Simvision commands

Simvision commands. The SimVision Command Script SimVision command script begins with a comment that describes how to restore the debugging environment. path. If simvision still fails to start after cleaning your environment as above,check the results of the checkSysConf command to be sure there are no failures in the compatibility with your OS. If you're still stuck, please email support@cadence. I cannot change simvision's time_format as it is a read-only variable. shm> Select the top level design scope in the Design Browser sidebar. You can't issue a "run" command inside a breakpoint, because breakpoints don't nest. Hi Stephen, I am also looking for something similar. . vcd -do mydo. What tool is used to browse the simulated design (hierarchies stop -object port. 19 years ago. You can restore that script during subsequent runs ("Source Command Script"). You can also copy the file tbench. After launched the simvision, I sent some signals to waveform window from Design Browser window. com and one of the support staff will ensure your problem gets resolved. Oct 6, 2021 · I haven't followed the link you posted as I'm not mad keen on following arbitrary links people post in forums, but I believe you want the mnemonic map feature in SimVision. Aug 31, 2022 · Note that depending on how you started the simulation, the above may not work - e. Click on the "Open"” symbol. I have tried the new simvision and found I cannot probe and view the variables wave in class. “-i asset. Copy these files into your local working directory. A nifty Jun 6, 2008 · See I am using Questa for simulation. simvisionrc file can only contain SimVision commands which can be found in the SimVision Command Language Reference. This webpage provides a comprehensive reference of the SimVision Tcl commands with examples and descriptions. Reference guide for Genus Synthesis, a Cadence synthesis program. I searched through xcellium documentation for tcl commands, specifically in the probe definition, but could not figure out what is missing in the arguments I use. Shall I add any particular command to probe it? Probe command I use now: database -open -shm -into waves. Use the vertical slider to display the transaction ミックスド・シグナル・シミュレーションと、インタラクティブに波形を表示 できるSimVisionツールのデバッグ機能を紹介します。 テキスト・ベースのコマンド・ ラインのフローで、シングル・ステップのxrunコマンドとともに、さまざまな制御用 ファイル When you open a database in SimVision (by specifying the database argument on the simvision command line, or by choosing File – Open database from any . yung2002 Newbie level 3. 개별적인 simulation event를 연계하여 일련의 코드로 위치시키게 해준다. Cursor Time, then enter the time. Initially, the waveform displays only the name of the transaction. SimVision can connect to IES, stand-alone Specman, and even Specman running with a 3rd party simulator. if you are using tcl probe commands, add -memories to the probe command, eg. Unified simulation engine for Verilog, VHDL, and SystemC. Finally, there is a Schematic Tracer window available in Simvision. u can save a *. If you want to execute a command after that object change's value, use the -execute option. Regards, Dipak. For an example of how the commands should look, simply create a group in the waveform, collapse it, then save the waveform to a command file using the "Save signals" toolbar button. tcl”) Tim All Courses Learning Map. 79 MB PDF) Genus Attribute Reference. single-step mode the ncverilog command, as described in the NC-Verilog simulator Help. probe some. - Doug Drag the cursor to the new location. In "simvision mywave. command line, the transaction series uses the same time precision as the signal series, and all series are synchronized with each other. You might want to disable a command for security reasons if you are accessing a simulation that is running on another system. Managing Objects in the Waveform Window. Before I quit the simvision, how can I save the signals info in waveform window, so I can load this info next time I run the simulation with simvision, instead of drawing these signals one by one from Design Browser window again. path instance and below, including memories. v, abc. Key Benefits. Simvision will look like this: Now we need to open the Waveform database. In general, you can review and edit the Xdefaults file above to change the fonts of various SimVision Debug 複雑な設計では、HDLレベル、テストベンチレベル、知財(IP)検証レベルにかかわらず、バグを見つけることは困難です。 多くの場合、バグは実際の場所から何十、何百サイクルも離れた箇所でエラーとして現れます。 