Neovim ruff

Neovim ruff. 🛠️ pyproject. Features. Using this you can write a synchronous version of the organise import function. lsp. These include the popular Neovim Kickstart configuration, a Modern Neovim config, the PDE personal development environment config, and the Neovim configurations provided by the nvim-starter project. Feb 13, 2023 · I had the same issue as @speri203 but when using the above config posted by @dpetka2001 I consistently get a neovim crash when executing :wqa. This code action applies fixes for all violations which Dec 8, 2022 · Recently, a built-in for ruff has been added, but only for diagnostics. I would appreciate any help. io. You can try other formatters. nvim. Ruff can be integrated into any editor that supports the Language Server Protocol via ruff-lsp (see: Language Server Protocol ), including Vim and Neovim. g) Vimacs has an optional mail client based on neomutt. I use Pyright which auto imports anything as far as I can tell. format() on BufWritePre events. Introducing mason. There are some differences between the two which you can see from readme. May I ask if there is a similar approach for ruff? Share Add a Comment. I went through the documentation for lsp-quickstart. mosquitsch. Jan 25, 2015 · phcerdan commented on May 5, 2020 •edited. nvim and lspconfig. Vimacs comes with dozens of neovim plugins optimized for your daily use. Jul 24, 2023 · Get ruff / ruff_lsp to work with neovim. The default keybind for code actions is <space>ca, after pressing which a menu pops up. 0-dev on Linux Mint. Also run cargo build --examples --features="use_tokio" as well as cargo bench -- --test --features="use_tokio" to make sure everything Neovim plugin for lspcontainers - developed weekly live at The Alt-F4 Stream on Twitch. Neovim 0. pyright, a static type checker and language server for python. Open the Lazy ui with :Lazy and press I to install the missing conform. After using Ubuntu since at least 2007 (Feisty Fawn is the earliest background image I absolutely remember), I’ve made the switch to macOS, at least for a time, and at least on my main machine. com) Based on these two threads, it's figured out that the duplication comes from "hint", which pyright does not considered to be a type of diagnostics but neovim does. Sample neovim and vim configurations for Rust development - sharksforarms . Unlike the VS Code and coc. Usually there is just one option, so having to choose it from the menu feels laborious. mason. keymap. Here is an example: local autosave = require(&quot;autosave&quot;) autosave. Vimacs uses external programse to enhance it's functionality. com/microsoft/pyright. the current ruff-lsp version from nixos-unstable is apparently not compatible with the ruff version that my nix-shell setup, which is. I can have ruff and mypy added like this, but not black for some reason. Ruff aims to be orders of magnitude faster than alternative tools while integrating more functionality behind a single, common interface. Learn more at neovim. May 30, 2021 · Instead of using vim. nvim ecosystems, Neovim doesn't provide a way for non-LSP sources to hook into its LSP client. Code linter and formatter. nvim closes some gaps that exist between mason. This also sometimes causes problems for us when running black in pre-commit due to the way black resolves config files. nvimi to get to work with the ruff-lsp. vim","contentType":"file"},{"name Jan 14, 2023 · CHRIS ARDERNE. ClientConfig) Configuration for the server. 2021-06-06: Your Neovim must include neovim/neovim#14659; packer uses the noautocmd key. • 10 mo. {"payload":{"allShortcutsEnabled":false,"fileTree":{"configs":{"items":[{"name":"autocomplete. NPM is a monster install all things considered and will likely take a minute or two to complete. 9. Executables are linked to a single bin/ directory, which mason. It runs everywhere Neovim runs (across Linux, macOS, Windows, etc. r/neovim. Conform calculates minimal diffs and applies them using the built-in LSP format utilities. Ruff is good :) Hopefully soon we can replace black/blue with Ruff. I use ruff_lsp for diagnostics, and occasionally I will turn on mypy in null-ls rather than running it from the cli. I use neovim and neovim-lsp-config with clangd. Oct 6, 2022 · Just a general info whether the runtime is found (and where Nvim is looking for it) would be sufficient?:checkhealth already does that :) But when we make runtime changes such as man. 0 and ruff-lsp 0. Tenga en cuenta que: para instalar Neovim, si o si necesitarás utilizar todas esas 5-6 herramientas, para ello aquí conocerás el paso a paso para instalar cada una correctamente sin errores ni falsa información, cabe mensionar que, Windows PowerShell o la CMD vienen instalado de fabrica en la pc's con Windows, por eso no será necesario Sep 30, 2023 · This is optional, you can also exit and reenter Neovim. 