
Csvhelper read csv without header

Csvhelper read csv without header. List<string> contentLines = lines. WriteRecords(records); To do that you should write your own csv writer using the string builder. Record is now csv. I finally had to view the source code to solve it. I would like to rewrite my method to be able to get records from both types of csv. Oct 12, 2020 · CsvHelper - Set the header row and data row. Reader. It will allow the whole file to still be read, and just ignore the rows that don't work. In this scenario the data might be "valid" from CsvHelper's viewpoint, because it can read the data, but invalid for more complex reasons (like an invalid date range. First , install CsvHelper 30. CsvConfiguration config = new CsvConfiguration(CultureInfo. You either need to remove the yield return. The first is already detected by CsvHelper while the detection of the second is not implemented out of the box and requires subclassing of CsvReader. I can use it to know with header is missing. All the documentation I can find says to use this expression, writer. CSVって囲い文字ありなしでカンマ読み分けたりするの大変よね。. Add(header_name); Console. If you don’t want to (or can’t) change the Sep 26, 2022 · When your CSV header names don’t match your property names exactly, CsvHelper will throw an exception. var fileName = @"<path to our CSV file>"; var configuration = new CsvConfiguration(CultureInfo. I write the header manually and it works, but I need to be done automatically when it is read. You will have to do this manually, read line by line and decide what you are going to do. var result = new List<Dictionary<string, EntityProperty>>(); while (csv. NextRecord(); Read a comma-separated values (csv) file into DataFrame. 1. 5 Another random line in the file. . By default, a table will be loaded with all columns populated as strings. Length]; Feb 4, 2020 · This should work if you want each row as a string array. Nov 8, 2014 · csv. You could try as below to make the pointer on the right place. Oct 3, 2023 · This package is available through Nuget Manager, PM> Install-Package CsvHelper. Then , use these code to save cells value into . CSVHelper is fast, flexible, and easy to use. We know that the first line is the header, and the rest is the content. Mar 4, 2013 · Read column headers in CSV using fileHelpers library. I've been scratching my head on this one as well. Highly Configurable. I was wondering if it's possible to configure CsvHelper to skip rows with missing fields. csv. Additional help can be found in the online docs for IO Tools. DynamicPropertySort mentioned above: Jun 26, 2018 · CsvHelper getting just the headers row. No configuration required. OpenReadStream())) {. There might be another way that the library supports, but this should work. Here is the example of how to use CsvParser for reading, 1. var nummer = new Sperrnummer(. Thus the following code now just works, and has worked for a while: var csvText = "some crap linesome empty lineCOL1,COL2,COl3val1,val2,val3val1 Oct 23, 2015 · Tested it to read a CSV file with 11 columns X 31 rows , all cell data were read successfully. I have a CSV file where the headers indicate in which order the information is going to appear in the detail lines. 0. This may have been implemented as far back as Release 3. Header order is not fixed. Here the idea is to handle convert the csv to List<Dictionary<string, object>>. Any valid string path is acceptable. nugetで検索 Apr 12, 2019 · I want to read a CSV file that has some optional columns, for that I have defined a class with optional property using "?" but can't make it work. Empty) In CsvHelper 2, set the IgnoreHeaderWhiteSpace flag which tells the reader to ignore white space in the headers when matching the columns to the properties by name. JoshClose closed this as completed on Oct 29, 2020. Convert a field to a type inline. ReadingExceptionCallback = ( ex, row ) => { // Do something with the exception and row data. CSV. Updated for current version of CsvHelper. " It will work when I remove log's quote (Jake). Oct 14, 2015 · This is on a row level, though, not field. Net and CSVHelper. Dec 8, 2017 · Writing to CSV without quotes on multi-valued columns. Read(); csv. e. It lets you read, parse, and write the CSV and helps you serialize and deserialize the data into proper objects too. The files can vary in width and height. Can jet engines stay running without electrical power? Feb 14, 2021 · 1 Answer. string filePath = @"C:\Temp\MyRawData. Both of these cases would lead to exception throwing when adding entries to the dictionary. HeaderRecord is now csv. }; using (var writer = new StreamWriter(_filepath, true)) using (var csv = new CsvWriter(writer, config)) {. Ignoring mapped properites. Peek() != -1) {. public class MyItem { public int Id { get; set; } public int? MyValue { get; set; } } The mapping class: Mapping properties that may be one of many