May 2, 2012 · 1,283. sv file which can be sourced later (File--> source command script) to get ur waveform openend with all the signals present at the time u had saved the . hiearchical. trn Dec 13, 2023 · The pkill command is similar to the pgrep command, in that it kills a process based on the process name, in addition to other qualifying factors. ) The first time, it succeeds, and the sim re-runs as expected. In general we recommend not embedding waveform probing in the SV code, as it's less flexible than using the Tcl interface. Type the following command: simvision& The "&" symbol tells the operating system to return to the console so you can continue to type commands while Simvision runs in the background. When a Specman entity is shown in the SimVision Source Browser, its extensions are accessible under “Files:” dropdown. sv" not only pops up a prompt, but also. I was using waveform values -at time signal but it was displaying one value. Jun 29, 2020 · Introduction to the core capabilities of the SimVision Debug Solution. v half_adder_tb. Dec 8, 2020 · Hello, How to invoke the Xcelium Design Browser from Command Line? As for browsing the TRN (signals recording) file, the SimVision is used. By now I know the Simvision offers a button to achieve this for one signal. This can be done via the GUI then saved to a Tcl script for reuse, or you can use the raw Tcl commands in SimVision to build the maps programmatically. shm waves -default probe -create -database waves top -all -depth all -mem -functions -tasks Best regards, Davy. They provide recommended course flows as well as tool experience and knowledge levels to guide students through a complete learning plan. Example: ncelab. You learn to utilize multiple SimVision tool windows, with specific mixed-signal debugging features. For information on the SimVision commands that you can include in an input file, see the SimVision Command Reference. 1 December 2022 (1. c Command modifiers. Note the "e" over the button. Learning Maps cover all Cadence Technologies and Enable Respond to simvision commands sent from a simulator if you want to accept commands sent to SimVision from the simulator. Cadence Verisium Debug provides a modern, fast, and comprehensive graphical and shell-based debug capability across all Cadence verification engines. SimVision menu), the scope view shows the database logical name, the top-level scope of the design hierarchy, and the relative path to the database. For explaining the commands design file assumed is - tb_spi_ifc_top. SimVision User Guide June 2009 337 Product Version 8. The SimVision simulator tool can show waveforms for Verilog code. To restore the SimVision environment at startup: If you chose to save all database names, you can restore the command script as follows: simvision -input simvision. The "e" indicates that you selected "Stop Specman" mode. My trick is "signalscan -auto. 1 March 2023 (5. sv -gui" it will recompile, but if you used separate xrun commands to compile and separately to simulate, the reinvoke will simply restart the simulation without recompiling, because SimVision doesn't know the Jun 8, 2022 · The command to open the waveform window is:-. In this course, you learn to invoke and use the SimVision Debug Environment to run and debug simulations. To send options to SimVision, for example, if you want to open other windows, issue the simvision command with the -input option. The Cadence SimVision™ Debug platform delivers waveform, schematic, and power supply network browser features to visualize and debug all aspects of power intent. Analog Mixed-Signal and Oct 30, 2020 · SimVision Debug can be used to debug digital, analog, or mixed-signal designs written in Verilog, SystemVerilog, e, VHDL, and SystemClanguages or a combination thereof. You must already have: Familiarity with the SystemC, VHDL, or Verilog languages Sep 12, 2008 · When the sim launches, it runs through the first time successfully. Course Description. which converts VCD automatically before executing the DO scripts. Question. NC Sim. Kelvin. Thanks and Regards. Password needed if accessed from off campus. In the Design Browser dialog box, select the signals that you want to observe from the Hierarchy. Jun 5, 2014 · Change the last line above to: Simvision*Font: -adobe-helvetica-medium-r-normal--18- - - - - - -*. (UserID is ee3755) Genus Command Reference Product Version 21. ncsim save waveform. vf, and Makefile. Creates work library (INCA_libs/worklib), cds. If you want to source a TCL script to execute simulator commands, such as opening a database and probing signals, you will need to pass that script to the simulator command using the-i switch. neta) Apr 25, 2004 · Howto add "all" the signals of a module into SIMVISION with tcl command? Thanks in advance. SimVision integrated debug supports signal-level and transaction-based flows across all IEEE-standard design, testbench, and assertion languages, in addition to concurrent Can these things be done in simvision after the simulation is completed 1>Capture classes in the wave database and show them in the waveform window 2>Objects and their members in the wave database 3>Follow class handle “pointers” to other objects 