9 and lsp-zero to edit Typescript files. NeoVim mainly uses it for syntax highlighting, though there are a few other use cases as well. But my vim. Nov 11, 2023 · group = "AutoFormat", callback = function() vim. Afterwards, you can simply run cargo test --features="use_tokio" . 10. To make sure you only apply relevant fixes, you can use the filter attribute and look for the "prefered" fixes. But that's okay I guess, thank you for your kind reply! I was using pyright + null_ls and flake8, then I switched flake8 to ruff and now dropped ruff in null_ls to configure ruff_lsp directly inside the lsp_configs :h mason-lspconfig-introduction. Configuring Ruff. Its main responsibilities are to: register a setup hook with lspconfig that ensures servers installed with mason. Luckily, the documentation states that you can pass a boolean flag apply, so that when there is just one option it is I have both pyright and ruff-lsp installed. This works for formatting and format on save (OnMyBox™ ). 8+. nvim is the next generation version of nvim-lsp-installer. Docs | Playground. The formatexpr option is set to a function that uses the language Neovim is a hyperextensible Vim-based text editor. An extremely fast Python linter and code formatter, written in Rust. buf. "hrsh7th/nvim-cmp", event = "InsertEnter", dependencies = {. I works great with tex, java and html but the python client does not attach to the buffers. diagnostic module. nvim help for <leader> (aka space) key. Traduit et reposté à partir de la publication 17fnrbd de la communauté neovim. I tried kickstart. Still, I think it's a good introduction to some of what overseer offers as a task runner. It can use various linters (flake8, ruff, pylint) and all things considered it's just awesome. And you can use coc to lint other languages too. Do yourself a favor, forget everything else and just use black+ruff https: Mar 6, 2022 · As wardw mentioned, it's a better way to use vim. ago. This file documents the Lua bindings for the LibUV library which is used for Nvim's event-loop and is accessible from Lua via vim. I just transitioned from a Vimscript to a Lua config with basically zero Lua knowledge and this is causing some headaches. Then I navigate to a line with a diagnostic error, press the shortcut to invoke code actions ('&lt;space&gt;ca' in my case) and I get a isamsten. I have ruff installed in my virtual env. Pyright configuration for disabling hint diagnostics · Issue #726 · neovim/nvim-lspconfig (github. Configure NeoVim Plugins. Originally linters were separate programs you would run over your code to find errors. When opening a python file in nvim I get the following message: Client 2 quit with exit code 1 and signal 0 LspLogs: [START] [2023-01-30 17:08:29] LSP logging initiated [ERROR] [2023-01-30 17:08:29 Related Neovim Free software Software Information & communications technology Technology forward back r/neovim Neovim is a hyperextensible Vim-based text editor. Now, you've a violation in your file (F821) and you want to run the Fix All code action. Luvref. Once all that has completed, keep the terminal session open, there is more work to do. Once you are in There are currently 3 types of formatters: LspFormatter - uses vim. As I blogged about in the previous two articles, I recently updated my NeoVim configuration for the fourth time. vim. Could someone help me understand the difference between ruff and ruff-lsp as I find both the packages available for integration in nvim MASON integration package. sh . Apr 15, 2023 · I've been trying to use ruff-lsp's built-in import sorting to get rid of isort, but I'm having trouble figuring out how to do so automatically upon saving a file. Modern Neovim for the faint of heart 14 Jan 2023. There is an LSP powered tagfunc. 1) Helix was written to replace my neovim setup but is in fact kakoune inspired. I am using neovim with lsp for learning python programing using pyright as an lsp. _watchfunc = function () return function () end end end. nvim inside of a new file nvim-cmp. nvim to load the plugin. nvim has also been widened to target more Feb 10, 2021 · These largely duplicate messages from Ruff. The syntax highlighting is superior to the usual regex based highlighting. Any codes given in the format option will only be marked as fixable for ruff Try switching from nightly to 0. Now you can see the formatting at work whenever you save your lua files or do <leader>mp. TJ's teaching the general tools needed to customize any Neovim workflow for yourself, and I'm merely showcasing how to accomplish a specific task using overseer. Let's install them first $ pip install --user black ruff It's meant as a launch point for creating your own neovim config. It