names. I couldn't agree more, it's simply awesome :). WriteHeader<YourClass>(); writer. var textReader = File. Parser. public string Arbeitsplatz { get; set; } } And you will be able to read your CSV file into a List<SFC> as follows: var records = ReadCsv(filename, new SFCMap()); Notes: You defined AVO as an int, but the fields have leading zeros, e. So add a class with properties matching the fields in the CSV file. string[] s = new string[columns. How do I tell CsvHelper that my headers are on row 7? Sort by: MarkPflug. I'm getting a exception which lead me to some possible solutions on the internet. Sep 2, 2022 · 1. ReadHeader(); Example: using var reader = new StreamReader(filepathToCsv); using var csv = new CsvReader(reader, csvConfig); csv. What you encounter is a corrupted file and reading that further, guessing what the rest of it might after the format specification failed is kinda pointless. Can this be done automatically in csvHelper or do I have to parse the string myself later on. NextRecord(); after writing the header. This behavior occurred when updating 3. Apr 7, 2021 · A demo of CsvHelper failing in version 11 can be found here: demo #1. The number of columns is unknown at first, sometimes there are three columns and sometimes there are 30+. There are some comments by the library author in tracked issue #1399. movie. csv", true)) Share. You can skip to the appropriate row before handing it off to CsvHelper. HeaderRecord; csv. GetRecords(); csvhelper. g. Dec 24, 2020 · The problem is at that point you have already closed the using statement with the TextReader that CsvHelper needs to read your data, so you get a NullReferenceException. CsvHelper is handy for reading because of the way it handles various data types. If I specify HasHeaderRecord = false it will throw an exception when there is a header record. WriteLine(farmID); and as you see, I have a console statement and it works perfectly. WriteLine(user); In the example, we define the User class and read the records of the users. Replace("_", " "), }; Convert CSV rows into dynamic objects. ) var result = new List<Thing>(); using (var csvReader = new CsvReader(textReader)) while (csvReader. Please help. CreateRecordClass(); var engine = new FileHelperEngine(engineType); var datatable = engine. Now I need to load a DataTable from a file without a header. – May 1, 2015 · The helper seems to be reading the headers correctly, then skipping the first row of data (row 2 in csv) IEnumerable records = csv. It's not valid CSV. csv file if it includes a header. May 12, 2016 · It is the stuff in the middle that I need to read. Add (entry); return list; The problem is this CSVReader uses List<Dictionary<string, object>> and so if there is no header information, the dictionary keys become either null or (less likely) an empty string. NET list string object. Sep 19, 2022 · When you manually parse CSV, you already know the field positions and already have to hardcode the mappings based on position (i. However, the csvReader has a constructor that takes a custom class to load the data directly to it. I would like to skip the first row of the input CSV file as it contains header text but I'd want to add it back after the processing is done. 0-beta4 to 3. WorkFlowCollection select new { flow. Compiles classes on the fly for extremely fast performance. To write to a . I created a class and mappin Jun 24, 2021 · The file I'm working with may or may not have a column titled 'ACTIVITY'. Tried. The issue is I want the header/fields to be in the order of. Changing the format is not possible, so I'm left to find a word around. Apr 1, 2020 · I don't specifically mind if the NumbersA/B is of type int[] or List. If you want to append to the same file you need the constructor that takes a boolean to append. I have a use case in which I need to write 2 lines of headers before writing actual data. Skip(1); This is what you had in your code. Get Started. using (var reader = new StreamReader(file. And if you really need to write your CSV columns in an order specified by a sequence of strings, you can use CsvConfiguration. ) CSV file is potentially multi millions of rows (gb size) so is this the best / most efficient way of importing the file. How to achieve that using CsvHelper library?? Thanks for any answers. ToArray(); MissingFieldFound property is called when a missing field is found, but can not affect result. HasHeaderRecord = true. • 2 yr. txt, f1, b1, myFoo, myBar and it only shows up as. " My code conforms with the example given: Nov 28, 2021 · CSVHelper change/ manipulate headers before reading the csv. > Step 2: And Like the video. Since there is no way to tell what type the properties should be, all the properties on the dynamic object are strings. 