Scp not copying files


Scp not copying files. Take for instance: ls -l /home | grep jupyter. So I would have to try something different. Mar 17, 2015 · You could then use scp to transfer the files: scp xa* xxx@xxx: Then on the remote system recreate the originial file with cat: cat xa* > matlab. In this article, we'll examine how to use SCP to copy between local and remote hosts. – Mikeumus. Use Case #2: Downloading/Copying a File from a Remote Server to Your Local Computer. ls list empty directory, i. This guide describes how SCP works and explains how to use the scp command on Linux distributions. It is a tool that can be used to transfer files from a local host to a remote host, from a remote host to a local host, or between two remote hosts. tar. Apr 29, 2016 · 12. I generally use SCP for transferring one file at a time. bashrc or . The problem in my case was that the files that I wanted to get from remote machine were created by another user (root on my case), so, those files were invisible 10. Option #2: expect -timeout 3600 eof. You don't need the ssh at all: user@local $ scp -P 2222 file. The following command copies files in the /home/azureuser/logs/ directory on the Azure VM to the local /tmp directory: The -r flag instructs SCP to recursively copy the files and directories from the point of scp stalled while copying large files. scp <file name> <user>@<complete_hostname>:~/ Apr 4, 2013 · The two scp instances communicate through the ssh connection to perform the file transfer. / May 18, 2015 · I am trying to write a shell function to scp a file to my AWS host. There are two possible solutions that come to my mind: Add more than one LOCAL_PATH and set the second one to 'dist/. As you may already know, the SSH protocol creates a secure and encrypted tunnel between your local system and another system, which means that files you copy with the scp command are not liable to be intercepted. <from> or <to> can be local or remote. Aug 15, 2023 · Here are some common options: -r: Recursively copies directories & their contents. If the file already exists at the destination, SCP replaces or overwrites I would like to copy all files from a remote destination in a particular directory writegrid, but not the subdirectories, e. No attempt is made to distinguish between a transfer in one direction or the other. Add a comment. If they differ, you have a corrupt/partial file. To transfer files with SCP, specify the remote server's IP address or hostname and the destination path where you want it to copy the file or directory. SCP Command Use Cases. -p: Preserve the permissions, timestamps, and modes of the original file. Jan 17, 2020 · I'm attempting to copy my desktop folder excelsite using scp -r. You need to run the scp command from the local machine, not on the remote. Look under the File menu for Connect to server Dec 9, 2012 · There is a problem with this though - I'm running the recursive scp on a Linux machine in my office, and I'm copying the files all to my external hard drive, which is in FAT32 format (because I need something that's readable by both UNIX and Windows). Sorted by: -1. If this is the case, here is what you want to do: First, compress the folder. Share. This will create a directory 'src' under 'dest' on the remote machine, with all the hidden files included. bash: -c: line 0: unexpected EOF while looking for matching `''. test . The folder is a django website. the files in writegrid/output_files. Local files are just simple paths: /path/to/my/file. , you also copy files from the container to the host. Let’s assume we’re copying a large directory from a local machine to a remote server. I'm trying to scp a file from a remote server to my local machine. ) you performed this command from (c:\ssl). After doing this, when I use scp to copy large files, it stalled with 0. For example, here is your command translated to an Rsync equivalent: See full list on linuxize. Here is the thing though, I tried cp , scp , rsync and even unzip to the target, and I still can’t get all files inside. By default the timeout is 10 seconds so expect eof would return after 10 seconds though the scp is still running. If you are doing this by hand, you might find it easier not to copy the file back to your office machine, by If you want to use wildcards use either single quotes or escape only the asterisk: scp 'SERVERNAME:/DIR/*' . 3. tar cap_20151023T*. Oct 3, 2015 · Secure copy is a really useful command, and it's really easy to use. The first jupyter is the username, the second jupyter is the group name. OpenSSH started as a BSD fork of the original SSH secure communications protocol, which has since become re-licensed as "non-free" and thus not generally available for Linux. 140 ricardo@192. You can see the permissions are: rwx for user jupyter. 4. Unfortunately the hosting provider won't allow its installation. . Dec 14, 2020 · Secure Copy, or scp, is a secure version of the older rcp tool (which is still used, but less common) included in the OpenSSH suite of tools. Dec 14, 2010 · Please ensure the path/to/dest. | file2. Or just files matching a pattern from a specific directory. 