can parse the code as we type and give the results to NeoVim. Then, at the start of your vimrc, force vim to load python3 before any other plugin tries to load python2. toml file that adds a non-default option to preserve single quotes when formatting: Jan 13, 2021 · For those using Neovim 0. Close the ui with q. I've successfully installed ruff-lsp with Mason in kickstart neovim and am getting correct highlighting in Python files, but my Fix All code action does not seem to do anything. ⚡️ 10-100x faster than existing linters (like Flake8) and formatters (like Black) 🐍 Installable via pip. Have a look at :help vim. Ruff. Ruff can be configured through a pyproject. lua (See ftplugin-name ) {config} ( vim. I have installed pyls by pip install python-language-server. Either use :au, nvim_create_autocmd () or put the call in a ftplugin/<filetype_name>. Jan 27, 2022 · In our new series, we have @bashbunni and I work through Neovim setup, configuration and exploration together. format to format the file, you can pass a client_name option to use a specific client in case there are several ones that support formatting. I don't know if you are aware of ruff-lsp. Jun 15, 2021 · 8. I'm trying to setup ruff-lsp with neovim. I personally add async option: vim. The only thing thats not working is lsp with python. https://github. Additionally, I took as my starting point the kickstart. 45 by GaetanLepage · Pull Request #266606 · NixOS/nixpkgs · GitHub. I enabled ruff as both formatter and linter in null-ls config. g. The Python module is available from the community repository: Make sure you have installed the latest version of Neovim v0. in LazyVim type :Mason or press <space>cm. Install NodeJS, NPM and Python NeoVim. toml support. (e. cmd: ruff-lsp Configured servers list: yamlls, ruff_lsp Dec 25, 2023 · These are things Neovim does when a language server active in the buffer. ~20 plugins, ~400 lines (including lots of comments explaining what the config does) fully bootstrapped: all plugins and tools are automatically installed via lazy & mason. Jun 15, 2023 · Treesitter is a fast, incremental code parser. 42 -> 0. IMPORTANT: everything below is a work-in-progress and subject to change at any time Overview Linting (Diagnostics): ruff; Formatting: black & isort; Debugger: debugpy; Embedded REPL: ipython (if not installed, falls back to python3) In addition, this config includes editing utilities specifically for python, like for example docstrings creation, selecting virtual environments, or auto-converting f-strings. This is when I have a bunch of unsaved, changed buffers, following a symbol rename. That's why all the pyright config tweaks does not suppress those "not Comment avez-vous configuré Ruff LSP avec Neovim, surtout maintenant que le formateur Ruff est en version bêta? J'adorerais jeter un œil à vos fichiers à points. This will start a docker instance and run PlugInstall. Neovim is a hyperextensible Vim-based text editor. lua: {. config ({ virtual_text = false }) I wanted to apply this setting to nvim-lint too, so this was the one that worked for me. and when I do :ruff format it works fine. The following example configuration provides suggested keymaps for the most commonly used language server functions, and manually triggered completion with omnifunc (\<c-x>\<c-o>). I've already got an autocmd that calls vim. Mason created its own virtual env when installing pip packages. Then format the buffer with ruff (or isort) + black. In the LSP setup, I have pulled out jedi in particular in order to disable its diagnostics. If so, the temporary monkey patch (courtesy of \u\folke in some GitHub thread) is adding this to your config before lspconfig is loaded: local ok, wf = pcall (require, 'vim. At last, start NeoVim by typing nvim. Whether you're using Ruff as a linter, formatter, or both, the underlying configuration strategy and semantics are the same. Oct 9, 2023 · When you write your code, you need to have two main components integrated in your neovim: 1. In order to make mason work correctly, you have to launch neovim where the command pip Aug 11, 2023 · In neovim NVIM v0. So I have basic stuffs set up for html, css, javascript things like treesitter for each language syntaxes, lsp servers like html-lsp, blackd, css-lsp, isort, prettierd, pyright, ruff, mypy, typescript-language-server installed in Mason, configured and run through null-ls. Like jedi language server does not support formatting but has document highlight while for python language server it is opposite. Ruff can be used to replace Flake8 (plus dozens of plugins), Black, isort, pydocstyle, pyupgrade, autoflake, and more, all while executing tens or hundreds of times faster than any individual tool. ), REST APIs, and object models. But I also realized there is also ruff-lsp. Pyright is faster from what I have read. I wrote my whole config in 'lua' and I'm very happy so far. Modified 7 months ago. After closing run :Lazy load conform. Nov 10, 2023 · the issue was a nix-shell I was in. Asked 8 months ago. Replace flake8 and isort with ruff alphagov/notifications-api#3759. 