1 - Header matching [id] names at index 0 was not found. Read()) { // Header appears as first record. How can I access the list of expected header? Many properties of ReadingContext context will hold the list of current header. Please try below code hope this will help you. Features. 00,2,$3. Mar 15, 2015 · Two questions :- 1. I needed to handle dates in the following format "yyyyMMdd" and it seemed to do the trick writing back and forth to CSV without the . Mar 22, 2018 · var data = from flow in myWorkflows. IgnoreReadingExceptions = true; csv. CSVHelper change/ manipulate headers before reading the csv. So if I were to have two sets of data, the CSV file would print out the header and the second set of data. text = newvalue; Using the csvWriter part to re-write the values. I'm also assuming that your CSV is actually comma-delimited (doesn't look that way from the sample data in your question). 0, the documentation only once mentions controlling the header name on write: "When writing, only the first name is used. It provides you with features to customize the CSV parsing and writing process. It's a small library for reading and writing CSV files. If upon reading it, there is no such column, is there a way to omit the creation of the Activity property all together? // csv properties public class Pr530CsvHandler { public string Company { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } // other expected properties Jun 8, 2020 · Of course columns specified in header are compliant with ShipmentData definition. csv"; Mar 25, 2019 · using (var csv = new CsvWriter(writer)) records. I was expecting to set HasHeaderRecord = false and the DataTable would be created with default headers (Field1, Field2, ). first, you add the header with as many fields as you want then do a for loop and add the data. The number of rows can be large. RawRecord; Note: headers will return all headers together. It's usually only a few more lines of code to just read the rows by hand instead. using (var sw = new StreamWriter(@"C:\UsersewFile. InvariantCulture)) {. Aug 28, 2018 · Below is my CSV Structure (have just taken header row and first data row. Your answer would remove the first data but not the header. The using have no treatement to Sep 26, 2015 · The code below shows how you might read a CSV into a DataTable. This is not the case, I can see the records are read by the Oct 17, 2021 · CsvHelper also supports reading CSV files asynchronously. Jan 11, 2021 · using (var csvReader = new CsvReader(streamReader, csvReaderConfiguration)) return csvReader. csv file called customers. read_csv(filepath, header=None) As EdChum commented, the questions isn't clear. Oct 25, 2017 · CsvHelper is a nice package you can use for this sort of thing, it lets you get by index or name. WorkflowName,flow. May 31, 2018 · The answer. Read(); // By position var field = csv[0]; // By header name var field = csv["HeaderName"]; It takes only 10 seconds of your time: > Step 1: Go view our video on YouTube: EF Core Bulk Extensions. InvariantCulture)) { // Do any configuration to Aug 14, 2015 · Hi I'm using csvHelper to read in a csv files with a variable number of columns. Mapping properties by header index position. WriteRecords(records); Hi, thanks for your suggestion. 0. PrepareHeaderForMatch = header => Regex. I've checked Github and CsvReader. List<string> values = new List<string>(); using (StreamReader sr = new StreamReader(filePath)) {. Jun 16, 2021 · I am using the CsvHelper library to generate a CSV file from an IEnumerable<Person>, where Person is a basic class. If the CSV file has a header to be read, then Specify the Header flag as true or false. So, I've added a solution for that, in case somebody else lands here looking for a solution for Sep 12, 2022 · First, install the CsvHelper package ( this is using Views > Other Windows > Package Manager Console ): Install-Package CsvHelper. The app will be loading in files with differing headers so I need to be able to update this class on the fly - is this possible & how? (I am able to extract the headers from the CSV file. When using the CsvHelper library and in particular the CsvReader. filename, FooId, FooName, BarId, BarName file. WorkflowDescription}; using (var writer = new StreamWriter("test. The csvhelper configuration for header: HasHeaderRecord = false, The files are read as dynamic records, since the amount of columns/types vary. InvariantCulture)) csv. RegisterClassMap<FooMap>(); 4. 1 , then use the library on your code. I can read in the csv file, but how do I address each column of data. WriteLine(csv_headers. 