1. Enter the following command to establish an SCP connection with your virtual computer and transfer files to it. In contrast, the scp program blatantly overwrites the file. Jan 19, 2015 · Use a tool like rsync (which uses SSH under the hood) to copy on the files which have changed since the last time you ran the command. scp <from> <to>. Internet works fine on the host and has Download: 16. The value of source is test_file. scp and rsync pass remote file names to the remote shell. Oct 18, 2020 · However, when I ssh into the master node using putty, the file does not show up in the home directory. Oct 13, 2016 · However, I would like to not copy over every file, instead just some. : not a regular file But when I replace the $1 by the file name and execute the same, it works. According to the needs of the experiment, I set the MTU to 8000. Files can either be (1) pushed from the Ansible controller to the device or (2) pulled from a remote SCP file server to the device. It seems that scp only supports wildcards for file names but not for directory names. Aug 8, 2018 · I am trying to move a file from a virtual machine (Ubuntu 18. 5 hosts using SCP command. -i: Specifies the private key file for SSH authentication. Run the following command, this starts the SSH daemon which is required in order to connect using SCP. And a explanation here. Sorted by: 89. This might be in . Apr 8, 2015 · You can tell this because scp added "-d" to the command line for the remote scp instance. To copy a file from the remote host, use: scp host Sep 17, 2020 · The problem is that when I try to copy a folder (with something like 700 files inside) from Linux to this SMB directory, some of the files are not copied. txt in the directory /root on your host machine into the Docker container named some-docker-container into the directory /root. 168. This invokes "scp -t" on the server, and uses the scp protocol to transfer files, which has nothing to do with sftp. You can pass the -s option to rsync to make it protect the file names from expansion by the remote shell. function ec2-scp() { scp -i /path/to/pem/file. I had to use pscp like above Hesham's post once I downloaded and installed putty. If we go back to the generic syntax we have seen before: scp source target. Note these values, because you need them in the following step of this procedure. The above command would recursively copy This will copy the file some-file. Oct 14, 2011 · It's driving me nuts! I just want to transfer one simple file from laptop to server. This module supports two different workflows for copying a file to flash (or bootflash) on NXOS devices. And I can't change the MTU size for experiment result comparison. May 1, 2018 · Make sure you don't have startup scripts in your shell that echo data to the terminal. The best way to measure this is to do an md5 checksum on the source and on the copied file. Some meta-information may be copied on request. I. Use Case #3: Transfer/Copying a File Between Two Remote Servers. /my_file ec2-user@my-public-ip:my_data Apr 27, 2016 · What you typed required to copy a directory onto a file; scp cannot copy a directory unless you ask for a recursive copy with the -r option (and it would refuse to overwrite an existing file with a directory even with -r, but it would quietly overwrite a regular file if the source was a regular file). FAT32 doesn't support large filesizes. If not, you have to initiate the copy from your local PC, using a different terminal: scp remote:/path/to/file path/to/local/file. If there are too many files with read-only permission, you need to hunt them down. ) This has recently stopped working and I'm getting the following error: scp: error: unexpected filename: . scp -r –i "my_key. When scp connects to the remote host, it expects to see the SSH server headers followed by an opened stdin stream. So, you should find a file (or in this case a directory) called user@server in the directory from which you issued the scp -r local_folder user@server command. gz Nov 14, 2023 · Options for the SCP Command. A proven tool for this purpose is Secure Copy (SCP), and with the porting of PowerShell to Linux, it is suitable for this task, too. scp adds that flag to the remote command when it's copying more than one file, but not for copying a single file. Of course, the penalties for this workaround are the time taken in the split and cat operations, as well as the extra disk space needed on the local and remote systems. 