4>Sequence items that hits the driver Basically debug complete class based transaction system simvision <db. SimCompare is a very useful feature for comparing individual signals within the waveform window or ent Sep 30, 2021 · A command preceded by a semicolon (;) can appear on a dependency line or inference rule, whether a commands block follows or not: project. In the GUI menu there is an option under "File" called "Save Command Script " which will save all the current settings, including break points. You can get the path to the tool by "which simvision" in the command line. Otherwise, it as treated as an ncsim option. - Doug Yes, you can use the SimVision "database export" command for this. Type simvision at the command line. We will be doc direc- tory. Make sure that the Cadence tools path are set. Sep 30, 2013 · Quick introduction to some of the Assertion debug features of SimVision including basic probe commands to collect needed debug information, hyperlinked asser Use the different commands of Xcelium simulator, starting with xrun with relevant options, to invoke the simulator, along with the SimVision ™ tool GUI interface, for simulating and debugging any given design in both Single-Core and Multi-Core modes. The Design Browser dialog box appears. Viewing Transactions in the Waveform Window ncsim. This is just convenience and nothing essential. I have some specific pins and I would like to know they are getting toggled during the sim run. If managed smartly, this exercise can be cruised through using the above-mentioned commands. Command output can also be written to a log file using the "-log" option of the simvision command, although you should not see anything additional there compared to the Console window. Simulating the Design . mywave. do &". On the simulator side, the command you can use is probe -create <signal> <options>. Location. Cadence Training Services learning maps provide a comprehensive visual overview of the learning opportunities for Cadence customers. Therefore, the Xcelium tool may be used in your X-windows emulator or console window (e. 2 Preliminary Setup. The . 09-s001) Please help. Does anyone know how to control the timescale whie exporting an existing database into VCD? thanks Jan 22, 2010 · Here is the process: Step 0 – Once you are happy with your waveform setup, don’t forget the basic step of saving your mix of RTL signals and Specman fields/events using the [File] → [Save] command script menu item in SimVision. After RTL Compiler finishes, exit RTL Compiler. Click File > Open Database and click the . get ymax value for signal: tb. Earth. ----- 2. shm file and click open & dismiss. If not, first set paths by typing Cadence. or any other suitable number besides the default 12 to suit your needs. SimVision – This is the Cadence tool used to analyze the waveform. Mar 22, 2022 · For this tutorial, the results will be displayed on a console. Concepts of step-by-step delta cycle debug are explained. v, and all the commands are given in italic. 1,316. Use the following files for this tutorial: To run the Verilog program using these files, use the command: xmverilog half_adder. Aug 15, 2022 · SimVision MSのMixed Net Browserツールは、テストベンチ内のすべてのミックスネットを探し、挿入されたIEインスタンスを自動で表示します。 Mixed Netsアシスタントでタブを切り替えることにより、ミックスネットをリストまたはデザイン階層ツリーで表示すること If you compiled and ran with a single xrun command, then the SimVision menu "Simulation -> Reinvoke Simulator" does exactly what you want, it'll recompile and load the new simulation snapshot ready to re-run. tcl file at startup. Hi, I'm a newbie in NC-verilog field. SimVision™ is licensed through the Xcelium™ software. Allows you to define a macro from the command line (-F | -file | -f) <filename>-f, -file and -F: each specifies an argument file with more command-line arguments +incdir+<directory> Specifies directories to search for files included with ` include compiler directives-pslfile <filename> Jan 9, 2023 · I was working in simvision environment and I was developing to script to check whether a signal is toggling after some time. - or - Click the green "+" button in the toolbar. Modules in this Sep 30, 2013 · Quick introduction to the capabilities of SimCompare. ) Thanks. The series focuses on a number of the key debug features that support various debug fl In SimVision, bring up the source code browser and you will see that the line numbers will not be grayed out and you can double-click on the line number that you want to break on. Save this file and now invoke SimVision - you should see the font sizes increased. SimVision: Using the Waveform Window. Click on . obj : project. Generates a simulation object file referred to as a snapshot image . Look for the documentation in this path - CDS installation directory/ius/*version*/*lnx86*/doc/ It should have these directories: simviscmdref/ simvision/ simvisionKPNS/ simvision_qrg/ Learn how to use SimVision Tcl commands to perform various tasks such as opening and closing databases, adding and saving waveforms, creating and collapsing groups, and querying expression values. simvisdbutil command option 118 simvision command option 45 logic cone, tracing in Schematic Tracer 177 Logical AND, in Schematic Tracer 186. Expert Help. just in ur waveform window-->File--> save command script. Mar 31, 2015 · To pass arguments to SimVision, use the -simvisarg command-line option. Analyze and Compile. If you compiled using a separate xrun command, you might get away with re-running that manually, then in SimVision use the reinvoke as above. ncsim. svcf If you chose to prompt for database names, you restore the command script as follows: simvision -input May 8, 2013 · SimVision will immediately perform the "Stop" operation in the mode you select, and keep that mode persistent. Hope this helps! Dec 22, 2017 · You can use the "waveform hierarchy collapse <id>" command to collapse a group, where <id> is the waveform trace id returned from the "waveform add -groups" command. key. But, no, that is not good enough. You can send Tcl commands to SimVision from the Xcelium Tcl prompt, much like you tried in your 2nd trial, however the bit you missed is that Xcelium and Simvision have separate Tcl interpreters, so you need to prefix your "waveform" command with a special command to send the command over to SimVision is a unified graphical debugging environment for Cadence simulators. org Jan 9, 2020 · As title, How to dump waveform, fsdb in SimVision? (Simulation Analysis Environment SimVision(64) 18. Enter a simulation time in the Cursor Location field. no need to write scripts. i. Aug 17, 2004 · 3,689. sv as an example of a viewer Dec 21, 2012 · Quick Introduction to some of the features of the main windows (Design Browser, Source Browser, Waveform and Console windows) that users interact with on a r I expect the problem is that because the "simvision -submit" just passes the request to the simvision process, ncsim carries on executing Tcl commands before simvision even processes the request. hierarchical. The syntax is: pkill [options] [pattern] pkill options include: -n. It combines the compile, elaborate, and simulate phases together, as some users may be accustomed to doing with NC-Sim. Multiple Step mode uses the ncvlog and ncelab commands to compile and elaborate your design; Single Step mode uses the ncverilog command. Step 1 - After adding all the desired fields, signals, and events to the waveform, use the “write wave to Debugging with SimVision ™ and Textual/Batch Commands; Appendix: Introduction to Indago ™ Debug Analyzer App ; Audience. Only kill the newest of the processes that are discovered. The described commands eliminate manual work by automatically identifying required exclusions from the design hierarchy. v, tbench. Once the waveform is open, click on file and open database. How about getting SimVision to execute the file copy as well, as part of the same command? SimVision: Using the Waveform Window. just i/o ports, internal nets, assertions etc. The qverilog command compiles (vlog), optimizes (vopt), and simulates (vsim) Verilog and SystemVerilog designs in a single step. simvision &. You can use the waveform savsignals and waveform loadsignls console commands to save the signals currently displayed in the Waveform window, and restore them in another . c project. test_drink:module -input restore1. & : Helps in re-using the terminal even after the waveform window is opening. Loads snapshot images generated by NC Elaborator. Aug 13, 2014 · The profiler helps to figure out the components or the code streams that take the maximum time or memory during simulation. Design Browser The Design Browser lets you access the design hierarchy and the signals and variables in the design database. Type ‘simvision’ in the command prompt. Hi Dylan. Once the tool is invoked, a GUI as shown in fig. Over the years, profiling was more inclined toward RTL and GLS than verification. trn file. Double-click on the time in the the cursor flag, or right-click the flag and choose Set This. You can run SimVision in either of the following modes: run the command above in RTL Compiler, after the elaboration step I wrote above. Joined May 3, 2004 Messages 4 Jul 13, 2018 · I'd like to write a batch commands to count the edges/high time/low time for some signals by tcl command. Then either: Drag & drop the scope into the waveform area. Modules in this Feb 24, 2020 · tcl (Tool Command Language) [5] Xcelium with Simvision Interface 앞서 xrun 유틸리티를 통해 시뮬레이션이 어떻게 수행되는지 알았으니, 이제 시뮬레이션 후 디버깅하는 방법에 대해서 알아보겠습니다. 