自分用めも。. [TestMethod] public void WriteMappedHeaders () { var data = new List Oct 25, 2018 · In order to read and find column, you need few informations: The Delimiter, the encodage, if the file has an header. The GetRecords returns the IEnumerable of the given type. while (csv. , field[3]. using (CsvWriter writer = new CsvWriter(sw)) writer. var csv = new CsvReader(new StreamReader("YOUR FILE PATH")); csv. I hope you can help me. GetField(0); Console. In addition, it looks like you would want to write the filenames to the CSV file too. Code language: PowerShell (powershell) CsvHelper maps fields to properties by using the column names in the header row. I've read up the sample help etc but cannot reference the data being read in correctly. csv")) using (var csv = new CsvWriter(writer)) { csv. Automatic mapping. headerNames and 'headerNameIndex' will respectivlly contains the expect names or index for the header. Oct 19, 2016 · However, this becomes complex when the header format is variable. txt, f1, myFoo, b1, myBar Here is some relevant code Oct 22, 2017 · Well, the file format does not specify such a thing as a "bad row". ReadHeader(); var headers = csv. var records = csv. Read()) Dec 20, 2017 · I downloaded the current version 6. 0800. Read Manually Jul 8, 2021 · You now have to pass a CsvConfiguration and set it there. Easy to Use. using (var reader = new StreamReader("path\\to\\file. Id,Name,Type 1, "Jake",User MAP Dec 21, 2017 · When writing CSV file using CsvHelper 6. IgnoreHeaderWhiteSpace = true; 2. csv files without headers. Suppose you have a . GetRecords<Person> (); } As we can compare with writing to a CSV file, we use a StreamReader instead of a StreamWriter, and use the CsvReader May 29, 2019 · var engineType = cb. Jun 29, 2022 · 1. ToLowerInvariant() May 17, 2019 · If I read a file that doesn't have a header row it assumes the first data row is the header and doesn't return it. ReadLines(file); This contains all the lines from the file. Add a comment. csv file into instances of this class. Mar 27, 2017 · Add a comment. ToList(); CsvHelper creates these dynamic records, setting the field/column name as Field1, Field2 and so forth. Instead of the GetRecords method, we will call the GetRecordsAsync method; and the return value will be a IAsyncEnumerable<T>. Mar 15, 2023 · When your CSV header names don’t match your property names exactly, CsvHelper will throw an exception. csv")) using (var csv = new CsvReader(reader, CultureInfo. This code assumes your CSV can be found at strOilFileName and the DataTable's schema is what you show in your question. (As CsvHelper maps CSV columns to model properties by name, permuting the order of the columns in Nov 24, 2014 · 8. Length]; Reading by Hand. // Replace with your CSV file path. The first row always contains a header row. Jan 5, 2022 · I am writing properties from two classes to a CSV using CsvHelper. Extremely fast, flexible, and easy to use. csv with the content of the current source file ending with the content of the last CSV file loaded. In the following exemple I use default value for header and encodage. csv file, I need a header based off of a class. An example from the documents is // Don't forget to read the data before getting it. Now I'm trying to read from the created CSV file and show the content in a Console Application. Mapping properties that have duplicate header names. To do this from the Package Manager Console, execute the following command. Setting a constant value for a property. Dec 9, 2020 · I'm reading . 0 from 2017 which included, according to the change log: 3. I have some simple code that will load a DataTable from a . Reading and writing is as simple as GetRecords<T> () and WriteRecords (records). Jul 30, 2019 · When a header is not missing isValid is false. 3 SOURCE_ID|NAME|START_DATE|END_DATE|VALUE_1|VALUE_2. Just customise the columns array in the code below variable to suit your needs. Header. In this “no header row” scenario, consider parsing manually instead of using CsvHelper (unless you need the advanced CsvHelper features). Now, I ran into a rather delicate problem a couple of days ago. Which in turn could be easily parsed. BONUS: You can also share it! CsvHelper allows you to load all the data from a CSV file to the DataTable by using the CsvDataReader. So the question is how to config the setting about quote? Notice the log has a col with no quote. Read()){. Read more than 1 header row. 1 and trying to read a csv file with about 30 columns. 0-beta7 and converting IgnoreHeaderWhiteSpace , IsHeaderCaseSensitive and TrimHeaders to a delegate for use with PrepareHeaderForMatch . I am trying to write to a CSV file with the help of CSVHelper, one of the values i am writing that has values like this: {1,$1. Each property could relate to a variety of header names. Say that you a CSV file looking like this: Sep 8, 2015 · Actually, the referenced documentation for writing to a CSV using a DataTable was omitted in the new documentation. Header 1,Header 2,Header 3,Header 4,Header5 Value 1,"Value2 a,Value 2b","Value3 a,Value 3b",Value 4,Value5 I am able to read CSV, read header row and data Row assuming CSV is having comma separated delimiter. Am not in control of what csv file we may get and they ted to have an extra '_' or year added to the name from time to time which does not match with the mapping I have done. filename, FooId, BarId, FooName, BarName file. Aug 4, 2020 · To me it doesn't look clean, but the parser doesn't care about that, and so your question is why you get that error, and I'm telling you CsvHelper is able to parse my fake csv file with the same headers and the same classes, minus the usermanager code and whatever User class I came up with. 