2. rsync -av --delete username @ hostname: / source / path / / destination / path. There are many programs and utilities to accomplish this task, but not all of them are secure. You can actually supply a list of files to scp with the following protocol, scp <user>@<host>:{<file1>,<file2>,,<fileN>} <destination>. Given that you're copying stuff from a case sensitive to case insensitive filesystem a possible cause is files with names that differ only in case (Fred and Fred for example). mkv exits by touch path/to/dest. So I have:-rwxr-xr-x 1 sandro 414622 2011-10-14 23:42 sandrophoto-html. Using the stock 'scp' from a recent Windows Server 2022 version I was able to use the command from this answer above, but with using a colon in the drive specifier, as the first path segment on the target Windows machine: scp some_file user@host:/C:/TEMP May 12, 2021 · From Ubuntu machine, I can connect using: ssh windowsmachine@ipaddress However: scp windowsmachine@ Stack Exchange Network Stack Exchange network consists of 183 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow , the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. Dec 19, 2022 · 2 Answers. In other words, both systems must have SSH set up in order to use the scp command. The scp startup with a non-interactive shell and read the data from it. pem $1 [email protected]:. SCP stands for Secure Copy Protocol. May 14, 2019 · (I'm not able to use * because I want to include dot files, too. Jul 21, 2020 · The rsync program is labeled as a fast, versatile and remote file-copying tool. If there is no existing filename corresponding to the target, it goes ahead and calls the real scp with the original command line. In the command, replace: If doing it in two steps is not a problem, you can use scp to copy the file from the remote server, and then execute ssh -e "rm /path/to/file" to remove from disk. OpenSSH is still maintained May 22, 2011 · There are two ways to do this. txt, issue a mkdir -p /home/path before uploading file. file12. How do I copy hidden files using the scp command under Unix like operating systems? The scp command copies files between servers (computers) on a network. Try to create an archive of all the files on the remote side and send that as a single archive. chmod 777 /var/www. ***. [ricardo@crudo:~]$ ssh ricardo@192. I can use the user ricardo to log into the server by ssh. Is rsync or sftp the way to go solve this problem? Addition Info: OS: Ubuntu The {} syntax makes it easier to copy multiple files from the same directory, is there any way to do this with scp -r so that "FILE1" "FILE2" can be relative paths and not absolute paths to the files? DESCRIPTION top. If the file isn't there, then it's not copied. When I try to scp a larger file, the file gets copied but the scp process hangs up and doesn't exit. SCP protects your data while copying across an SSH (Secure Shell) connection by encrypting the files and the passwords. files from a directory output to a remote directory target using scp. This means that it only copies a file to the remote server if it is not already present. I did it to Windows from Linux on Windows so I entered the following: c:\ssl>pscp username@linuxserver:keenan/ssl/* . passwd. # or. copies files between hosts on a network. scp remotehost:'*. To check you should be able to just do: ls. bash_history). Replace 100M above with the real size of your source file. 140's password: Last login: Sat Oct 17 16:23:30 2015 from 192. It's probably not exactly what you want, but it will copy hidden files in src. Make sure you don't have more arguments in that command. Option #1: # set the default `timeout'. This problem can be because the file you are trying to get is not existing (typo in the name of file or folder?) or because it is invisible to the user that you enter in scp. Your code would look like this: scp -rp src user@server:dest/. AWS shell started This just prints this string which comes from ~/. We’ve specified an identical path on the pod to copy the file. Copying file to host: scp SourceFile remoteuser@remotehost Sep 13, 2019 · Then you should be able to connect with SSH, and transfer files with SCP. Never for copying a full directory structure. Copying a file from remote system to the local system is pretty much the same. The usual reason for that is the scp program on the remote host either failed to start or else it exited prematurely. When running the command everything seems to be working since its copying stuff. Don't put a slash after the source directory. file is not listed. To transmit, use the scp command line utility, a safer variant of the cp (copy) command. Alternatives welcome except rsync. It is very close to the secure copy syntax. You just need to specify the complete path to the file on the remote system and path on the local system. If necessary you could remove the write permission after executing your scp command (with this: chmod -w /path/to/file ). The rsync command has tons of options, but the most typical usage is: rsync -av --delete / source / path username @ hostname: / destination / path /. I've a NAS DNS-320L from dlink running the original firmware + fun_plug which enable NAS to receive ssh connections. And you get the usual progress bar that you would with a normal copy. The "-d" flag tells the remote scp instance that the target has to be a directory. Compare the outputs. -C: Use compression to speed up data transfer. Jan 11, 2017 · scp -r –i "my_key. By running the command: May 22, 2018 · The problem should be in expect eof. If filesize more then 750 bytes I can not transfer it via SCP or rsync. Using the rsync command in place of scp allows us to be more precise with what we want to exclude. This will copy everything in the keenan/ssl folder to the local folder (. This copies the file to the remote host. com Sep 19, 2021 · Introduction. Creating a lot of small files takes a lot of time. Jun 16, 2020 at 5:00. Notice that we used an absolute path in both cases. This issue is present only on one particular server, others work fine so it is not a generic thing. scp -i dkp_rsa -r " source-folder " user-name @ public-ip-address: destination-directory. } I am using it as . I have observed the same behavior with FTP as well. May 26, 2017 · This will transfer files with any machine running sshd, which has scp in the PATH (scp isn't part of the ssh spec, but it's fairly ubiquitous). 