24. He's basically the tpope of Neovim. sh script for details. 2021-04-19: packer now provides built-in profiling for your config via the packer_compiled file. When python-lsp-ruff is enabled, all linting diagnostics and formatting capabilities will be provided by ruff. uv (e. Quickstart configs for Nvim LSP. Feb 2, 2023 · balsa-sarenac commented on Feb 2, 2023. pyls. Evaluate the use of Ruff for code formatting archlinux/archinstall#1682. That means we can jump to the definition of a function or class using the keybinding <C-]> (Control + ]). Given that ruff also supports code-actions and formatting, it'd be nice to have these capabilities as built-ins too! Ruff's documentation has a snippet to enable formatting with null-ls: Now it works, don't really know what was going on. nvim are set up with the necessary configuration mason. For example, . Mar 13, 2023 · I'm using Neovim 0. I think aside from the speed benefit, stripping away lots of upstream tools and consolidating into one makes DX much nicer, helps troubleshooting CI, and I’m sure a bunch of other reasons Quickstart configs for Nvim LSP. nvim or lspconfig. 1. ), with only a small set of external requirements needed. those pyright. After removing the package via sudo apt remove neovim, those commands will be gone. This plugin has hooks like . Debugging can be enabled from the extras tab. Automatically save current file (s). neovim/nvim-lspconfig#726 (comment) Copy link tan-wei-xin-alez commented Aug 31, 2023. diagnostic . the latest version is already merged to master ruff-lsp: 0. use ruff altair-viz/altair#3008. 12 compatibility. 2) It's written in Rust but I don't draw focus to it precisely because RiiR/"X in Rust" posts are getting a bit tiring to see. And can jump back to where we were using <C-t>. the setup includes some common tooling for python development: pyright, ruff, black, debugpy, iypthon -REPL. Ask Question. Because ale also includes its own language server client. Now I see that in Mason there are both ruff and ruff-lsp available for install. (I’m also “investing” in a Minisforum UM560, which is going to replace my Feb 17, 2023 · @IceS2 what you have looks mostly fine (I think). Starlite just swapped to it and we saw massive speed increases and replaced many tools. Alternatively, Neovim Nightly builds can be also installed using the PKGBUILD neovim-nightly-bin, available on the AUR. Viewed 3k times. 9 and see if it improves. lua and filetype. I'm on neovim 0. Vim up to and including version 7 could only run external program synchronously, so your entire editor was blocked until the linter was done; live linting was impossible. press <C-f> (search in Mason) enter Python in the Select language box , press <cr> to confirm. ruff. Dec 15, 2023 · We will configure nvim-cmp to be our hub for autocompletion and then add sources for different inputs to autocomplete our code. ⚖️ Drop-in parity with Flake8, isort, and Black. ) as well as other 3rd party plugins. nvim is a NeoVim plugin that aims to provide the simple functionality of automatically saving your work whenever you make changes to it. Set the environment variable NVIMRS_TEST_BIN to the path of the binary before running the tests. , best viewed with JavaScript It is a distro presented by folke, the creator of lazy. Ruff is extremely actively developed and used in major open-source projects like: Apache Airflow. /run. toml file in my project and don't know how to approach this. nvim and a lot of good neovim plugins. Jul 6, 2022 · Packages are installed in Neovim's data directory (:h standard-path) by default. The other two can be slow on large python files or the ones which load big libraries. toml, or . setup {} to my init. 🎁 Feature s. nvim make it a joy to work with LSP features like code actions and diagnostics. If you launch neovim when you are already inside a virtualenv, mason (which runs a sub process of neovim) is also trapped inside that env and cannot create its own. hook_before_saving etc. But it seems ruff Jan 23, 2024 · ruff-lsp is basically the LSP implementation which is to say it kinda is a layer on top of Ruff. Everything you see in your editor is coming from Ruff and can be seen when running the ruff CLI as well. Vim & Neovim. LUV REFERENCE MANUAL. Once in the container, navigate to ~/test_app to try the configuration on some rust code. For some tests, neovim needs to be installed. 