create more and more of them - so the idea is to create an array or a list of attributes that I could loop through and edit directly from the Inspector. In C#, the simplest way to make a variable editable in the Inspector is to declare it as public. When Unity wants to draw the property in the inspector we need to: Check the parameters that we used in our custom attribute. Conversely, you can use HideInInspector to prevent a public variable from being displayed in the Inspector. 3. For instance, I tried to set the variable to: public T myVar { get; private set; } However, this makes it so the variable is no longer editable in the Inspector. Unity will actually let you change the value of a script’s variables while the game is running. kp xi yb ms ue fw gq vj ga js