53 Mbit/s Upload: 2. For cases like that, I would use Rsync instead. This allows you to pass patterns, as in. No other credentials are needed. Depending on your OS, you may have md5sum or md5 to run the checksum, or download an md5 sum utility (for Windows). ) may be set, even when the file or directory already exists on the target system. File system meta-information (permissions, ownership, etc. |directory2. ext username@domain:~/. should do it. Jun 12, 2018 · I don't think this can work in this form, with the backslash \ separators:. If you get "port 22: Connection refused", try any of these workarounds: Run container with privileged access: docker exec --privileged -ti container_name bash; Inside container, open port 22 with UFW firewall: sudo apt-get install -y ufw && sudo ufw allow 22 The basic usage of scp is as follows: scp file host:path. The connection runs over SSH in both cases, ensuring that files are transferred encrypted. Apr 2, 2012 · The problem is that I’m unable to copy all hidden files (such as . But not the folder excelsite. Jan 18, 2019 · In this case, I want to copy a file to another remote server. 4 :~. or, if you also want to compress the archive, tar cvzf myarchive. If you have a desktop, this sort of thing can be done via the desktop gui too. This can show the progress, but if you want the percentage information, dd if=path/to/source. txt' . When moving files especially between machines things may go wrong, so it may be good to perform the copy and the delete separately, and only remove the file when you know for sure that it has been successfully copied first. 04) on my local system to a remote server using a very basic scp command. The source and target may be specified as a local pathname Mar 4, 2010 · 1. Nov 27, 2010 · For example, given a file with absolute path /some/path/file. but it has the nasty consequence that you need extra quoting when supplying a remote file name. I want only the file to be copied instead of directories ie) directory. txt test_user@test_host:/var/tmp/. Using rsync Instead Linux has multiple tools to handle this job, and one of the better ones is rsync , which does everything scp can do, but has many more options and is much faster to boot. if they're JPEGs or PNGs, compression won't have any effect. The basic format of the command is as follows: scp [options] original_file destination_file. "lost connection" is printed by the local scp program when the ssh connection drops prematurely. txt. How to Transfer Files and Directories with SCP. They act like a local filesystem after that and you can copy files around like you normally would. kubectl cp /path/to/file my-pod:/path/to/file. The same one you use when you do ssh. Examples: Copy all existing files out the way. (wikipedia). The destination path is optional, but can be a directory on the server, or even a file name if copying a single file. zip username@1. ec2-scp server. Oct 7, 2021 · For example, copying a brand new file to and from /etc/nginx/sites-enabled will not automatically place it in /etc/nginx/sites-available on the remote. This could have happened because the scp Dec 15, 2021 · I'm having an issue copying a file from an EC2 instance. will ask for passwords or passphrases if they are needed for authentication. The last suggestion can be done like this: Dec 18, 2013 · That is I have scp exit with 0, but the file is not transported. profile. But when I transferred another file, this time a python file python_file. scp SERVERNAME:/DIR/\* . war And I am getting an error: scp: . I have to hit Ctrl-C to return back to the shell. paul If you don't need to select only png and jpg files but want to copy everything, then using for example scp -r [email protected]:'/folder' . After copying all the files the structure should be of this. Copying a file from the remote system using scp command. Feb 1, 2021 · I want to copy all files including "hidden" . sftp> get -r remoteDir Nov 16, 2023 · SCP (Secure Copy Protocol) is a network protocol that securely copies files/folders between Linux ( Unix) systems on a network. png. Mar 30, 2020 · To copy the file to the remote system I will connect to it using the user test_user. scp test_file. As the non-interactive shell will read the two configuration Jul 6, 2015 · i am trying to copy files from remote machine to local machine using scp. This isn't the best security. bashrc and ~/. scp user@hotname:c:\folder\filname user@hostname:\folder\filename(destination) First of all, the path separator in Linux is / instead of \, so this would be better: Oct 18, 2015 · 2. I'm using ubuntu on both machines. Well, you are supposed to replace remote and the rest with the actual hostname of the machine you are connecting to :). Bonus: If you want to copy a select list of files from the same directory, use, Nov 5, 2019 · I have a test file with a simple text inside. Let’s see how to enable compression with SCP: $ scp -C source destination. Aug 26, 2014 · 1 Answer. com :/folder/. Jan 15, 2015 · If it does, it refuses to run scp, displaying a diagnostic message, and returns a non-zero exit status. gz myfile* Whether to compress or not depends on the file contents, eg. The biggest kicker is how to format the remote part. find (at least the GNU version available in most Linux distributions) has a -perm test which you can use ( man find for more info). The second way is to add your user to the group owning the directory, and then setting permissions for the group to write to the directory. Does this mean I'm no longer able to copy contents of a folder via SCP without copying the folder itself? . I use SCP command inside sshagent the Jenkins pipeline. iso. Only port 80 is accessible. Click on Manage under Host -> Services -> Select the SSH service “TSM-SSH” – > Click on Start to start the SSH service. / Copy the original files over anything I'm trying to copy a file from one of my local machines to a remote machine. It is possible to specify multiple files; the last one is the destination. Oct 7, 2019 · When you run ls -l /home you can see the current permissions of the user folders. So to copy file from remote system to the current directory, simply use the command in the following Apr 28, 2022 · Copy files with SCP. Synopsis. *** (and yes, I was cd'd into the desktop). bash: -c: line 1: syntax error: unexpected end of file. The command line looks like this: Jul 28, 2016 · Try to go to the local folder and scp *. sudo systemctl start sshd. Make a note of the directory and it's contents. This scp -r [email protected] :~/writegrid/* . bashrc on the instance, but it doesn’t actually copy the file. And I have found the thread as a bug here. If i was using cp command, i think this can be done using cp -n. | file1. The csv file is not displayed even in WinSCP. The ansible. A popular choice for more quickly and securely copying files is the Secure Copy Protocol (SCP). 1. If it's not that try using the -v option with pscp to get more information on what is being copied. Then move the file to the desired location: May 6, 2021 · But this setup will (understandably) not copy dotfiles to the server. Jan 11, 2023 · Using SCP to transfer the files is the easiest way to get the log directory and files down to your workstation while also being secure. File copies are initiated from the NXOS device to the remote SCP server. scp -r user@server:dir/* . Aug 10, 2023 · Suppose we want to move a file from our local machine to a pod. mkv | pv -s 100M | dd of=path/to/dest. You can use a larger timeout. Apr 20, 2018 · If you include the -v ( verbose) flag on scp you can see exactly what's going on that gives rise to the failure: debug1: Sending command: scp -v -f /tmp/src/John's folder/file. mkdir original_files ; cp -r * original_files/ Copy everything using scp. Is there a similar option for scp, i went through the documentation of SCP and there seems to be no such option. pem" . py file. Because all files are named the same and only separated through the directory, I have to respect the structure. 112. drwxr-xr-x 13 jupyter jupyter 4096 Sep 8 10:26 jupyter. *' Copy the complete dist/ directory over to the server, then manually move the files one directory level higher, than delete dist/ directory. If they're the same, you are just seeing a filesystem difference Dec 15, 2021 · But here is the better way for do it with sftp - SSH File Transfer Protocol (also Secure File Transfer Protocol, or SFTP) is a network protocol that provides file access, file transfer, and file management over any reliable data stream. scp -r username@hostname:/directory . It uses ssh for data transfer, and uses the same authentication and provides the same security as ssh. Else if you still want to copy only png and jpg in those subdirectories you probably can't use scp or sftp (unless sftp/lftp with possible custom script) but need to run something like ssh + a pair of tar inst Mar 21, 2016 · I was copying some files using scp and i don't want to overwrite the already present files. I think the cause for this are these changes to SCP from November 2018. And ssh works just fine: > ssh aws EDIT: Here's the output with the -vvv: debug1: Authentication succeeded (publickey). Maybe you copied the scp command from a word processing Feb 20, 2024 · This, in turn, results in a quick copying of a large number of files. In this command, the -C option is used to enable compression. Use Case #1: Transferring/Copying a File from a Local Computer to a Remote Host. 00%. /my_file