2021-01-19: Basic Luarocks support has landed! May 17, 2021 · The package neovim of your package manager provided the commands nvim (and possibly vim as well). Coming after years, facing Ultisnips problems as well. When I first setup neovim, I had switched from pylsp to pyright because it was the only one I could get to recognize my virtual environment. version () is exposed as vim. For example, to show that nvim-lspconfig doesn't pass provided args to ruff format, create a minimal /tmp/pyproject. Setup Dec 7, 2023 · Apologies if I have missed something obvious, I am trying to use Ruff more regularly but am not super experienced. , uv. FastAPI. uv. nvim is a Neovim plugin that allows you to easily manage external editor tooling such as LSP servers, DAP servers, linters, and formatters through a single interface. You can filter under which conditions which files are saved and when the auto-save functionality should be triggered (events). The first version was a port of my existing Vim configuration. Neovim's LSP ecosystem is growing, and plugins like telescope. toml file. execute_command you want to use the sync version that neovim lsp API provides. format({ async = true }) But be aware of editing buffer while formatting, as the documentation say: async boolean|nil If true the method won't block. set, you can use it for both normal and visual mode. Oct 20, 2023 · There is no way to provide arguments to the subcommands of ruff that actually do linting and formatting, such as ruff check and ruff format. Manual, triggered completion can be provided by neovim's built-in omnifunc. I like to keep configuration options in one place, so I use a module-level server_configs table and look up the settings in the setup_handlers default handler. Although it might sound like a lot of config updates, keep in mind that it happened over a period of four years. Here is an example of installing and configuring using lazy. cmd("edit") end, Switching to BufWritePost to make sure the file had been saved first, then allowing black to format the file and reloading with the :edit command seems to work. Using opts table you can override any of the options, format same as the table for setup function. lua that get confused if the old runtime was not deleted, or the new runtime files were not installed, it makes sense to check for those specific conditions. . press 5 to check which formatters are available. version () ). JSON, CSV, XML, etc. nvim and trouble. _watchfiles') if ok then wf. hook_before_saving = functi AutoSave. edit: From their Github: ruff-lsp supports surfacing Ruff diagnostics and providing Code Actions to fix them, but is intended to be used alongside another Python LSP in order to support features like navigation and autocompletion. nvim will add to Neovim's PATH during setup, allowing seamless access from Neovim builtins (shell, terminal, etc. To use ruff-lsp with Neovim, install ruff-lsp from PyPI along with nvim-lspconfig. Make sure you install coc-marketplace as well, it makes searching+adding plugins much simpler. nvim plugin. 6+, you can set the configuration globally: vim . Hugging Face. format keybinding just removes the unused imports, without formatting. After refreshing I'm getting Error: E5108 Mar 31, 2023 · In this YouTube video, I talk about my experience using Neovim, and respond to comments left on one of my previous videos. 0+ (nightly is preferred). nvim-lint instead has a more narrow scope: It spawns linters, parses their output, and reports the results via the vim. It did not work, therefore I built a minimal example with only the default configuration from the documentation. 🤝 Python 3. Recently I came across ruff as alternative to flake8. lua). With ale we already got an asynchronous linter, why write yet another one?. 2 days ago · To ensure a language server is only started for languages it can handle, make sure to call vim. How did you set up ruff LSP with Neovim, especially now that the ruff formatter is in beta? Would love to peek at your dotfiles. This plugin will disable pycodestyle, pyflakes, mccabe, autopep8, and yapf by default, unless they are explicitly enabled in the client configuration. pyright only imports when you first type it. Since Neovim v0. Related Neovim Free software Software Information & communications technology Technology forward back r/PowerShell PowerShell is a cross-platform (Windows, Linux, and macOS) automation tool and configuration framework optimized for dealing with structured data (e. It was created specifically to provide the code actions for ruff besides just diagnostics. Running in single file mode. buf_request_sync. For a complete enumeration of the available configuration options, see Settings. sudo apt install nodejs npm python3-neovim. It doesn't remove trailing whitespace or address any Oct 1, 2021 · So I tried to configure python-language-server. Today is our first collab and it's about Neovi See the run. Linting the CPython codebase from scratch. 