具体的にはCSVHelperを。. To read a csv file without header, do as follows: data = pd. I just need to read 5 columns and need to validate if the column name matches. Jun 27, 2016 · Note, csvhelper will be much better for larger files as this is just building a string and not streaming the data. I won't be able to create a class ahead of time. So far I managed to read the data by specifying the type of NumbersA/B as string and that works correctly (I get the string between the " "). A property is only defined a maximum of once per file. Aug 5, 2020 · I managed to write contents from a List to a CSV file. Feb 21, 2021 · CSVHelperを使って、ヘッダーなしのCSVファイルを読んでみた. Conservative when writing, liberal when reading. public class Person { public string DisplayName { get; set; } public int Age { get; set; } } I need to write quoted headers, i. In the next example, we read the data into objects with GetRecords . 7. var farmID = csv. I have an exception thrown when loading this CSV file :/ which is quite simple : public class BreederTemp. You can get a callback when an exception occurs. Oct 22, 2022 · To get started using the CsvHelper library, first add the NuGet package. If you don’t want to (or can’t) change the Jul 28, 2021 · public TimeSpan Rückmeldezeit { get; set; } // Fixed Timespan => TimeSpan. var data = csvReader. Sep 5, 2019 · 1 Answer. Install-Package CsvHelper. Context. StringBuilder CsvData = new StringBuilder(); //add column headers. None of them are working for my Console Application. Title = fields[0]). WriteRecords(data); } This will write a file with field names WorkflowName and WorkflowDescription Nov 9, 2016 · using (CsvReader csvReader = new CsvReader(textReader, csvConfiguration)) { while (csvReader. For the reader to be ready after instantiation, the first row needs to be read immediately, so you need to make any configuration changes before creating an instance of CsvDataReader. Without those there is no way to achieve this. InvariantCulture) {. HasHeaderRecord = false; csv. Download. net DateTime Parse error: "String was not recognized as a valid DateTime. Read () seems to use SkipEmptyRecords but this doesn May 21, 2020 · Now I already know - that I can simply remove headers of a csv file using libraries like - CSVHelper (How to exclude header when writing data to CSV) Using the above way I can create a header-less copy of a file and read the new file back as FileStream - but the problem is that I'm dealing with large files and making a copy of a file just to Apr 12, 2019 · I'm wondering if there is a way to set default value to a field even when the header column is not present. RemoveAt(0); // Removes the header row. csv with a header in the root of your project directory formatted as follows: Jun 6, 2019 · using (var csv = new CsvWriter(writer)) csv. Data Id,Name 1,one Example Jan 17, 2018 · csv_headers. Sep 22, 2016 · A header can now be read in from any line. Header names are exclusive to a single property. Also supports optionally iterating or breaking of the file into chunks. -Anand So, at each loop you overwrite the previous C:\UsersewFile. while (sr. Jul 29, 2018 · CSVHelper 7. The release notes as you say give no indication how to fix the problem, and the documentation has not been updated. May 13, 2019 · How to read a CSV file from SFTP and use CSVHelper to parse the content without saving CSV locally? Is this possible, or do we have to save it locally, parse and delete the file? I am using SSH. GetRecords<ProductDto>(). Using a specific type converter. Parameters: filepath_or_bufferstr, path object or file-like object. Feb 27, 2024 · Reading from it is very similar to writing to it: using (var reader = new StreamReader("filePersons. csv"); const int SkipRowCount = 6; Mar 15, 2022 · "CsvHelper. Read () function, is there a way to ignore blank records and/or whitespace? I need to return the raw string [] but was hoping, I could do some cleanup functions when parsing with the library. Not all properties are necessarily defined in a file. 8. Record Jun 29, 2016 · I'm using CsvHelper. Read()) {. Read(); . list. For anyone else that stumbles over this Post w/o actually properly reading the question (like me), this was actually the solution for me: csv. Oct 24, 2020 · I ended up preprocessing the csv file by transposing the first and second header into a value on each row, which resulted into the same data in another data structure. The only problem i've noticed are missing quotes around cells. I thought this can be achived using ClassMap implementation. というわけでこの辺りは数多の既に存在しているライブラリを使っていきます。. " Jul 5, 2023 · C# CSV read data into objects. Oct 15, 2019 · CsvHelper : Adding Headers using ClassMap throws Stackoverflow exception. 