ec2-user@my-public-ip:my_file Or Say if you have a folder at /home/ect-user/my_data Then use the following command to copy your file to the folder. I tried the solution from unable to scp in jenkins, already created user: jenkins, save the public key to the ubuntu@remoteip allowed_host, and it's ssh private key is saved in Jenkins credentials with the ID jenkins-ssh-to-ubuntu. > scp aws:/home/ubuntu/test. Remote files are of the form user@host:path_on_remote. Mar 14, 2023 · Copying files to a remote computer is a very common task. You simply mount the ssh server as an Dec 26, 2023 · There are various mechanisms for copying files between Windows and Linux. Here is the secure copy command. And as shown in the previous post, you can use it vice versa. Sep 13, 2017 · In this example, We are going to transfer files between ESXi 6. /. The first way is to change the permissions on the folder to allow anyone to write to it. But it is not just a plain file-copying tool. Note that I am using the -3 flag because server foo cannot directly communicate with server boo. It's a war file that I am trying to SCP. I have looked up several solutions and it seems harder than what I expected. bashrc. The command ive used is scp -r excelsite ***@***. The problem is with the echo command in two files /etc/bash. Dec 26, 2020 · I am using scp to copy a file from one server to another. Copying a file with size upto 1405 bytes works fine. scp does not work but ssh does. Try to find the minimum set of files which demonstrates the problem. Both of the servers need a password to be passed with sshpass so I need to use sshpass twice in the same command. In this following example, I am copying May 24, 2022 · Thank you Justin, I did try pscp and interestingly they have a -pw option however, I did not manage to get that to work for me (gave me connection refused errors) Fortunately I did find the answer: I needed to sudo both sshpass and scp individually Thank you for your input, trying your advice put me on the right path, appreciate it thank you Jan 26, 2016 · scp does overwrite files and there's no switch to stop it doing that, but you can copy things out the way, do the scp and then copy the existing files back. $ sftp user_remote@remote_ip. In the above example, we copied a local file /path/to/file to a pod named, my-pod. When you address a remote file, you need to do it in the following manner: user@server:path/to/file. UPDATE: If you're looking to lower the number of transactions, a better method might be to make a tar file locally, transfer that, and untar it. 83 Mbit/s Jul 23, 2021 · How to use rsync to copy and transfer files remotely on Linux and Unix. It's in the current directory. Jan 16, 2018 · @pushpen. builtin. scp is actually easier to use than appears at first glance. set timeout 3600 ; # or -1 for no timeout. Assuming you want to do a recursive copy of some remote directory to a local directory but want to exclude a name from the operation: rsync -av --exclude=DontNeedThis user@remote:/some/dir/ /some/dir. g. copy module copies a file or a directory structure from the local or remote machine to a location on the remote machine. uses the SFTP protocol over a ssh (1) connection for data transfer, and uses the same authentication and provides the same security as a login session. I tried scp -l or scp -C and turning tcp_sack on/off, but it still didn't work. Find out who owns the directory: May 20, 2011 · Nautilus (the default file browser in Ubuntu) can mount ssh/sftp servers. -P: Specifies the port number for the SSH connection. js user@example. sftp> cd /path/to/remoteDir. 2. py using WinSCP, ls lists the . Log in to the ESXi Host Client using the below URL https:<ESXi host name or IP>/ui and log in with “root” credentials. Feb 16, 2015 · 1. When you use user@server without a ':' character, scp interprets user@server as the file name on the local machine to which you would like to copy your file. Oct 20, 2017 · How to copy files using scp from remote host when file have spaces. mkv. If you haven't done it already, setup a password for the Linux account running the following command. Use the same username and credentials for SCP as you use for SSH. On Steam Deck switch to Desktop mode and open a command line (Konsole). Note that the file list is wrapper in French braces. The rsync program features build-in synchronization functionality. Instead of changing file ownership/permissions which may have unintended consequences, you need to perform the SCP file upload in two separate parts: First SCP the file to your home directory: sudo scp -i sshkey filename. It is possible that you are working with a directory/folder. Jan 7, 2020 · Copy files from a local to remote folder with scp and script throws "No such file or directory" Hot Network Questions identifying an SMD component (marked as 1J15) Aug 23, 2021 · The scp command works through the SSH protocol. Jun 25, 2022 · 5. e. We can also use relative paths: Oct 23, 2015 · To transfer files more efficiently, bundle them together with tar, then transfer the tarball: tar cvf myarchive. dh am fr az mm dq zo kk yu yk