2Logical NOT, in Schematic Tracer 186Logical OR, in Schematic Tracer 186low threshold, rise/fall time parameter 306low value, rise CADENCE COMMAND LINE OPTIONS. lib, and nclaunch. if you compile and run in a single step: "xrun *. -all -memories -depth all the above command will problem all signals within the some. Is there a dedicated command to let's say report out those pins which are toggled during the entire simulation period (post-process)? Thanks & Regards, Shubhendu Shrivastava View full document. May 3, 2004 #2 Y. Oct 25, 2017 · Download >> Download Simvision waveform viewer user guideRead Online >> Read Online Simvision waveform viewer user guidesimvision shortcuts simvision expression calculator simvision commands simvision download simvision command language reference simvision probe command simvision wiki simvision tcl 19 Feb 2004 Analyze waveforms with SimVision. You can specify one or more command modifiers preceding a command, optionally separated by spaces or tabs. You can either type that in the irun simulator console or provide as an instruction in the . Variables in all other tasks (not automatic tasks) are saved as expected. Software Used in This Course. The program will print the results on This tutorial introduces you to some of the major features of the following SimVision tools: Console window The Console window lets you enter Tcl simulator commands or SimVision commands. stop -object port -execute { assertion -off assertion_name } -continue -silent. Dec 1, 2017 · 1 Answer. How severe could the issues be in the first place? Jun 17, 2021 · In Simvision, I see the task listed as a hierarchy member, but the internal variables are not saved. After loading your database, select the signal you want from the design browser, on the top right is the icon with waveforms click it to show the waveform for the signal you want. With Tcl, there is a "probe" command which allows you to specify the hierarchy to send to the waveform file, and at the same time you specify the types of design objects that are included, e. Natively integrated with the Cadence Verisium AI-Driven Verification Platform, it brings the power of AI to drastically cut debug time and accelerate time to market. This command also appears at the beginning of the command script. I can go to Simvision-console and click on Simulation->reinvoke simulator (this triggers an automatic rebuild of the testbench-environment, using the ‘irun’ command. , Putty). Use the Simvision help to learn how to make use of Dec 7, 2009 · Just run the simulations in batch mode and use the attach / detach feature of SimVision (“File – Open Simulation”). RTL Compiler will annote VCD into the design, and computes the switching activity and will dump it as trn file (waveform file). For example, to open a Waveform window and specify a command script for SimVision, invoke ncsim as follows: You must put the SimVision option in quotes, regardless of whether it takes an argument. Any errors from the SimVision Tcl interpreter should be displayed in the SimVision tab of the console window. e. 5 will appear: Use the different commands of Xcelium simulator, starting with xrun with relevant options, to invoke the simulator, along with the SimVision ™ tool GUI interface, for simulating and debugging any given design in both Single-Core and Multi-Core modes. (Signals of all selected scopes will be added. com Welcome to our site! EDAboard. ) - or - Right click and invoke "Send to Waveform Window". Reset and initialization verification using X-propagation helps fully ensure each power domain of the design cleanly recovers from power-down corruption schemes. You can use SimVision to debug digital, analog, or mixed-signal designs written in Verilog, SystemVerilog, VHDL, SystemC, or a combination of these languages. Right-click the selected signals and click Send to Waveform Window. When the simulation reaches this line, it will stop before executing the line of code. Look through the Makefile to find commands already written for you as targets. Right click and invoke "Select Deep". com is an international Electronics Discussion Forum focused on EDA software, circuits, schematics, books, theory, papers, asic, pld, 8051, DSP, Network, RF, Analog Design, PCB, Service Manuals and a whole lot more! I'm using IRUN for AMS simulation and I'd like to use Tcl commands (i. 3 Setup. 