78 0 0 0 N 0 Apr 23, 2019 · I won't know the names of the columns until I actually import the CSV and it will be different each time I run it against a CSV. Flexible. GetRecords(). BadDataException: You can ignore bad data by setting BadDataFound to null. Console. But when it throws me an stackoverflow exception. Few of Code Snippets - Jul 8, 2018 · 1 Answer. Read(); the headers are on row 1, read in correctly, then data is read in starting with row 3 in CSV skipping the first data row (row 2) completely. I did not see an option in the configuration to specify a different row for the header, but I did find a solution by partially consuming the TextReader until I found the first blank line, then passing it to the CsvReader, then stopping the Read() method when I hit the next Jan 28, 2021 · I have got as far as being able to read in the header to this class and second line of text but cannot get the syntax right for: Changing specific field values to something new i. Unknown when the Sex column name is not specified. ago. Fast. reader. 1 This is a random line in the file. Given the lack of a default constructor and the readonly properties of the target class, you would have to initialize the class manually, extracting the values and passing them to the constructor arguments. When working with C# and CSV files, I always use CSVHelper. Replace("_", " "), }; Dec 21, 2017 · When writing CSV file using CsvHelper 6. instead of "DisplayName", the column in the resulting file should be "Display Name". The headers are actually on row 7. Jun 17, 2021 · The problem as posed is, as noted by user nilsK in a comment, that the code is missing csv. Replace(header, @"\s", string. Configuration. I have maps for them both. But this is the first google result when searching for reading a csv file without header. I know I can set the default when it's specify but I would like to set to Sex to an enum value Sex. I am unable to save changes to the file. ReadLine(); Just adding my code snippet to the following post to help understand the Type Converters built into CsvHelper. This can simplify things. Also, CsvConfiguration is in the CsvHelper. OpenText("data. A demo of CsvHelper working as desired in the most recent version, version 26, can be found here: demo #2. Sorted by: 1. Configuration namespace. you will need to make substring (s) for each comma to get each header separately. Sometimes it's easier to not try and configure a mapping to match your class definition for various reasons. As far as I know the header of a csv file is just the first row. Count); Usually you know what the data represents, so if you create a class to hold the imported data, CSVHelper will create typed objects for you and put them in a collection. It contains all lines except the first. After installing the library, I did this: var csv = new CsvReader(reader); while (csv. WriteHeader<CSVDataFormat>(); but that isn't working because it needs more work done to it. 00} Due to the commas in the list it is double quoting this in the output, but I am wanting to disable this functionality. public BreederTemp () public int Id { get; set; } public string Affix { get; set; } public bool Affix_Prefix { get; set; } Apr 7, 2021 · There are two basic cases for CSV files with headers: missing CSV columns, and extra CSV columns. Dec 10, 2013 · How to insert the header row to this file or read data from csv to datatable with predefined columns Data in csv: IO23968 2012 11 AB WI 100162804410W500 0 516. List<string> lines = File. For example, if your header name is “title” and your property name is “Title”, it’ll throw an exception like: HeaderValidationException: Header with name ‘Title' [0] was not found. CsvHelper is a popular open-source library for reading and writing CSV (Comma Separated Value) files in C#. PrepareHeaderForMatch = args => args. Ie, I can't manipulate/clean the original files before consumption. If I really wanted this to be dynamic, could I read in the header, create the mapping dynamically as above, then refer to the column by something like DBWrite(fooMap Feb 27, 2020 · 1 Answer. ReadStreamAsDT(streamReader); I would like to avoid to import another CSV package than FileHelpers, and as we also need to generate some CSV later using the same logic, I would like to avoid to write my own code for this. ReadLine(); // it was not used to read text but adjust the position of pointer, in your case,you need add the codes for 10 times. An example would be: public string Column1 {get; set;} public string Column2 {get; set;} public string Column3 {get; set;} Feb 1, 2012 · I have my following code to read values from CSV file and do some processing. bb nq rl fu os wv tw dg yb vv