4 days ago · Ruff can be used to replace Flake8 (plus dozens of plugins), Black, isort , pydocstyle, pyupgrade , autoflake, and more, all while executing tens or hundreds of times faster than any individual tool. Ruff LSP and formatting. Hello good people, I am kinda new to ruff and neovim, so I could use some guidance how can i make sure that formatting is fixing all just like calling fixAll in ruff-lsp? what in ruff formatter I have to set to fixAll by default? return Apr 15, 2022 · Alternatively, Neovim can be also installed using the PKGBUILD neovim-git, available on the AUR. mentioned this issue. /neovim-init-lsp-cmp-rust-tools. If the opts parameter is omitted, the globally configured options are used. More importantly, the scope of mason. An example usage of format_data: Simple winbar/statusline plugin that shows your current code context - SmiteshP/nvim-navic. background. It says that I just need to add neovim/nvim-lspconfig to my plugins and then add lua require ('lspconfig'). Nvim :help pages, generated from source using the tree-sitter-vimdoc parser. 8. 8, thanks to this PR, there's an apply boolean which does just that. Mar 1, 2024 · Usage. lua to test this configuration. Therefore, I assume he should run ruff in that directory to and it should pick it up. This could make your pyright + ruff combo work just fine with code actions without pylsp. Then Neovim came along and added asynchronous jobs, which Vim in version 8 copied (but Apr 30, 2023 · pysan3 June 9, 2023, 7:05pm 2. LazyVim should offer python completion and snippets by default, as long as you install pyright, ruff, black-format etc from Mason, which can be opened with :Mason. The following image shows the which-key. Although Neovim can be difficult t Neovim is a hyperextensible Vim-based text editor. It's recommended that you use ruff-lsp, the officially supported LSP server for Ruff. mason-lspconfig. there is no code-action that imports it afterwards. toml, ruff. Jan 12, 2023 · I want to configure my Python language server (pylsp) in Neovim in a Lua config (init. Aug 15, 2022 · 3. How do I map that back through LSP to a user-defined key? Basically, I'd like to add a new keybinding as shown in the lsp-zero "create keybindings" docs, but I don't know how to access the tsserver-specific functionality from vim. But if I open up a Django template html file, I noticed that the filetype was not Related Neovim Free software Software Information & communications technology Technology forward back r/neovim Neovim is a hyperextensible Vim-based text editor. When looking at the debug logs of the lsp, I can see that ruff-lsp is started in the project directory, which contains a pyproject. The Custom category includes any additional Neovim configurations installed and initialized with lazyman by the end-user using the -C url and -N Nov 29, 2021 · When I open a python file, diagnostics seem to be working fine. Jun 21, 2023 · Yeah. I configured lsp and cmp and mason, mason-lspconfig. Preserves extmarks and folds - Most formatters replace the entire buffer, which clobbers extmarks and folds, and can cause the viewport and cursor to jump unexpectedly. I fail to get ruff-lsp using the pyproject. Take a look at the docs for more information! 2021-02-18: Having trouble with Luarocks on macOS? See this issue. null-ls is an attempt to bridge that gap and simplify the process of creating, sharing, and setting up LSP sources Helix author here: I think the poster chose an unfortunate headline. Vimacs is Feature-rich. whatever: Jun 26, 2022 · I have a plugin that autosaves the file. First, be sure your virtual environment has neovim: pip install neovim. It builds on top of the very same foundation as nvim-lsp-installer, but with a majority of internals refactored to improve extensibility and testability. While we're doing the same thing, the videos are actually completely different. We're gonna use black and ruff for code formatting and linting respectively. cmd("silent !black --quiet %") vim. nvim repo so lsp is handled by mason which also is a new tool for me. For autocompletion, a general purpose autocompletion plugin is required. As of neovim 0. tsserver has an organize imports feature. 0. Need Help. vim","path":"configs/autocomplete. Contribute to neovim/nvim-lspconfig development by creating an account on GitHub. Just by downloading a new version (outside the comfort of your package manager), you won't get a "command" installed. start () within a FileType autocmd. Here's what I've put in my config : local opts = { noremap=true, silent=true } local function quickfix() Configuring NeoVim as a Python IDE (2023) In Programming. jn ao yv lk lm vh ke jh wk hy