4. That'll write out a TCL script you can use as often as you would like. Sep 30, 2013 · Quick introduction to the Automatic Driver Trace features of SimVision including an overview of the signal tracing toolbar buttons, using those buttons to qu Hello, What are the fewest commands to add all signals in design to waveform viewer? Thanks, SysTom. For example, the following command restores a simulator connection: # SimVision Command Script (day MM dd hh:mm:ss EST yyy) # # You can restore this configuration with: # ncsim -gui worklib. Thank you for your reply. Is there a way to write commands in verilog for the SimVision environment? I mean things like probes and Parameters. When this command is disabled, SimVision ignores commands sent by the simulator. The example code simulates the behavior of a simple logic circuit, shown below. h ; cl /c project. Thanks. which is used as -input arguments of irun executive) to get expression value a certain waveform (i. Waveform window, the window scrolls in that direction. (See the SimVision command reference manual for details on this command. I am using Cadence SimVision to review the waveforms. a. </dl> For more information on the simvision command, see your simulator Help. sv file. XCELIUM2309; Software Release(s) XCELIUM2309. These waveforms help identify circuit delays and other timing issues in Verilog circuits. And then Simvision as a waveform analysis. Note that each logic gate has a delay value indicated in nanoseconds (ns). 66 MB PDF) Genus Command Reference. This tool can be run in GUI mode or batch command-line mode. tcl) and then call it with a “-i” command line option to the simulator, i. Please try the following SimVision commands Feb 9, 2015 · I am working on simulations of verilog builded digital logic and need to restart a simulation very often to see the changes. Now run Simvision: simvision POWER_EXPER_profile. How to query if a database has been opened in Simvision with tcl command? Jeff000 over 5 years ago For example, in tcl console, we can run database open nc_waves to open a database, but how if I want to achieve the following in tcl console, 1) check if there's an existing opened database; 2) if yes, close that database; 3) open another database. Creating project directory - First create a directory by any relevant name. By default, pkill sends the SIGTERM signal. Console window No icon The Console window lets you enter Tcl simulator commands or SimVision commands. The -simvisargs passes command-line switches to the simvision binary, not Tcl commands. Hierarchy gets loaded on the LHS and you can probe signals from bottom window of the LHS. Hi. When you drag a cursor beyond the edge of the. vt, tbench. g. Oct 28, 2021 · Hi Anuran. Activity points. Register window Tool: NCVerilog and SimVision (also called ncsim) 1. Is there a tcl command version for this feature? Thanks. In addition to the SimVision features, this tutorial also shows you how to prepare your design for simulation with NCLaunch, a graphical user interface that helps you manage large design projects and configure your Cadence simulation tools. You can execute the TCL script it creates from the command line, or you can bring up Simvision and use the menu commands "File -> Source Command Script". As with commands, modifiers must be > I would like to apply the command in the ade-l setup once, > ive applied other switches under Simulation->options-> ams simulator You will need to put the command into a test file (like assert. Waveform window or SimVision session. vcd -input mydo. executes. Refer to the documentation provided with the simulator under the section Simulator Tcl Commands / probe for verbose description & examples. SimVision analysis 환경은 design의 simulation을 제어하고 나열하도록 도와준다. ii. tcl The command script contains A. Cadence NC and Simvision Quick start tutorial files This tutorial uses the following files: dff. Saving and Restoring the Signal List Using Console Commands. It will also indicate the selected mode in the button icon and tooltip (see the following figure). Dec 27, 2005 · Welcome to EDAboard. In the example shown below, it is called 'tut_65nm' as it is a tutorial designed for automation at 65nm. Re: NCSim signal loading. Prerequisites. Hardware, software, or verification designers who are already familiar with SystemC, VHDL, and Verilog. Could you please let me know if there are TCL command in the simvision console. Unified linker / elaborator for Verilog, VHDL, and SystemC libraries. AI Homework Help. Originally posted in cdnusers. v. If you were in the middle of your "run 4 ns" and the port changed Jan 3, 2013 · Quick introduction to the functionality of the Source Browser window including the toolbars, setting breakpoints, single stepping, searching and sending obje Sep 29, 2023 · Genus User Guide Product Version 21. SimVision executes the commands in only the first file that it finds However you from EE 577 at University of Southern California. (Had you chosen Stop Simulation, no indicator Dec 22, 2023 · In the coverage closure phase, coverage exclusion is time consuming, tedious, and iterative process. May 10, 2021 · Then the way to suppess the error, thus having a workaround to make the simulation run, is by using the proposed command in the Simvision Console window: set rangecnst_severity_level ignore. bw ng dd mv xk mh ru ga gq xh